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Dean Lindsay

Dean Lindsay

Outstanding Thought Leader on Building Priceless Business Relationships

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Award-Winning Speaker / Break-Out Facilitator / Best Selling Author – Customizing Fun Interactive Experiences that Empower Progress in Sales, Service and Workplace Performance… plus Dean is a BLAST!

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

Award-winning business author Dean Lindsay is a powerful business keynote speaker with a humorous and engaging approach. He has been hailed as ‘America’s Progress Agent’ by The Strategic HR Forum as well as:

  • an ‘Outstanding Thought Leader on Building Priceless Business Relationships’ by Sales and Marketing Executives International
  • ‘The Dean of Sales and Service’ by Business Class News
  • a ‘Sales and Networking Guru’ by the Dallas Business Journal and
  • ‘a Master of Progress’ by Jay Conrad Levinson (Father of GUERRILLA MARKETING)

All of Dean’s presentations – in person & virtual – and his fully customized coaching programs are designed to reach each client’s desired outcomes. Here are some of his most requested topics:

  • OPTIMISM is an ASSET / Harnessing the Power of Resilience & the Power of Choice. Program features insights from the work & life of Dr. Viktor Frankl.
  • CREATING PROGRESS in a World of CHANGE / In these uncharted & stressful times, caring committed leaders MUST focus on ‘Progress Leadership’ not Change Management!!
  • ROCK the Customer Experience – in person, on the phone & on line.
  • How to Achieve Big PHAT Goals / Program focused on Taking Consistent Mindful Action and is customized for Safety Goals, Health Goals, Team Goals, Customer Service Goals , Sales Goals, etc.
  • PRICELESS PROSPECTING / Mastering the New Laws of Business Networking… Going for the SALE even at a social distance in a challenging business landscape!!

Dean’s books, including CREATING PROGRESS IN A WORLD OF CHANGE and HOW TO ACHIEVE BIG PHAT GOALS (Winner of the Business Class News Editors’ Choice award for BOOK OF THE YEAR and Recommended as one of the ’21 BEST GOAL SETTING BOOKS TO READ’ on PositivePsychology .com) have sold over 100,000 copies worldwide and have been translated into Chinese, Hindi, Polish, Korean, Spanish and Greek.

Dean’ national and international clients include: United States Patent and Trademark Office, KPMG, American Airlines, True Value Hardware, Texas A&M, New York Life, Aramark Canada, Century 21, Precision Tune Auto Care Franchising Inc., House of Blues, Anthem, Michigan State University, Pacific Life & Annuity, Marriott, Heinz, First Heritage Credit Union, Hilton, Relax the Back, American Express, Western Union, Verizon, John Hancock Financial, HANDHELD (Sweden), Amway, Nestle, Gold’s Gym, FASTSIGNS, Bell Partners, EKOS (Ecuador), LPL Financial, UNITS Franchising Group, Menards, ConocoPhillips, Haggar Clothing, Workout Anytime Franchising Systems LLC and the United States Peace Corp.

He has had the privilege of sharing his powerful business growth insights on stages across the globe including: Spain, Turkey, Poland, Ecuador, Mexico, Canada, Venezuela, Sweden and the islands of Aruba and Jamaica. Dean is an active member of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, a cum laude graduate of the University of North Texas and has served as Guest Lecturer to both the UCLA and University of Dallas MBA programs as well as the International Call Management Institute.

Dean has served as a featured contributor to Entrepreneur’s Organization’s (EO) OCTANE Blog, HR. com’s Leadership Excellence Magazine, CEOWorld Magazine, The Smart Manager (India), Training Magazine Europe, Executive Travel, Sales and Service Excellence, Networking Times and the American Management Association’s Moving Ahead magazine as well as numerous podcasts and the audio magazine Selling Power Live. His business views have also been featured on the Voice of America radio as well as the Dallas Morning News and

Dean’s thoughts on authentic business development by building and strengthening PROGRESS-based work cultures have been endorsed by a who’s who of international business thought leaders including Ken Blanchard (author of THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER) who calls Dean’s writings “a much needed kick in the pants.”


The business term change management has been around for a long while. The term relates to “initiating significant change” within an organization’s processes. This change can include anything from altering work culture to embracing diversity to modifying an individual’s work tasks to increasing company morale and loyalty. The goal of “initiating significant change” is solid, but where is the passion in the word choice? The problem with the term “change management” is that no one really desires to change or plans to change. We desire and plan to progress.

