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Brian Parsley

Knows what it takes to create environments that increase revenue while keeping employees and customers loyal

Marilyn Sherman

Marilyn Sherman

Motivating and inspiring audiences to get out of their comfort zone and get a front-row seat in life

Sebastian Terry

Sebastian Terry

Sebastian’s incredible story has grown from an entertaining tale of adventure into a global philanthropic movement

Jon Petz

Jon Petz

As a motivational speaker, event or conference emcee or business magician, he engages and energizes the crowd

Lindsey Roy

Turn life’s biggest challenges into your greatest opportunities.

Richard Madow

Dr. Richard Madow

Dr. Madow keeps crowds entertained as they learn easy to utilize ways to improve their lives

Terri Sjodin

Terri Sjodin

Terri is a “high content” speaker – Her approach is fresh, real-world, and her style is sassy and practical

Eric Maddox

Eric Maddox

The Interrogator Behind Saddam Hussein’s Capture

Scott Burrows

Scott Burrows

Scott brings the concepts of Vision, Mindset and Grit to life using his life-changing story. Three powerful words when put into action will help you Stand Up to Any Challenge. 

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