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Ruben Gonzalez

Ruben Gonzalez

Discover The Secrets Of A Four Time Olympian

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  • At the age of 21 took up the sport of luge.
  • Four years and a few broken bones later competed in the Olympics.
  • Only person to ever compete in four Winter Olympics each in a different decade.
  • Bestselling Author of “The Courage to Succeed” and “The Inner Game of Success.”
  • Endorsed by Zig Ziglar, Stephen Covey, Brian Tracy and many others.
  • His presentation is “An Olympic Experience You will Never forget.”

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

Olympian Ruben Gonzalez is a common man who achieved extraordinary things. He wasn’t a gifted athlete. In school he was always the last kid picked to play sports. He didn’t take up the sport of luge until he was 21. Four years and a few broken bones later, he was competing in the Calgary Winter Olympics. When he competed at the Vancouver Olympics at the age of 47, Ruben became the first person to ever compete in four Winter Olympics each in a different decade.

Since 2002 Ruben has spoken for over 100 of the Fortune 500 companies. His bestselling books have sold over 300,000 copies and have been translated to over 10 languages.

Ruben’s incredible story takes people’s excuses away and fills them with the belief and inspiration to face their challenges and fight for their goals and dreams.

People buy into what Ruben teaches because they can relate to him. The most common comments after his presentations are, “He’s so real. He’s so genuine.”

Ruben will inspire and equip your people to win.

From Ordinary to Extraordinary

Ruben’s story of his quest for the Olympics gives people hope and strength. His story moves people to commitment and action. After experiencing Ruben’s program, your people will know exactly what it takes to succeed in life. Your people will be inspired and equipped to take whatever they do to the next level.

Your people will learn:

  • How to unleash their passion and drive.
  • How to unlock their full potential.
  • How to turn defeat into victory.
  • How to reach their personal and professional goals.
Becoming Unstoppable - Success Secrets from a Four-Time Olympian

Discover how you can reach your goals by following the same success principles Ruben followed to make it to the Olympics. This program is perfect for a group facing change, challenges or set-backs to overcome. Your audience will learn how to become resilient and how to become unstoppable on the way to the top.

Your people will learn:

  • How to condition their minds for success.
  • How to become unstoppable in the face of challenges.
  • How to take their commitment to a higher level.
  • How to become confident and laser focused.
Leadership Secrets of a Four-Time Olympian

When Ruben got started in the luge he thought he could do it all himself. Along the way Ruben realized that he needed to learn some leadership skills and create a team of people. Ruben was able to create a Dream Team and by working through his team he was able to realize his Olympic dream. Discover how to engage people in your mission.

Your people will learn:

  • How to engage their teams.
  • How to communicate effectively as a leader.
  • How to use Emotional Intelligence to connect with their people.
  • How to achieve maximum positive impact with their teams.
Sales Secrets of a Four-Time Olympian

Ruben sold copiers in downtown Houston for several years. He regularly speaks for sales kickoffs all around the world. Ruben doesn’t talk about sales techniques and closes. He talks about attitude, stick-to-ive-ness, and mental toughness. The things that it really takes to succeed in sales and in life.

Your people will learn:

  • How to become high performers.
  • How to gain a competitive advantage.
  • How to separate themselves from their competition.
  • How to commit to their goals.
Embracing Change – Secrets of a Four-Time Olympian

Anybody that can switch from soccer to luge at the age of 21 and make it to the Olympics knows a thing or two about embracing change. Whenever conditions change, whoever adapts first wins. Change is actually a good thing because it is like a blank slate – it gives you an opportunity to get ahead of your competition.

Your people will learn:

  • How to navigate challenges, problems and setbacks with agility.
  • How to use creativity to stay ahead of the game.
  • How to take advantage of change to surpass your competition.
  • How to thrive in the midst of uncertainty and change.
Overcoming Challenges – Secrets of a Four-Time Olympian

Ruben did’t take up the sport of luge until he was 21 years old. He was a marginal athlete, lived in hot and humid Houston, Texas, and financed his Olympic training himself. People laughed at him and said he was crazy. He broke many bones on the way to the Olympics and eventually became the only person to ever compete in four Winter Olympics each in a different decade.

