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Steve Ford

Steve Ford

Son of President Gerald Ford and Betty Ford, Actor, Speaker

Jim Craig

Olympic gold medalist, 1980 U.S.A. “Miracle on Ice” Goaltender, Teamwork

Andy Core

Andy Core

Thought leader on employee engagement, productivity and wellness

Mark Murphy

Founder of Leadership IQ, Best-selling Author, Contributor to Forbes

Dave Sanderson

Last passenger off the “Miracle on the Hudson,” Author

Jim Olson

Former CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, Professor at the Bush School

Mick Ebeling


Gail Alofsin

Gail Alofsin

Learn to build long term relationships with customers and employees

Rohit Bhargava

Trend Curator and Specialist in Digital Marketing, Author, Professor

Jia Jiang

Jia Jiang

Discovered a unique approach to dealing with the fear of rejection

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