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Thom Singer

Thom Singer

When human engagement and connections matter, event organizers hire “The Conference Catalyst”

Topic Categories:

Fee Range: 5000-9999

Delivering high energy presentations and getting people to take action in industries that rely on relationships for sales and growth. Keynote Speaker or Master of Ceremonies with real content.

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

Thom Singer creates engagement at conferences. Delivering high energy presentations for industries that rely on personal relationships for sales growth and advancement opportunity where the people may be overwhelmed by a fog of technological options. When human engagement and connections matter, event organizers hire “The Conference Catalyst”.

Potential does not equal results, in sales and life. Thom will “wow” your audience with his practical and motivational presentations that focus on potential. He has experience speaking to groups large and small; keynotes, breakout sessions, interactive training and serving as the “meeting planners favorite” — “The Conference Catalyst” (available as keynote or in the role of EmCee).

He is the author of twelve books on the power of business relationships, sales, networking, entrepreneurship, public speaking skills, and legal marketing.  He has authored numerous articles for business and marketing publications,and has been quoted as a business relationship expert in a variety of business periodicals including Selling Power,, The New York Times, CNN MoneyWatch and many others.  Thom is also the host of the COOL THINGS ENTREPRENEURS DO Podcast (ask about adding podcast interviews from your event to his conference services).

Thom and his wife, Sara, make their home in Austin, Texas and are the parents of two highly-spirited daughters.

The Paradox of Potential

Many are focused on the wrong problem. Most don’t need more sales training, the need results. Having “high potential” does not equal high performance. While many believe they are doing all they can, a high percentage of professionals do not feel they are meeting their personal or professional expectations. This interactive presentation gets to the heart of achieving more. The “future of work” is about more than telecommuting and stand up desks, but instead about getting the everyone in an organization to reach their highest potential.

IRL (In Real Life): Connecting People In A Social Media Crazy World

There has been a lot of time spent teaching audiences about the social media tools that have taken over our society.  But with all the online communities and mobile apps, are we really getting closer together?  This engaging opening keynote is a great way to educate the audience for their career and while at your event.  A real relationship is more than a “like”, a “link”, a “share”, or a “follow”.  Getting back to the basics of human engagement is paramount to success.

"The Conference Catalyst" (Keynote or Emcee)

The Conference Catalyst program is often weaved into a conference as the opening keynote, plus so much more.  For some groups they prefer to have Thom Singer in the Master of Ceremonies role, while morphing his content into short vignettes throughout the event.  The opening keynote or the EmCee should be an integrated part of the whole conference.  Thom Singer’s “Conference Catalyst” program will impact the conference attendee experience and influence how participants connect.

Everything I Need To Know I Learned on a Television Game Show

In his youth and early adult years, Thom Singer was not only a contestant on one game show, but two. Appearing on Bob Barker’s Truth or Consequences as a young boy, and later as a five day returning champion on Dick Clark’s $25,000 Pyramid while in college, he learned some interesting lessons about life, sales, communication, and dealing with people. If you desire is quality information delivered with a lot of laughs, this is the keynote for your audience.

Cooperative Significance - Creating career influence

Most people want to feel significant: at home, at work, in their faith community, etc…. But you cannot feel significant alone in a field. You need others. A person can fake success, but they cannot fake significance. Showing others their importance and significance is key if you desire the same in return. Too often in our busy world we get overly focused on our own “Stuff”, and that keeps us from recognizing what is going on with the people around us in our daily lives. Discovering what is important and interesting to other people is more important now than ever before. This program is idea to educate and inspire anyone to make people a priority while learning to maximize influence and effectiveness.

Networking to Sales Success

Win more business through relationships. In a world where too many are focused on internet marketing, some industries still rely on personal connections for their opportunities. Taking specific action to convert networking connections into real sales is what produces results. This talk encourages the audience to get back to basics of human engagement. It is common for companies or individuals to hit a plateau in their growth. It is easy to get stuck in clicks and emails, and that leads to stagnation. Everyone can learn to re-think and re-launch their efforts in how to network and convert relationships into sales, but it cannot happen by accident. This presentation gets people thinking about the people who make their success possible.

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