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Daniel Burrus

Daniel Burrus

Daniel Burrus is considered one of the World’s Leading Futurists on Global Trends and Innovation. The New York Times has referred to him as one of the top three business gurus in the highest demand as a speaker.

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Technology Futurist and Business Strategist

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Daniel Burrus is considered one of the World’s Leading Futurists on Global Trends and Innovation. The New York Times has referred to him as one of the top three business gurus in the highest demand as a speaker.

He has delivered over 2,800 keynote speeches worldwide, and is a strategic advisor to executives from Fortune 500 companies, helping them to develop game-changing strategies based on his proven methodologies for capitalizing on technology innovations and their future impact. His client list includes companies such as Microsoft, GE, American Express, Google, Deloitte, Procter & Gamble, Honda, and IBM.

Burrus is also a featured writer with millions of monthly readers on the topics of innovation, change and the future for CNBC, Huffington Post, and Wired Magazine to name a few.

He has been the featured subject of several PBS television specials and has appeared on programs such as CNN, Fox Business, and Bloomberg, and is quoted in a variety of publications, including Harvard Business Review, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Fortune, and Forbes.

Burrus is an innovative entrepreneur who has founded six businesses, four of which were national leaders in the United States in the first year. He is the CEO of Burrus Research, a research and consulting firm that monitors global advancements in technology driven trends to help clients profit from technological, social and business forces that are converging to create enormous, untapped opportunities.

His accurate predictions date back to the early 1980s where he became the first and only futurist to accurately identify the twenty technologies that would become the driving force of business and economic change for decades to come. Since then, he has continued to establish a worldwide reputation for his exceptional record of predicting the future of technology driven change and its direct impact on the business world.

Future-Proofing Your Business: Strategies for Thriving in an AI-Driven World

With the introduction of ChatGPT by OpenAI, and all of the other major players jumping on the AI bandwagon, hundreds of new AI empowered tools are now available that have the power to transform the way we live, work, and play. It’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to adapt and embrace these new tool sets with an anticipatory mindset to stay both relevant and competitive. In this speech, Daniel Burrus will explore the opportunities and challenges that AI presents for businesses and discuss practical strategies for future-proofing your organization in an AI-driven world.

As a strategic advisor to both the military and leading companies on AI, Daniel will examine the current state of AI technology and its potential impact on various industries, from healthcare and finance to retail and manufacturing. He will discuss the key drivers of AI adoption, such as improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing customer experiences.

KEY TAKEWAYS: (Customized for Each Audience)

In this eye-opening and highly motivating presentation by one of the world’s leading global futurists, disruptive innovation experts, and serial entrepreneurs, New York Times bestselling author of seven books Daniel Burrus will provide specific strategies and tools for incorporating AI into your business.

In addition, Burrus will use industry examples to teach attendees how to identify the Hard Trends based on future facts that will happen and how to use those certainties, and the game-changing opportunities they provide, to turn disruption and change into opportunity and advantage.

Using Burrus’ mastery of storytelling to illustrate examples, deliverables include:

· How to harness new AI tools to lower costs, increase speed and accelerate growth.

· Strategies for incorporating AI into your business operations, such as automating repetitive tasks and using AI-powered analytics for decision-making to name a few.

· Understanding the importance of investing in employee training and development to ensure your workforce is equipped to work alongside AI technologies.

· Emphasis on the importance of maintaining a customer-centric approach and how AI can help businesses to better understand customer needs and preferences.

· How to use the certainty that comes from Hard Trends to accelerate both Everyday Innovation and Exponential Innovation with much lower risk.

· A deeper understanding of the potential impact of AI on your business and practical strategies to leverage this technology to future-proof your organization.

Harnessing AI For Your Organization: How Artificial Intelligence Can Drive Innovation and Growth

The use of Artificial Intelligence is not new, but it has recently gone from an evolutionary state to a revolutionary state with the explosion of new Generative AI tools. As this world becomes increasingly digital, incorporating Generative AI into your business strategy is critical to lowering costs as well as driving innovation and fueling growth. In this keynote presentation, Daniel Burrus will share AI tools and strategies that can be used to lower costs, increase speed, and drive new levels of innovation and growth. In addition, he will share what not to do with Generative AI tools in order to protect your digital, and real-world assets.

As a strategic advisor to both the military and leading companies on AI, Daniel will examine the current state of AI technology and its potential to free up human resources to focus on higher-value activities to accelerate innovation and growth. He will share a wide variety of examples of how businesses are using AI, and how audience members can benefit both today and tomorrow.

KEY TAKEWAYS: (Customized for Each Audience)

In this eye-opening and highly motivating presentation by one of the world’s leading global futurists, disruptive innovation experts, and serial entrepreneurs, New York Times bestselling author of seven books, Daniel Burrus will provide specific strategies and tools for incorporating AI into your business.

In addition, Burrus will use industry examples to teach attendees how to identify the Hard Trends based on future facts that will happen and how to use those certainties, and the game-changing opportunities they provide, to turn disruption and change into opportunity and advantage.

Using Burrus’ mastery of storytelling to illustrate examples, deliverables include:

· How to harness new AI tools to lower costs, increase speed and accelerate growth.

· The potential benefits AI can bring to your business and what to consider when optimizing your operations.

· Valuable insights AI can provide in analyzing customer behavior and market trends.

· How to use AI to gain insights into your business, customers, and industry.

· Strategies for incorporating AI into your business operations, such as automating repetitive tasks and using AI-powered analytics for decision-making to name a few.

· How to use the certainty that comes from Hard Trends to accelerate both Everyday Innovation and Exponential Innovation with much lower risk.

· The ethical implications of AI and considerations in ensuring you are using this technology effectively and responsibly.

Unlocking the Power of AI: A Strategic Approach to Harnessing AI in your business

Unlock the Power of AI and take your business to the next level with this strategy session.

Assess your current processes and identify areas where AI can have the most impact, whether it’s improving efficiency, enhancing customer experiences, or enabling better decision-making. Discover and predict the potential risks and challenges of implementing AI and develop strategies for mitigating these risks.

We consider your organization’s unique needs, goals, and resources. We provide guidance on selecting the right AI tools, managing data effectively, and integrating AI with existing products and services.

Our interactive approach ensures that your team is fully engaged in the planning process and that everyone’s perspectives are considered. By the end of this session, you will be equipped with a comprehensive understanding of the advantages and potential hurdles of integrating AI into your business operations.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your business to the next level.

Please contact us to see testimonials.
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