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Donna Hartley

Donna Hartley

Transforms lives and electrifies her audiences worldwide with her storytelling

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Donna electrifies her audience. Be amazed with her plane crash, cancer, and heart surgery survival stories, which all occurred on a March 1st. A master storyteller with 9 powerful strategies.

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Donna Hartley – Life Changing Speaker, Motivational, Author, Plane Crash, Melanoma and Open Heart Survivor

Donna Hartley is a true survivor!

*On March 1, 1978 – survived a fiery DC-10 plane crash that transformed her life in seconds and inspired her to testify to change airline safety regulations.

*On March 1, 2002 – was diagnosed with Stage III Melanoma and today is cancer free.

*On March 1, 2006 – triumphed over unexpected open heart surgery to replace a faulty aortic valve.

During these life-threatening –and life-changing- events Donna experienced other types of hardships and setbacks that threatened to stop her in her tracks. When her goal of being an Olympic skier racer was cut short, because of her health, she bounced back by becoming a surfer. She has been suicidal, broke, and has raised a daughter on her own, overcoming these challenges with her relentless energy and unbreakable spirit. Faced with unsurmountable odds and with the tools gained from a master teacher she met at a crucial point in her life, she learned to be persistent during challenging times and evolve from ordinary to extraordinary. From these experiences Donna was inspired to help others, and developed Fire Up Your Life! a transformative presentation about how to triumph over trials and conquer change. She delivers an inspirational message with a twist of drama and humor. You will laugh, cry, and become energized to ignite your Firepower! Her style is entertaining, memorable, and impactful.

Donna has been an organizer for the Special Olympics Winter Games in Northern California: fundraiser for Think Kindness, an organization to empower the youth: a supporter and participant in the Relay for Life Cancer Charity Walk Events, and an advocate for the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Campaign.

A former Miss Hawaii and television actress, Donna Hartley has shared her compelling story on NBC, ABC, PBS, and in The New York Times. A sought-after expert on surviving challenges and developing heart centered leadership. Donna is a member of the National Speakers Association, Screen Actors Guild and the owner of Hartley International. In addition, she is the author of Fire Up Your Life!, Fire Up Your Intuition!, Fire Up Your Healing! and the Healing Meditation CD and accompanying Insights workbook and has published six stories in the Chocolate for a Women’s Soul series and two stories in the Chicken Soup series.

​Fire Up Your Attitude! Standout Customer Service

Is it possible to have standout customer service without a positive attitude? No! 30 years of professional speaking and training experience behind her, Donna understands that attitude comes first when working with the public, and this presentation centers on developing the entire person…personal and professional, to cultivate a positive outlook. When you raise your consciousness, you value the importance of serving mankind, and as a leader it is your responsibility to instill enthusiasm, perseverance, and dedication in your staff. Learn how to evaluate yourself in eight areas of your life to understand whether you are balanced. Being in a state of imbalanced makes it difficult to be present and available to the customer. This speech will also teach you ten proven ways to manage stress, as well as how to make powerful and lasting first impressions, handle complaints and build a clientele base with open and clear communication. Result: increase your company’s bottom line. Her conclusion detailing how surviving a plane crash, melanoma and heart surgery altered her attitude cements the message that it is an honor to serve and to be alive.

​Fire Up Your Healing! A Journey to Restore Relationships and Health

“Melanoma…Stage III.” Those three words struck fear into every part of Donna’s body in 2002. She understood it was one of the worst cancers to be diagnosed with, and all she could think about was her six year old adopted daughter, who would raise her? In this speech Donna shares the ten-step health regime, blending a holistic approach with traditional medicine that she developed after receiving her diagnosis of State III Melanoma. After adhering to this health plan and after undergoing three procedures in one day- not to mention Herculean patience and perseverance on Donna’s part… she was told she was cancer-free, and she has continued to be so to this day.

​Fire Up Your Life! A Journey to Transformation

What could you possibly do after having survived a DC-10 plane crash, being diagnosed with Stage III Melanoma and having had open heart surgery for an aortic valve replacement … all on March 1st of different years? Would you consider the date a coincidence or a life lesson?

As a master storyteller Donna relates the lessons learned from these three life-altering events…all of which happened to her…. weaving the details of how, each time, she went to the depth of her soul, faced her fears and ignited the strength and wisdom to live. This true story is a journey to transformation filled with raw honesty, humility, drama and humor.

