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Seth Mattison

With his finger on the pulse of the changing nature of work and leadership, Seth Mattison blends storytelling from his own personal experience working with category-leading brands with cutting-edge research to develop fresh perspectives on the issues most relevant for organizations to thrive today.

Topic Categories:

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  • Workforce Strategist and Management Trendspotter
  • Author of The War at Work
  • Editors’ Pick for Favorite Speakers by MeetingsNet

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

With his finger on the pulse of the changing nature of work and leadership, Seth Mattison blends storytelling from his own personal experience working with category-leading brands with cutting-edge research to develop fresh perspectives on the issues most relevant for organizations to thrive today.

Seth is an internationally recognized thought leader, author, advisor, and top- rated keynote speaker on talent management, high-performance cultures, leadership, and the Future of Work.

His research, case studies, and thought leadership focus on inspiring audiences, while sharing actionable strategies to support individuals and organizations in their pursuit to be future-ready.

For almost two decades, Seth has shared his insights with tens of thousands of business leaders around the globe for many of the world’s most recognizable brands including Mastercard, Johnson & Johnson, IBM, The Dallas Cowboys, AT&T, PepsiCo, GE Energy, E&Y, Caterpillar, and The Walt Disney Company, to name a few.

In addition to speaking, Seth is the founder and CEO of FutureSight Labs, an org design and transformation firm that supports many of the world’s most inspiring leaders by helping prepare themselves and their organizations for the Future of Work through research, training, advising, coaching, digital tools, and thought leadership.

Made With Love: The Key Ingredient to Unlocking Competitive Advantage

In a world where societal disconnection, business uniformity, and AI-induced role uncertainty converge, we face a profound crisis: individuals feel isolated and purposeless, brands grapple to differentiate and stand out, and professionals fear the diminishing essence of their work and identity.

In the wake of these changes a new strategy emerges for humans and organizations to thrive by embracing our most unique and powerful human asset – love. Not romantic love, but love as an energetic force of creation, the innate desire to build, create, express, and innovate. To put love to work by creating brands, products, and experiences that deeply resonate with customers and employees.

Through captivating stories and actionable insights, we delve into a profound realization shared by high-performing groups: love is more than a feeling; it’s a tactical advantage. This isn’t about finding work you love; it’s about infusing love into the work you do, leveraging it as a force of innovation, a nurturing tool for expansion, and a guiding principle for decision-making.

Key Takeaways

  1. Embracing Love Strategically: Learn to put love to work as a creative and strategic asset in your organization.
  2. Innovating with Passion: Discover how infusing love into work can unlock creativity and resonate with customers and employees.
  3. Differentiating Brands with Love: Leverage love to make your brand stand out and create meaningful customer experiences.
  4. Decision-Making through Love: Apply a love-centric approach to enhance empathy and compassion in strategic choices.
Obsession: Building a Business and a Brand People Love

In a world where ‘good’ is no longer good enough, the magic happens when brands crack the code on going from being liked, to being loved, from being a choice to an obsession. This isn’t just business as usual; it’s about creating movements and crafting legacies where brands don’t just exist in the market, they live in the hearts of customers.

The journey is about making every transaction a story of transformation, kindling a fire of loyalty and passion in your audience by reflecting their innermost desires and values through your brand. Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword here; it’s the linchpin of this strategy, making each interaction not just memorable but transformative. The goal is to elevate your brand from a mere option in the marketplace to a symbol of devotion and obsession, resonating deeply and meaningfully with those it serves.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Elevating Brand Experience: Transform your brand from just another option to an essential part of customers’ lives. It’s about creating experiences that resonate deeply, turning customers into passionate advocates.
  1. Crafting Transformative Stories: Make every interaction a story of transformation. It’s about connecting your brand’s narrative with your customers’ desires and values, creating a powerful emotional bond.
  1. Fostering Authentic Connections: Build authenticity into every aspect of your brand. Genuine, heartfelt engagements are key to moving from mere transactions to memorable, transformative experiences.
  1. Igniting Customer Passion: Kindle a fire of loyalty and devotion in your audience. Aim to reflect and amplify their innermost desires through your brand, making it a symbol of their own values and aspirations.
Teams on Fire: Igniting High Performance Cultures

In a world of rapid transformation, hyper competition, and a labor market tighter than ever, leaders today face the difficult task of not only attracting and retaining great people but enabling those individuals to perform at their highest potential in and across teams.

