Dan Clark

Hall of Fame Speaker, NY Times Best Selling Author and Master Motivator will teach you how to transform Success into Significance. Expert in Leadership, Team Building and Peak Performance and Safety.
Topic Categories:
- Business, Communication, Customer Service, Human Resources, Inspirational, Leadership, Management, Mindfulness/Happiness, Motivational, Overcoming Adversity, Resilience, Safety, Sales, Teamwork, TED, Virtual Presentations
Fee Range: Contact Speaker Exchange Agency
- Hall of Fame Speaker
- New York Times Bestselling Author
- High Performance Strategist
- Life Coach
- Utah Father of the Year
*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.
Dan Clark leads the charge on attracting, motivating and retaining the best employees. His keynote speeches show how successful people start by visualizing the end and that significant people begin with asking why.
He focuses on transformational training and has a three-step process that will take your personal growth and professional development to a level higher than before.
ART standings for increasing awareness, refining who you are and creating a transformational experience to create a culture of success.
He adds his personal stories of incredible once-in-a-lifetime personal experiences of soaring to the edge of space in a U2 spy plane, flying twice the speed of sound with the Air Force Thunderbirds, racing automobiles at Nurburgring, running the Olympic Torch in the 2002 Winter Games to his presentations that captivate audiences. He also talks about a football injury that left him paralyzed. His intense journey to recovery was pinnacle in defining his roadmap for success and becoming an expert in resiliency.
Dan is a master storyteller and always combines your meeting theme with his quick wit, proven processes and inspirational tales to deliver an entertaining, thought provoking, and emotionally stirring experience.
Audiences leave with a clearer sense of purpose and a desire to do more. They will have the tools to move to the next level.
Dan is a Hall of Fame professional speaker and 30-year veteran in the speaking business. He is an expert in the generational differences between the Millennials, GenXers and Baby Boomers.
Every Culture is created by the Highest Expectation that the leader lives by and the lowest behavior the leader is willing to tolerate. – Dan Clark
Everybody needs a Mentor! Accelerate your journey with Dan Clark, a mentor, and guide with a proven track record of growing individuals and organizations to higher levels of execution and performance. Gain unique wisdom and time-tested solutions from someone dedicated to achieving cultural excellence.
Discover the extraordinary Power of Perspective Leadership with Dan Clark, an esteemed expert in the field. With a diverse background as a multi-sport champion, education in psychology, and real-world business acumen, Dan’s proven 3-Step Process guarantees to elevate your company’s culture.
Equip your team with the knowledge and skills to:
– Expand Core Beliefs through Mentorship and Big-Picture Thinking.
– Elevate Expectations through Adaptability and Emotional Intelligence.
– Empower Behavior through Cultural Awareness and Inclusive Teamwork.
Experience Dan’s transformative keynote speeches. Gain invaluable insights to revolutionize your organizational culture and unlock new levels of success. Propel your team to greatness!
Ready to take your team to the next level?
Discover the mind-shift of Perspective Leadership as Dan revitalizes your company’s culture, achieving success. Unleash the potential of your executives, employees, and sales teams, elevating productivity and gaining a competitive edge.
“People don’t buy what we sell – They buy what we believe – They buy our story.” – DAN CLARK
Unleash the power of storytelling and elevate your communication skills with Dan Clark, a renowned expert in the field of story selling. Embark on an exclusive experience to be guided by Dan, a Hall of Fame Speaker, New York Times Best Selling Author, and one of the Top Ten Motivational Speakers in the World.
With his expertise as a speech writer and media coach to the stars, Dan Clark will immerse you in an intensive, hands-on journey that guarantees to enhance your organizations leadership, speaking prowess, influence, and closing abilities through the art of story selling.
- Uncover experiences and life lessons that deeply resonate with your target audience, forging genuine connections and driving increased sales.
- Craft compelling signature stories that seamlessly blend humor, emotion, and authenticity, captivating customers, inspiring action, and generating substantial revenue.