Your people will learn:

  • How to become resilient in the face of challenges.
  • How to become mentally tough.
  • How to create the mindset of a champion.
  • How to win regardless of the circumstances.
Safety and Managing Risk – Secrets of a Four-Time Olympian

Ruben shares risk management principles peak performers follow to win more in life. He does this through entertaining stories about climbing Kilimanjaro, skydiving in South Africa, luging, running with the bulls in Pamplona, and other great high risk experiences where Ruben was able to stay injury free by managing the risk around him.

Your people will learn:

  • How focusing on the task at hand increases safety.
  • How to take responsibility for your results.
  • How to using due diligence prevents accidents.
  • How to be present and how to create contingency plans.
Virtual presentations available
"If you listen to Ruben speak, your life will change." - Lou Holtz, Legendary Notre Dame Football Coach "Phenomenal." - New York Life "Amazing." - Bacardi "Outstanding." - Microsoft "Superb." - ConocoPhillips "Captivating." - Xerox "Dynamite." - Coca Cola "A Home Run." - Kaiser Permanente "Ruben WOWED our audience at a Million Dollar Round Table event. Ruben has one of the most compelling messages I’ve ever heard." - Guy Baker, Million Dollar Round Table President "Ruben did a phenomenal job of bringing a message of hope to our associates.” - David Erland, New York Life Insurance "Your talk was superb. You helped our conference shine!” - Daniel Ranta, Director, Knowledge Sharing ConocoPhillips "I’m delighted to say that sales for the week following your presentation were the highest in four months. Thank you for your inspiration.” - Jeff Allen - CEO, Integrity Group Financial "Ruben's presentation motivated our sales force to the point where the entire region is excited about conquering our sales goals.” - Ces Guerra - Sales Manager AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals "Ruben is one of the best speakers I have ever seen. He inspired our 850 salespeople to achieve Olympic-caliber results. The week after Ruben's presentation our sales were up 17%. That's a huge boost to our bottom line." - Sean O'Keeffe - President, O'Keeffe & Swartz Insurance "Ruben is a great speaker. He's real, he's authentic and he lived what he teaches. If you get a chance to have Ruben speak at your event, don't miss it." - Dave Ramsey - Best Selling Author, Nationally Syndicated Radio Talk Show Host “Ruben has a great life story that provides a ‘can do’ life recipe for his audience. He takes you on a thrilling 90 MPH ride of your life in his thought provoking journey. Truly inspiring!” - Tim Henderson - Director of Sales - Comcast Cable “Ruben has an amazing story and he tells it with so much energy and authenticity, that all our people got big time into it. It kicked off our "Winning with IT" workshop superbly well, and everyone is in a Winning mindset, exactly what's needed to deliver competitive edge Solutions for Bacardi. This was a fantastic lesson on leadership. Listening to Ruben’s story is a real example for us to follow as Business leaders.” - Caroline Basyn - CIO, Bacardi “Ruben did a phenomenal job at our sales kick off. He made us laugh so much during his inspiring presentation, that we were all left wanting to hear more. I would highly recommend Ruben to anyone who is looking for an engaging speaker.” - Mariana Castro, General Manager - Microsoft “Ruben made our ‘Gold Medal Leadership Summit’ a great success! He was topical, humorous and most importantly a model for setting high goals and having the drive and spirit to achieve them. Ruben was very accommodating to our schedule and our message. He was eagerly willing to adjust for timing, take questions from our audience and stay behind to meet attendees and autograph his book. Businesses with Sales or Leadership development events could benefit tremendously by his story and his message.” - Doug Guthrie - Senior Vice President - Comcast “Ruben’s story of personal motivation and achievement is highly inspirational, and relevant to anyone wants to succeed in life. His message is one of dreaming big, and then doing what it takes to make that dream a reality. Ruben delivers a highly engaging, down to earth, humorous and fun message that will inspire your audience to greatness.” - Trey Campbell - President, North America - NorthgateArinso “Genuine. Impactful. A True Story-teller. Ruben takes the stage and energizes the audience with a story of perseverance, endurance and tenacity like no other. With a personal touch he captured our message and took our team to remember his unforgettable moments of his life's adventure.” - Lynn M. Franzluebbers - Bluestem Marketing “Right after your presentation, the first comment I heard from one of our attendees was, ‘What a way to start a Convention!’ And, I totally agreed. Thanks for helping make our 66th Annual Convention and Expo a success this year. Your message is applicable to any industry, career field or business. Your delivery and real-life examples truly inspired our attendees. You brought out the Olympic spirit in everyone, including myself.” - Michael Linn - CEO, National Independent Auto Dealers Association “Ruben was a wonderful jolt of adrenaline for our team. His story is the story of all high achievers; never, never, never give up and always strive for excellence! Ruben delivers his message in a most human, humorous and touching fashion. I laughed, I cried and I left inspired. We would ask Ruben back anytime to share his incredibly motivating message.” - James E. May - President and CEO, Mercy Health Hospital System “Ruben’s message is a message of visualizing your dream and having the courage to do what it takes to make it your reality. He spoke about his journey to the Olympics and made it relevant to every person in the audience. We were captivated from the moment he took the stage!” - Angelina Elizondo Herrera - VP, High Tech Business Development Global Account Operations - Xerox Corporation “Ruben was amazing. Sharing his story, his passion and enthusiasm to do what it takes to contribute towards the success of one’s dream. Our people walked away energized and empowered to facilitate their own career dreams! Ruben did a phenomenal job at our event. I would recommend Ruben highly to anyone who is looking for a top speaker to energize and excite your audience.” - Bobby Alvarez - Xerox, North American Agent Operations Recruiter & Development Manager “Ruben's message touches everyone and pushes you to focus on what is important in order to overcome all obstacles. His story exemplifies the crucial nature of belief in oneself as the critical element for success.” - John Helfrick - Director Business Excellence BASF “Ruben spoke to our group of 8000 medical professionals and staff and hit a home run with everyone from the environmental cleaners to the neurosurgeons. His message is inspiring and clear. Everyone is capable of accomplishing their goals when they put their mind to it. Everyone!” - Paul Bernstein MD FACS - Area Medical Director Kaiser Permanente “Ruben’s message is incredibly inspiring and his style is engaging & humorous. He connected with our team in a way that gives us the belief that we too can achieve extraordinary results!” - Terry Tripp - Sales Director - BMC Software “Ruben hit a home run on our ‘Wingman Day’ audience of 3,000 Airmen and Air Force civilians about goal setting and the power of having a ‘can do’ spirit! His presentation was right on target and motivated our Airmen to reach for their dreams.” - Colonel Mickey Addison, USAF, Commander, 10th Mission Support Group, US Air Force Academy “If setting high goals is part of what your organization must do to succeed, you cannot do better than to hear Ruben’s story. Perseverance, focus, mentorship…he drives home the importance of each of these elements in a manner that is so approachable, listeners cannot help but be motivated to reach higher and strive for more, from themselves and those around them.” - Colonel Thomas Gibson, Commander 10th Air Base Wing US Air Force Academy “Ruben joined our top 100 sales people for our annual sales celebration event and held them in rapt attention for 60 minutes plus another 20 minutes for questions and answers. He was the best presenter we have had for one of these events. Ruben is very effective. He is articulate, inspirational, and believable. He appears to be an ordinary guy, but he is far from it. He is an ordinary guy who has an irrepressible will to accomplish the extraordinary. His story is inspirational in that it causes us all to realize that we are all capable of accomplishments beyond what we might think. Our group found Ruben’s story applicable to their professional as well as personal lives.” - Richard Bennion, Executive Vice President - HomeStreet Bank “Ruben was electric! His delivery was passionate, entertaining and thought provoking. If you want a high energy communicator that takes the time to get to know his client and his audience by doing the little things that make a difference, then Ruben is your man. We highly recommend Ruben Gonzalez as your next keynote speaker.” - Joseph Hinson - President and CEO, West Chester-Liberty Alliance “Ruben was amazing! He connected with everyone in our audience of over 550 ranging from age 14 to 95 (documented). His "everyday man" approach reached us all where we were, helped us connect in a surprising way to a 4-time Olympian, and gave us the inspiration to meet and overcome the challenges in our life and careers. The way he molded his story and message to our organization and event was truly remarkable. In the 18 years we have held this event, in front of a total of 9000 people and working with the highest level of speakers, Ruben was one of the most down-to-earth, easy-to-work with speakers we have had the pleasure of welcoming. What a joy and a breath of fresh air! In the words of our emcee, if you miss out on booking Ruben for your next event, "It will be a LUGE mistake!" - John Paschall - President and CEO, Better Business Bureau, SE TX
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