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Mark DeVolder

Recognized as one of today’s original thinkers and motivators on transitions

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• Global Thought Leader on Change, Transitions and Pivot
• Award-Winning Speaker- Top 10 in Change Management
• International Consultant in Business Transformation
• Author, business blogger on Change, Leadership, Engagement and Resilience

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

Dr. Mark DeVolder is a Global Change Management Expert, Transition & Transformation Thought-Leader and Award Winning Speaker. With a vast client list, Mark has spoken in over 25 countries on 5 continents to many of the world’s industry-leading companies. His insights and strategies show leaders how to navigate the transitions of disruption. As a pioneer in the field, mark launched a new way to navigate change, empowering leaders to move confidently through change. Highlights include:

• Coaching NASA rocket scientists to re-invent themselves;

• Guiding healthcare professionals through multi-billion dollar mergers;

• Transitioning to a safety-first culture in oil industries.

Mark’s client list is extensive and diverse, covering many sectors including: Royal Bank of Canada, McDonald’s, US Air Force, Qatar Petroleum, PepsiCo Europe, Medtronic, GE, Charles Schwab, Marriott, Siemens, and many more.

Partnering with his clients gives Mark a laser-focused view into disruptions that are occurring in every industry and organization; With that insight and customized research, Dr. Mark teaches the unique strategy of Empowered Change™, equipping leaders to adapt to and embrace their greatest challenges, trends and opportunities, such as mergers, organizational restructure, digital transformation and market disruptions.

As a researcher, consultant and author, Mark has written the multi-disciplinary book on managing change, Perpetual Pivot: How the Best Leaders Adapt to Exponential Change.

Mark DeVolder is an award-winning speaker and recipient of the Top 10 Speaker Award in Change Management four years running. Mark is known for his highly engaging presentations: contagious energy, on-target customization, strong actionable takeaways and captivating audience interaction.

Future Proof: Navigating Change with Confidence and Excitement

Imagine a new way to change: unhurried, composed, and confident instead of the usual frenzy, chaos, and uncertainty. The Empowered Change strategy presented in this high-impact keynote equips participants to transform the pace of change and drive sustainable success by providing a clear roadmap for navigating the stages of change.

This program is perfect for leaders and teams in the midst of constant change who are:

  • Going through organizational growth, such as mergers and acquisitions, leadership changes, restructuring, and digital transformation
  • Navigating their team members’ reactions to the volatility, complexity, and ambiguity in their work and life (like frustration, anxiety, confusion, and fear)
  • Feeling unprepared for their evolving roles and responsibilities or unable to change at the rate and pace needed to keep up with ever-increasing changes

After this intensely practical session, the audience will leave with:

  • A Journey-map framework for understanding any change they experience
  • A personal plan for confidently navigating the transitions between each stage of change
  • The skills and mindset for boldly mobilizing through disruptive change to accomplish their objectives
Harnessing the Hurricane: Adapting Faster to Extreme Change

Change is constant, unpredictable and accelerating. Extreme change can – much like a hurricane – leave you dizzy, dazed and disoriented, as though the earth is moving under your feet. Even if you survive the storm, you know more is coming.

Change expert Dr. Mark DeVolder throws a lifeline to you and your team with tools and strategies he’s developed to clear away the fog. You will learn how to rewire your brain to bounce through adversity, overcome obstacles and reinvent yourself. Mark’s cutting-edge principles will enable you to adapt boldly, nimbly and quickly in midst of constant change.

During Mark’s high-octane presentation, you will learn how to:
• overcome change-paralysis and get mobilized through transitions
• develop change-ready thinking and behaviours
• overcome decision-quicksand, making smart-decisions, fast
• repeat the cycle of success with the unstoppable power of resilience

Unstoppable Resilience: Developing the Mindset of a Champion

Why doesn’t the fastest runner always win the race? Or why doesn’t the smartest person always get the best job? Because it’s not always the ones who “start out the smartest who end up smartest.” (Dweck) It takes more than natural speed, intelligence or ability to be a champion. It takes resilience. But resilience is not just for the elite with an Olympic gold around their neck. Resilience can be learned.

