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Sameer Somal

Sameer Somal

Sameer is passionate about helping clients improve profitability, build brand equity, and adapt to the Digital Revolution

David Cottrell

David Cottrell

“Leadership is about influence. It exists throughout the organization – not just in executives, managers and supervisors.”

Craig Karges

Craig Karges

Entertaining through the creation of mystery and opening minds to unlimited possibilities!

Brian Parsley

Knows what it takes to create environments that increase revenue while keeping employees and customers loyal

Marilyn Sherman

Marilyn Sherman

Motivating and inspiring audiences to get out of their comfort zone and get a front-row seat in life

Sebastian Terry

Sebastian Terry

Sebastian’s incredible story has grown from an entertaining tale of adventure into a global philanthropic movement

Scott Burrows

Scott Burrows

Scott brings the concepts of Vision, Mindset and Grit to life using his life-changing story. Three powerful words when put into action will help you Stand Up to Any Challenge. 

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