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Jayson Street

Jayson Street

Cyber Security and Social Engineering Expert

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Fee Range: 10000-19999

Jayson E. Street is the VP of InfoSec at SphereNY … He is also DEF CON Groups Global Coordinator. Jayson battled a dragon during the Fire Run in Barcelona Spain. He ‘accidentally’ broke into a shark tank in the Dominican Republic and climbed the pyramid of Giza (until the guards carrying AK-47s expressed their displeasure). He consulted with the Secret Service in 2007 on the WIFI security of the White House, and has had tea with a Lebanese General in Beirut.

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Jayson E. Street is the VP of InfoSec at SphereNY … He is also DEF CON Groups Global Coordinator. Jayson battled a dragon during the Fire Run in Barcelona Spain. He ‘accidentally’ broke into a shark tank in the Dominican Republic and climbed the pyramid of Giza (until the guards carrying AK-47s expressed their displeasure). He consulted with the Secret Service in 2007 on the WIFI security of the White House, and has had tea with a Lebanese General in Beirut.

Jayson never finished High School but does have his GED. His first book is used as course material at four colleges in three countries (that he knows of), and he has spoken at numerous universities in the US and gave an eight-hour lecture at the Beijing Institute of Technology in 2014. Outside of standardized education, Jayson has spoken seven times at DEF CON, at the first five DerbyCons and at many other Cons (Hack in Paris, Nuit Du Hack, IT-Defense, SYSCAN360, PH-Neutral, etc….) around the world. He was also on the David Letterman show (seriously) though he is still waiting for Stephen Colbert to have him on his show!

Jayson is only one degree away from Kevin Bacon after awkward hugging Oliver Stone and Jimmy Fallon. He started in security and law enforcement over 30 years ago and has always striven to make things more secure. Jayson has been in the Information Security industry for over 17 years, and once broke into a high scale hotel in the South of France – barefoot – wearing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pajamas. He was also noted as the best janitor of all McDonald’s in the South East Texas region for 2 consecutive years. 

Although Jayson has been hit by four cars while on foot, he has only been shot at once (they missed). Jayson went crocodile diving while in South Africa (He was the only one stupid enough to get in the water though) His Sky diving and Great White Shark diving adventures there went better. He did climb Dunn’s River Falls in Jamaica with a broken arm (for 7 seconds then fell though he came back and climbed it 1 1/2 times just to redeem himself). He was Time Magazine’s person of the year for 2006 and lived behind a dumpster for a summer when he was sixteen. Within two weeks, he was able to awkward hug the head of the N.S.A. in Vegas and two Chinese soldiers on the Great Wall of China. Diet Pepsi while his favorite beverage it’s byproduct almost killed him on a cliff in Bulgaria and contributed to him accidentally robbing the wrong bank while in Beirut! Jayson has had pizza on the Nile River in Egypt, within view of the Eiffel Tower in France, near the Forbidden City in Beijing and on the coast in Brazil.

Jayson has conducted successful social engineering engagements around the world from Jordan to Jamaica. Jayson has visited over 40 countries in less than 10 years. In all that time he has never met a person who was foreign to him! He survived cancer, stepping on Vlad the Impaler’s grave, extreme falls, car accidents, two house fires and Twitter drama. He prides himself in the work he did for a national financial institution as their resident hacker and the designer of their network defenses. His coolest commute was a high speed helicopter that he took from Macau to Hong Kong. Jayson swam with dolphins in Singapore and a sea turtle in the Maldives. Jayson almost made it all the way into the Pentagon but his would be escort Googled his name at the last minute! His hobby of flying drones (mostly in ‘interesting’ areas) while a new hobby has already almost killed him when he hiked into an active volcano in the Philippines! In his defense though the footage was amazing! He has been sword fighting since the age of seven and has an extensive collection of swords from all over the world.

He was asked to give his DEFCON 19 speech at an undisclosed government agency’s headquarters (After smuggling in all the items that make the arsenal of his Vest of D00M, Jayson was then asked never to return). Though he resoundingly won an impromptu roast battle with a poorly prepared FBI Agent in Memphis! Jayson was quoted in The Rolling Stone Magazine, The Economist, Forbes and The Daily Oklahoman. He’s been interviewed on numerous television shows regarding security related topics. He also filmed a pilot for a TV show featuring hackers in a positive light (it never aired). Though his documentary on NatGeo turned out okay. He is also playing WatchDogs 2 it’s been so fun he actually created his own level in real life! He has held, or is currently holding, many industry certs such as CISSP, GSEC, GCIH, GCFA, IAM, IEM, Security+, CEH, etc.

Please note that none of these statements are false!


Most people who work on the defensive side of computer security only see the landscape from that perspective! In this talk Jayson will show how an attacker views your website & employees then uses them against you. We’ll start with how a successful spear phish is created. By using the information gathered from the companies own ‘about’ page as well as scouring social media sites for useful information to exploit employees. The majority of the talk will be covering successful counter-measures to help stave off or detect attacks. This discussion will draw on the speakers 15 years of experience working in the US banking industry on the side of defense. Also at the same time he’ll be drawing on over 6 years of doing engagements where he took on the role of the attacker. If everything turns out well everyone will have learned something new that they can immediately take back to their networks and better prepare it against attacks!

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