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Dr. Rob Murray

Deepening Relationships, Strengthening Leadership and Making Life More Meaningful.

Cam F. Awesome

Helping audiences build resilience, overcome failure, and unlock their hidden strengths.

Jess Ekstrom

Jess Ekstrom is on a mission to help people train their growth mindset so they can expand their presence and achieve influence.

Quinn Conyers

Emcee Extraordinaire and your secret sauce to ensuring your audience members rave about your event and commit to returning, year after year.

Chris Rollins

Founder of QueeHR, a global online community of over 700 LGBTQ+ and ally changemakers in the HR, DEI and People space. Develops Ripple Effect Leaders who create more inclusive, high-trust, human-centered workforces that move forward faster

Marc Koehler

With over 35 years of battle-tested experience in Elite Leadership as both a U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarine Officer and turnaround around CEO, he’s a proven Elite Leadership Expert with deep understand and knowledge to impart

Zack Kass

One of the brightest and experienced minds bridging practical applications for AI in the world today.

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