- Develop masterful storytelling skills, strategically sequencing and timing your narratives for maximum impact and persuasion.
- Implement the eight essential elements for crafting speeches and presentations that captivate listeners, boost productivity, and yield exceptional results.
- Enhance your ability to effectively communicate ideas, establishing meaningful connections that motivate clients, teams, and stakeholders.
Join professionals worldwide who are currently learning from Dan Clark, a true expert in the field, to unlock the transformative power of storytelling. Take your sales, productivity, and bottom-line performance to unprecedented levels. Seize this exclusive opportunity and propel your organizations success to new heights under Dan’s expert guidance.
What Would Happen To You And Your Organization If You Could Achieve A Level Beyond Success?
In this most popular keynote, Dan uses his anecdotes, hilarious wit, and famous stories from Chicken Soup for the Soul, tells his inspiring story of playing American football for thirteen years until a paralyzing injury cut short his career, and shares his ‘high flight’ to the edge of space in a U2 Spy plane, to customize his speech around your meeting theme while focusing on Self-Mastery, Redefining What’s Possible, and Making Winning Personal.
Using A.R.T. as his three-step formula, Dan teaches his proven process for breaking through our limiting beliefs:
• AWARENESS of what they know
Dan teaches: Successful people get what they think they want, believing they are paid by the hour. Significant individuals want what they get knowing they are paid for the value they bring to that hour.
• REFINEMENT of what we should do
Dan teaches: Once we identify our personal why, and our why is bigger than our why not, figuring out the ‘how-to’ becomes clear and simple.
• TRANSFORMATION into who they need to be
Dan teaches: How to motivate ourselves, think bigger, compete on a higher scale, and leave a legacy of service before self, knowing the goal is not to live forever, but to be part of something larger than ourselves that will.
• We become the average of the five people we associate with the most, and attract what we believe we deserve.
• Great is not always good enough, and best is only relevant depending on what we compare it against.
• How to access inner strength when faced with fear, obstacles, and crucial conversations, so we’re immunized from being a victim of other people’s actions.
Your People Will Improve Their Performance – Not Because It’s Expected By Others, But Because It’s Demanded Of Themselves!
What If You Could Network At The Highest Levels, Influence The Affluent, And Create Opportunity Where None Seems To Exist?
Because the definition of sales is the transference of trust – the sale doesn’t begin until the prospect says ‘no’ – and 85% of sales are made between the 5th and 12th sales calls, Dan teaches how to convert your prospect’s ‘needs’ into ‘wants,’ and their ‘why’ into ‘how’ – so they choose you, not just somebody who does what you do.
Using A.R.T. as his three-step formula, Dan guides your people through:
• AWARENESS of what they know
Dan teaches: How to increase frequency of feedback, so your people
will eliminate complacency, increase discipline, and perservere
because they find value in taking one more step towards turning
the sales process into a closing presentation.
• REFINEMENT of what we should do
Dan teaches: How your people can accelerate their opportunities
for leadership roles and pay raises by polishing their Performance,
cultivating their Image, and managing their Exposure to the internal and
external customers who can further their career.
• TRANSFORMATION into who they need to be
Dan teaches: Powerful, actionable strategies your people can
immediately implement to gain the competitive advantage by doing
what their competition is not willing to do!
• People don’t buy what you sell – they buy why you sell it.
• Following a time-tested sales system raises your closing rate to 93%.
When you don’t follow the proven process it defaults to 42%.
Wealth Flows Through You – Not To You. You Can Get Anything In Life You Want, When You Help Enough Other People Get What They Want!
Are You A Leader Worth Following?
Successful leaders begin with the ‘end in mind,’ forcing them to focus on a destination that’s impressive, trying to manage people, and rewarding results. Significant leaders begin with the ‘why in mind,’ allowing them to focus on the journey that’s important, manage expectations, and reward effort.
