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Jim Harris

One of the foremost management consultants, public speakers, authors and thinkers on change and leadership

John Sileo

John Sileo

John specializes in the human element of cyber security and uses humor, audience interaction and cutting-edge research to keep his message relevant and entertaining. The movie “Identity Thief” starring Melissa McCartney and Jason Bateman is based on his story.

Kevin Surace

Kevin Surace is one of the leading innovators in Silicon Valley

Eric Termuende

Eric Termuende is Preparing Leaders for Whatever the Future of Work May Bring

Daniel Burrus

Daniel Burrus

Daniel Burrus is considered one of the World’s Leading Futurists on Global Trends and Innovation. The New York Times has referred to him as one of the top three business gurus in the highest demand as a speaker.

Erica Dhawan

Leading Authority on 21st Century Teamwork, Collaboration, and Innovation

Daniel Newman

Daniel Newman

How to be successful in the age of rapid technological change

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