Steve Gilliland

His philosophy is “if you take care of people, the business will follow”
Topic Categories:
Fee Range: Contact Speaker Exchange Agency
- Entertaining
- Inspiring
- Real
*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.
The Speaker
A member of the Speaker Hall of Fame, Steve Gilliland is one of the most in-demand and top-rated speakers in the world. Recognized by his peers as a master storyteller and brilliant comedian, he can be heard daily alongside Jeff Foxworthy and Bill Cosby on SiriusXM Radio’s Laugh USA and Blue Collar Radio. With an appeal that transcends barriers of age, culture and occupation-plus an interactive and entertaining style-Steve shows audiences how to open doors to success in their careers, their relationships and their lives. He speaks to more than 250,000 people a year and has shared the platform with numerous dignitaries. Over two million people have heard him speak, with his audiences crossing over 29 different industries. Steve has the distinction of speaking in all 50 states and in 15 countries. As one newspaper stated, “Steve is what happens when the humor of Ron White collides with the inspiration of Zig Ziglar.”
The Author
In addition to his brilliant speaking career, Steve is a prolific, accomplished author, evidenced by his book Enjoy The Ride being on the publisher’s best seller list for seven consecutive years and being named Author of the Year. His thought-provoking writing style makes his articles a favorite with nationally prominent magazines. He influences the lives of millions through his keynote speeches, books, CDs and DVDs. An extensive array of these products has been utilized by small businesses, Fortune 500 companies, U.S. and Canadian government agencies, churches, school districts and nonprofit organizations. Speaking the language of active business leaders, his books and CDs identify practical lessons that grow people and their businesses.
The Businessman
Steve built a multimillion-dollar company from the ground up on the same philosophy he expounds to his audiences. If you continually learn more about your company, your industry, your customer and yourself, you will always be a leader. You will be purpose-driven rather than process-driven, and you will make a difference. His motto is straightforward: “If you take care of people, the business will follow.” He has been recognized by Who’s Who for Speakers and Business Professionals, and The Pittsburgh Business Times named his company one of the fastest growing privately held companies in the region.
The Person
Steve was born and raised in the Pittsburgh area, resides in North Carolina and travels the world. He received his bachelor’s degree from Grove City College (PA) and his MBA from Globe University (MN). He is a proud grandpa, devoted father of four boys and a loving husband to his wife, Diane. Steve learned great compassion for people and a commitment to a hard work and balanced life ethic at the knee of his highly principled Christian mother and stepfather. Whether Steve is speaking at an event, writing about current issues that impact people or leading his own employees, he is not just a person who challenges people to change, he motivates them to do so.
The Guarantee
Everyone who hears his message leaves with a renewed sense of enthusiasm for who they are and for what really matters.
People have an instinctive ability to adapt to most situations, but while our ability to adapt is amazing, our ability to change isn’t. The COVID-19 pandemic will challenge our courage and willingness to change. As individuals, it is not the pandemic we must conquer, but ourselves.
While we continue to face many unknowns, it is crucial we develop the right mindset to persist and emerge strong-minded from this challenging time. Bestselling author, and Hall of Fame Speaker Steve Gilliland, shares a timely and eye-opening message on how to reduce stress, eliminate fear, and emerge from this tough time grateful, confident, and determined. His message centers on how to navigate on a course that we never planned, into a future we never imagined.
Can be customized to meet your specific objectives.
Through humor and reality-tested techniques, Steve Gilliland reveals the way to face conflicting demands in an unforgiving business environment that keeps getting tougher. From the beginning when he shows people how to ignite their passion, to the end with his compelling challenge to never lose your focus, he releases an “explosion of enthusiasm” that is absolutely contagious. This keynote speech will challenge you personally and professionally. It is simple and easy to grasp — yet profound! Fasten your seatbelt and hold on as one of North America’s premier speakers outlines a roadmap for success and shows you how to Enjoy The Ride™.
This insightful keynote speech expounds on the essentials toward Making a Difference – Purpose, Passion and Pride. Steve Gilliland takes you on an eye-opening journey that will uncover your hidden abilities, unleash your inner energy and share the key to accomplishing your goals. You will hear a wealth of new ideas, workable tactics and useful tools that, when put into practice, will make a considerable impact in your professional and personal life. This speech is brilliantly creative, exceptionally humorous and absolutely unforgettable. Long after Steve’s final words, you will be buzzing with excitement and motivated to make a difference.
Whether you’re experiencing mild transitions now or will undergo massive reorganizations in the future, change is inevitable within every successful organization. DETOUR provides solutions to reduce stress, eliminate fear and increase performance during such times. Steve Gilliland reveals how to navigate life’s turns when you’re suddenly headed on a course you never planned and into a future you never imagined. Key Takeaways: How to feel more in control when the change is out of your control; How to prepare for any kind of change, remain productive and use it to your advantage; How to build resiliency & grit as you cope with change.
Leadership is the single most important skill you can use to improve your business. FOLLOW ME explores how to grow yourself and your people through timeless principles that, when applied to your own life and the life of your organization, will influence positive change. Steve Gilliland is uniquely qualified to show you how to develop exceptional leaders and retain great employees. Key Takeaways: How to establish tangible, easily defined & monitored strategies to improve performance; How to gain consensus & motivate people to work together efficiently & effectively as a team; How to be confident & make tough decisions, unearth constructive solutions & stay focused while moving forward.
Our fast-paced and stress-filled schedules open the gate to allow people and circumstances every opportunity to “get our goat.” HIDE YOUR GOAT puts into perspective how your daily life intersects with people of diverse backgrounds, opinions and personalities. In this eye-opening session, Steve Gilliland shows how to avoid being robbed of the opportunity to perform at peak performance because of negativity. Key Takeaways: How to head off conflict when negativity runs rampant & how to improve your own outlook; How to deal with by-products of bad attitudes; How to assign the right value to every situation & not give people permission to ruin your day.
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