Therefore, Dan teaches you can’t coach results – you can only coach behavior, which is created through a combination of attitude, belief, expectations, spaced repetition and practice to be brilliant at the basics, knowing:
Your first goal is to make sure your purpose is what you say it is, your influence is what you need it to be, so leadership is automatic – regardless of the title or not.
Using A.R.T. as his three-step formula, Dan guides your people through:
• AWARENESS of what they know
Dan teaches: The mindset/behavior differences between Managers who ‘find’ themselves, have subordinates, and focus on short-term profits; and Leaders who ‘create’ themselves, have followers, and focus on long-term objectives.
• REFINEMENT of what we should do
Dan teaches: Managers are obsessed with position, power, politics, and perks – Leaders are motivated by purposes, values, morals, and ethics.
• TRANSFORMATION into who they need to be
Dan teaches: Why and how Managers create and maintain a small, exclusive inner ‘circle of safety,’ where they willingly sacrifice others for the benefit of themselves – and why and how Leaders create and maintain a large, all-inclusive ‘circle of safety,’ where they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others.
• You must learn to lead and follow in every situation and know how to teach others to do the same so you create a team of leaders, not just a group of followers.
Don’t Just Practice What you Preach, Preach Only What you Practice.
Is Your Bar High Enough?
Dan draws on his thirteen years as an American football player, his six years coaching championship teams, and his work with many of the National Football League organizations to deliver his unique playbook strategies for developing ‘I’ players who make winning personal. Dan teaches there is no “I” in team, but there are two “I’s” in WINNING. Teams that win have the most ‘I’ players on them who understand:
• Losing hurts worse than winning feels good.
• FAMILY means: ‘Forget About Me I Love You’
• The significant don’t just want to win – they refuse to lose, sustaining intensity knowing there is nothing more insignificant than the half time score!
Using A.R.T. as an acronym, Dan takes your people on a three-step journey through the TEN COMMITMENTS TO BUILDING A WINNING TEAM:
• AWARENESS of what they know
Dan teaches: The first ‘I’ in winning represents Independent individual preparation – refusing to be the ‘weak link’ with a commitment to the first three ‘C’ commitments: Clarity, Character, and Competence – Illustrated with Dan’s famous ‘Broomstick’ test on how to raise your bar, exceed expectations and reach your full potential.
• REFINEMENT of what we should do
Dan teaches: The next three ‘C’ commitments: Consistency, Competitiveness, and Cause inspiring your people to be self motivated and reminding them that it’s what they do when the coach (manager/leader) is not around that makes them champions.
• TRANSFORMATION into who they need to be
Dan teaches: The final four ‘C’ commitments: Chemistry Contribution, Collaboration, and Conclusion turning ME to WE so individual internal expectations are aligned with external organizational accountability.
• The steps required to strengthen your ‘weak links,’ attract and retain the necessary elite ‘I’ players (employees) to turn an inconsistent, losing ‘group’ into a high performing team.
You Don’t Win The Game On Game Day!
Have You Ever Wondered What Would Happen If You Stopped Making Safety About Safety?
Dan’s unique and powerful approach to safety has positioned him as one of the most in-demand speakers in the world for company ‘Safety Days’ and Association Safety Conferences. Known for his quick wit, unconventional examples of what happens when we lose concentration, get distracted, become complacent and selectively obey, Dan reiterates how safety is the common thread that deeply connects ownership and management with labor.
• It’s better to prepare and prevent than repair and repent!
• Shortcuts cut life short!
• Safety is not a department- it’s a way of life.
• Safety is an inexpensive and effective insurance policy that is priceless.
• The formula for staying focused, increasing concentration, and being consistent.
• The Art of Influencing your ‘band of brothers and sisters’ to police themselves.
• Safety is about Trust, Respect, Love, Obedience and Self Discipline.
Want to bring Dan Clark to your next event? Please tell us a little about your event, and we will get back to you shortly!