But what sets apart the highly successful, resilient, and agile teams from the rest? Surprisingly, it’s not about individual team member’s skills, competencies or even potential. The secret to enabling high performance lies in leadership’s ability to foster the routines, rituals and habits that unlock connection, trust, belief, standards of excellence, and a compelling vision of the future.

Backed by two decades of research on the future of work, leadership and teams, this program will unpack the key drivers needed to help leaders create exceptional teams capable of delivery results and committed to the customer, the mission and each other.

Attendees will gain:

Insight on the new state of talent.

Actions for attracting and retaining top talent.

Strategies for unlocking connection and greater collaboration.

Perspective on the key drivers of high-performance.

The Heart of Leadership: Charting a New Course in a Changed World

In a world that’s rapidly evolving, understanding how to navigate the new landscape is crucial. We’re all aware of the change, but the real task is developing a future-ready strategy that’s attuned to the shifting expectations of customers and employees. This is an era calling for a shift in leadership focus – placing people and their needs at the forefront.

Traditional leadership models are becoming outdated amidst these changes. What’s needed now is a leadership style that’s as dynamic and adaptable as the environment we operate in. This new paradigm of leadership is about more than just management; it’s about forging genuine human connections, aligning teams around a shared vision, and cultivating a workplace where every individual is acknowledged and valued.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding Emotional Intelligence is Key: Learn how to ditch the old playbook and embrace emotional intelligence. It’s about listening, really listening, to your team and understanding what makes them tick.
  2. Unlocking Fearless Freedom: When we create environments where people feel free to take shots, make mistakes, speak up, step back, and lean in, we unlock next level performance.
  3. Recognizing Empowerment is the New Control: Discover how letting go is the new holding on. Empower your team to take the reins, make decisions, and drive outcomes. It’s about trust, and it’s about time.
  4. Embracing Authenticity Above All: Learn how to lead with authenticity. Cut the corporate speak and connect with your team as real people. It’s about building trust, fostering genuine connections, and creating a culture where everyone can thrive.
All of Seth's sessions are CUSTOMIZED after a detailed research call prior to the event.

Seth delivers presentations with specific take-away value that will help organizations:

• Harness the power and perspective of their top talent
• Tap into the hidden brainpower throughout the entire organization
• Establish an ongoing system to nurture and harvest the best ideas
• Learn how to adapt more quickly and proactively to changes in the marketplace
• Foster a culture of stewardship of careers, capabilities, resources, the environment, and values

"From the start, Seth showed a real interest and energy in our firm, our strategy, our vision and understanding our culture. Seth did his homework, had fantastic calls with leadership to prep and delivered a high energy, engaging keynote for our Partners. He left our leaders with some amazing takeaways on key leadership skills of the future, activating a high-performance culture and engaging the workforce..."
Guardian Life Insurance
“Seth kicked off our sales and client management conference with a compelling call for change and tactical strategies for us to more effectively engage our clients of the future. He set the tone for the entire conference.”
Crawford Contractor Connection
"Seth was dynamic and brought big energy, customized content, and actionable insight to our network of leaders to help them effectively prepare for the future. His detailed preparation in understanding what we do, connected him with the audience and helped provide engagement leading to a high level of energy and excitement."
"After a discussion with a few senior team members, he aligned his content to just what was on our members minds using fun and creative slides to support his messages and unique perspectives our sales trainers could immediately implement with their teams."
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