If you have ever wondered what your life purpose is Donna shares her insights gained from both her own experiences and a mystical mentor who appeared in her life at just the right time, offering nine strategies to overcome daunting challenges, get you unstuck and moving to great expectations and fulfillment. Acquire the skills you need to take your leadership expertise to the next level. You will be empowered to shift your attitude from this inspirational and uplifting presentation.

​Fire Up Your Heart! A Journey to the Knowing

The prospect of her looming open heart surgery for an aortic valve replacement paralyzed Donna as she feared for her life and for her young adopted daughter. As Donna made out her will, she realized there was no one to raise her child should she not make it. Spiritual awareness is heightened from challenges, but does it have to be a live- or- die situation? For Donna the answer was yes. In this speech, Donna talks about honoring the body-mind connection when faced with health challenges, with seven insightful steps to stay heart-healthy both literally and figuratively.

Over three decades ago, through a trusted and sage-like mentor, Donna was told she had been assigned three life lessons. She had survived the plane crash and she survived her melanoma surgery. Both of these life-altering events occurred on the date of a March 1st. Now she was scheduled for a heart operation on yet another March 1st. Was this to be her final life lesson, and would she live through it to be able to share her experiences? Donna had to conquer every self-defeating thought and pattern if she was to understand her lessons and live. During surgery a magnificent happening occurred as she drifted from her physical body and transcended time and space. Greeted by her mystical mentor, family and friends an unconditional love overwhelmed her as she was instilled with insights from the ascended masters, including instructions to share her experiences with others.

​Healing Meditations: Mindfulness and Relaxation

Meditation is a refreshing way to manage stress in your life and create restful sleep. In this presentation Donna teaches you the history and benefits of meditation, as well as a variety of effective techniques. Relax your body and travel on white puffy clouds to heal and rejuvenate your body and soul. Meditation is beneficial for staying healthy and increasing your energy as well as providing, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical balance. You are worth it… take the time to develop your inner calm. A crucial skill you will develop from ongoing meditation is to trust your intuition.

​Fire Up Your Speaking! Dynamic Presentation Skills

Do you want to be an exceptional presenter, influence lives, and advance your career? There is no greater skill than knowing what to say and how to say it. Make a difference when you speak with presentation, projection and persuasion techniques. Learn how to develop a results- oriented presentation with tools such as body language, voice and impact words. Heighten your techniques with a powerful opening statement, prevalent key points and a persuasive-call-to- action close. If you want to motivate your listeners to action, become a unique storyteller. (Can also be presented as a two-day on-camera retreat workshop for executives.)

​Mindfulness, who me? I can’t sit still that long!

Mindfulness is not about sitting but having present awareness. Paying attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgement and knowing that life is not made up of rights or wrongs, but learning lessons. Living in the present is much more rewarding than living in the past or anticipating the future. The benefits of mindfulness are far reaching.

Get rid of your stress and negative feelings through mindfulness.

Mindfulness improves memory and you can learn to tune out distractions.

Mindfulness meditation heightens your intuition so you can trust your gut and act on it.

Want to lose weight and be healthier? Mindfulness has the roadmap.

Sleep better and wake up more refreshed with mindfulness techniques.

Don’t like to be sick, practicing mindfulness helps your body fight off disease.

Relationships have more soul and compassion with mindfulness.

  • How mindfulness helps medical staff deal with stress and cope with patients.
  • How patients can benefit by reducing their fears, their negative feelings and anxiety from mindfulness.
  • Would give examples of Healing and Mindfulness Meditation.

Mindfulness has its history in Buddhist meditation and became popular in the United States around 1979. Donna Hartley, an international speaker, became familiar with Mindfulness in Hawaii while attending and graduating from the University of Hawaii. Her interest was so profound that she became certified in 1972 as a Meditation Practitioner and continues that practice today. It was and is life-changing for her. Mindfulness allows you time to look within for the true answers. Donna Hartley’s presentation has depth and soul with practical techniques, yet it is entertaining, dramatic and humorous, uplifting, and enlightening. Donna reenacts how meditation gave her the insight to change her plane seat and saved her during a plane crash, discover her cancer to save her life and was the guiding force in in her open heart surgery with only days to live o because her valve was collapsing in her heart. She not only talks about the benefits of meditation she lives it.

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