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Jason Lauritsen

Has been described as “a corporate executive gone rogue.”

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Fee Range: Contact Speaker Exchange Agency

  • Advises leaders about workplace culture and talent
  • Best Places to Work Expert at Quantum Workplace
  • Helps groups see beyond outdated approaches to talent and leadership development
  • Co-Author of Social Gravity: Harnessing The Natural Laws of Relationships

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

A dynamic keynote speaker, Jason Lauritsen is a true thought leader in the world of work and employee engagement who is dedicated to revolutionizing the way we Lead With Relationship™. He fearlessly challenges traditional norms to reshape the employee experience by consistently placing authentic human connection at the heart of leadership.

A firm believer that leadership is most impactful when it’s built on genuine care, support, and respect, he helps organizations reimagine their role in helping people lead fuller, more meaningful lives.

As a corporate executive, Jason cracked the code to doubling company revenue per employee. But it wasn’t until he began working at a company responsible for Best Places to Work contests across North America that he discovered the key that unlocks employee engagement, no matter the organization: People experience work as a relationship.

He is the author of two books, Unlocking High Performance and Social Gravity. His thought leadership has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, Talent Management magazine, HR Executive magazine, and SHRM publications.

Lead With Relationship: The True Path to Employee Engagement

This impactful keynote inspires your audience to transform how they lead by helping them to understand one fundamental truth:

We ALL experience work like a relationship.

That means we crave the same things from work that we do ANY important relationship in our lives: acceptance, appreciation, and commitment.

Through this eye-opening talk, Jason delivers an experience that helps leaders put an end to any outdated ways of managing people, so they can instead liberate employees to deliver their best.

This keynote is ideal for audiences who are:

  • Struggling to engage employees
  • Seeking to create more fulfilling experiences for people at work
  • Ready to unlock the full potential of those they lead
Your audience will leave with:
  • A better understanding of what it takes to keep people engaged
  • Deep insights into how to get the best out of their people
  • A new outlook on leadership
Check-In Before They Check Out: How To Engage and Retain Top Talent

The Check-In Method presented in this keynote empowers audiences to self-assess their relationships with those they lead. In doing so, they learn to turn opportunities for connection into the support employees need to be happy, effective, and productive.

The Check-In Method helps audiences become the leaders people want.

By learning this fail-proof formula to strengthen their relationships with individuals and teams, each attendee uncovers the secret to dramatically improving retention, performance, and engagement.

This keynote is ideal for audiences who are:

  • Struggling to engage in challenging conversations with those they lead
  • Seeking to elevate employee performance
  • Wanting to solve the challenge of employee retention

Your audience will leave with:

  • A process to help them immediately improve how they relate to people on their teams
  • An understanding of what it takes to inspire peoples’ best work
  • An approach to leading other that ensures retention and performance
Social Gravity: Unleashing the Power of Relationships

We’ve heard it our whole lives, “It’s not WHAT you know, but WHO you know that matters.”

In this dynamic keynote, Jason teaches audiences how they can make a bigger impact, move their organizations forward, and fuel their success by leveraging the profound power of relationships.

Jason shares the Six Laws of Social Gravity and invites audiences as a roadmap to help attendees transform their careers, businesses, and lives for the better.

This keynote is ideal for audiences who are:

  • Seeking to understand how they can achieve greater personal and business success with more ease
  • Grappling with a lack of purpose or belonging at work
  • Wanting to build a network that contributes to their success, happiness, and wellbeing

Your audience will leave with:

  • The 6 Laws of Social Gravity, and how they relate to their success
  • Powerful tools to attract ideas, information, and opportunities
  • The ability to start being more intentional and skilled in the way they grow their network
Limeade - Inbound Marketing Sr. Manager
If you’re seeking a speaker who has found the secret to creating a true connection through a computer screen, engages in riveting presentations, and maintains a personable, approachable demeanor, then Jason is your guy.
Cornerstone - VP Customer Experience
I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with Jason on several programs for our customers. Whether a large main-stage session, a hands-on workshop, a webinar or a virtual hacklab, he applies the same energy, creativity and passion to his work and to his partnership with us. He consistently engages his audience on any topic he explores, while providing really practical ways to put new ideas into practice.
Achieve Engagement - Founder
Consistent 5-star feedback ratings and high praise from viewers don’t begin to paint the complete picture of Jason’s ability to connect virtually with audiences on nearly any subject. Having worked with him on more than 30 Webcasts and Online Events, I continue to marvel at how he makes viewer engagement seem so easy.
Jamaica Business Development Corp.
Thanks for an exhilarating, impactful and profound presentation. The lessons transferred will be permanently etched in our psyche as we individually and collectively take up the challenge of being enablers of human capital success - until such times, continue to win!
Sr. Director PayPal Customer Service
Jason is a dynamic speaker that has a true understanding of what drives employee engagement. Relationships are at the center of everything we do as leaders. Jason will challenge conventional management strategies and will get your team to think differently about how they approach work. Work is no longer a contract, it’s all about the relationship.
Performance Management Program Manager
Jason made me look GOOD!! The best part was when he gave the BFF Performance Review. Think this got supervisors and employee’s thinking they can’t wait till the end to have a conversation about items that have occurred throughout the year. As well as approaching the conversation with more compassion.
Jason was a hit at MHEDA’s Annual Convention. The true testimonial is when an attendee follows up with us immediately after our meeting asking for a speaker’s handout materials. Jason was gracious to comply right away and our attendee was thrilled. I personally took away some great nuggets to implement internally. I highly recommend Jason and we hope to work with him again.
Founder - Achieve Engagement
“Consistent 5-star feedback ratings and high praise from viewers don’t begin to paint the complete picture of Jason’s ability to connect virtually with audiences on nearly any subject. Having worked with him on more than 30 Webcasts and Online Events, I continue to marvel at how he makes viewer engagement seem so easy.
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