Mark shows leaders how to increase their grit, passion and purpose by developing the mindset of a champion. Mark’s best practices will help you cultivate determination, increase resilience and conquer adversity.

You will learn how to:
• create a winning mindset of self-belief and unlimited potential
• increase innovation and engagement through constructive nonconformity
• expand tenacity and decision-making instinct
• repeat and sustain the cycle of success

On Fire! Energized Together, Everyone, Every Day

We live in a VUCA world: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. It’s not surprising that leaders who survive, thrive and deliver in business today have one trait in common; they are resilient. But resilience is not just for a few; it can be learned.

Mark shares how to rewire your brain and increase neuroplasticity to spring through adversity, overcome obstacles and reinvent yourself. He reveals success strategies that enable you to adapt boldly, nimbly and quickly in midst of constant change.

When individuals lose their spark, organizations lose their fire. This predicament has a devastating effect on productivity, profitability and company reputation

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Mark’s test-driven model of engagement equips people to identify the causes of “flame out” and recognize behaviours and leadership decisions that act as a fire extinguisher.

Mark kindles the process through the pillars of engagement: clarity, competence, influence and appreciation. As relationships strengthen, trust burns brightly.

Mark shows leaders how to:

  • identify behaviors to increase engagement
  • re-ignite employee’s passion for teamwork, communication and innovation
  • build a culture of trust, loyalty and appreciation
  • accelerate performance and productivity

Recharge your team with Mark DeVolder’s industry-tested program. Get your employees and organization on fire.

Getting to Target Zero: Engaging High-Performance Safety

Hazards and obstacles abound in the fast and frenzied pace of business today. In the rush to stay competitive, people are increasingly tempted to take short cuts and sacrifice safety.

The most common barrier, however, is actually change itself. Some employees feel paralyzed by change, and when they feel paralyzed, they disengage. Without the ability or capacity to change, accidents can happen.

Mark DeVolder’s proven transition model enables people to accept new practices and let go of the unsafe past. As people become Change Ready their level of engagement rises. DeVolder supports this progression with his easy to apply strategy increase clarity, competence, influence and appreciation.

During Mark’s high-performance presentation, you will learn how to:

  • get change-right and change-ready
  • defy change paralysis through Mark’s mobilized for safety approach
  • significantly reduce risk of accidents and liability
  • identify behaviours that enhance engagement
  • implement strategies to increase productivity, motivation and safety

Empower your employees to achieve “target zero.”

Qatar Petroleum
“Dr. DeVolder, a huge part of the success of the event belongs to you.”
Trane/Ingersoll Rand
“Our team was so pumped about our time with Mark. He helped everyone realize that change management is at the key to our success and that everyone of us has to step up to the challenge immediately.”
UNIFY Financial Credit Union
“Mark was energetic, entertaining, professional, and relevant. No surprise the feedback from our employees after the event, was superior…..they loved him. Months later, we are still using the tools and skills he taught us that day.”
Estonian Human Resource Management Association
“Mark DeVolder was fun, brilliant, charismatic, refreshing and truly inspiring.”
NASA, Spaceport Operations
“Mark gave us tools to soar higher.”
"Mark was fantastic!"
"Thought-provoking and dynamic. Moving and powerful. Remarkable energy. Mark was inspiring and kept the audience charged.”
Oman Air
"Dr. Mark DeVolder has tremendous charisma and made his message so powerful that we will all benefit from it!”
Virtual testimonials
“Mark kept us glued to our screen, very entertaining and interactive, a true artist!” Marketing Director, Hilti “Mark’s virtual keynote energized the audience and he provided us with tools to apply to our organization.” Professional Engineers Ontario “Mark’s virtual presentation was so refreshing and timely with such great take-aways.” Nutrition Science Adviser, Abbott Laboratories “Mark’s presentation was such a breath of fresh air! An incredible delivery! The mark of a professional! I’ll be going over my notes carefully this week and reflecting deeply on Mark’s words. Advisor/Principal, Plan It Financial Corp
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