All progress is change but not all change is PROGRESS. It is natural to resist change but we embrace PROGRESS. We do not want managers to manage our change. We want leaders to lead our progress. In a time of continual transformation, committed leaders should focus on inspiring the progress, not apologizing for the change.

  • Progress Agents don’t just TELL people what to do.
  • Progress Agents include others in the progress as well as the process.
  • Progress Agents shape, nourish, and sustain the thoughts that create the actions necessary to reach desired results.
  • Progress Agents work to positively influence thoughts and feelings as well as oversee actions.
How to Achieve Big PHAT Goals

ow to Achieve Big PHAT Goals is designed for leaders who view their employees as an investment rather than an expense and are committed to retaining, developing and leading committed self motivated team players. Dean Lindsay’s Big PHAT Goals Program helps Align Personal Goals with Organizational Objectives and includes insight into the Six P’s of Progress and the Six Rules for Big PHAT Goal-Crafting, both found in Dean Lindsay’s newest book, Big PHAT Goals.

We must dedicate ourselves to crafting personal and organizational goals that are so attractive, so alluring, so PHAT that we are compelled to continually make choices that move us toward their accomplishment. As a noun, CRAFT can mean an object or machine designed for a journey, like a ship or an airplane.

As a verb, CRAFT can mean to make or manufacture with skill and careful attention to detail. A goal is the aim, the objective, the purpose, and the point. Stop setting goals and start CRAFTING goals.

BIG PHAT GOALS Empowers Professionals to:

•Strengthen Commitment to their Organization & Organizational Goals
•Partner with Organization to Achieve Personal Goals
•Create Powerful Self Motivation toward Personal & Organizational Goals
•Discover Power of Affirmations & Visualization
•Increase Team Morale & Work Towards Balanced Life
•“DO the Next Right Thing”
•Make more Sales
•Better Service Customers
•Attracts New Business and Generates Quality Referrals
•Establishes and Cements Internal and External Customer Loyalty
•Leads to career development and Life Balance
•Creates Better leaders, better team members, better human beings

Six Rules of Big PHAT Goal Crafting (otherwise known as goal setting):

•Rule #1 – Big PHAT Goals are Written and Visualized
•Rule #2 – Big PHAT Goals are Connect to Personal Progress
•Rule #3 – Big PHAT Goals are Stated in Present Tense
•Rule #4 – Big PHAT Goals are Detailed and Measured
•Rule #5 – Big PHAT Goals are Positively Worded
•Rule #6 – Big PHAT Goals are Have an Achievement Date

Cracking the Networking CODE Mastering the 4 Steps to Priceless Business Relationships

You can’t achieve your best in business without learning the all-important art of connecting. Dean Lindsay’s rip-roaring, CODE Cracking sales training programs, based on his best-selling business networking book, “Cracking the Networking CODE: 4 Steps to Priceless Relationships,” are filled with fresh insights to build meaningful, profitable, win-win relationships for business and life.

Depending on length of program, the CODE business networking program can be customized to include:

•The Top Ten Benefits of Networking
•37 Questions for Defining a Powerful Networking Plan
•The Way Around the “Do Not Call” List
•16 Examples of Proven Places to Network
•16 Tips for Running a Successful Trade Show Booth
•9 Strategies for Opening Face-to-Face Relationships
•6 Often Overlooked Networking Strategies
•20 Quick Tips for Delivering Solid First Impressions
•10 Ideas for Creating a Series of Positive Impressions
•Insight on Business Cards and Note-taking

As well as how to:

•Be a Success in Your Own Eyes
•Conquer the FEAR of Networking
•Harness the Power in Numbers
•Gain Confidence Talking to Strangers
•Ask Progress-Focused Questions
•Listen As If Your Lifestyle Depended on It.
•Design Your Rise & Shine (30-Second Commercial)
•And of Course How to …Crack the Networking CODE!

Celebrating Service Excellence!! - 6 Keys to Moving Customer Experiences

In tough economic times, Customer service IS the difference between success and failure. This program features Cherishing Customers/CARE Model and ForWORDs and BackWORDs: Words and Phrases that MOVE Business Communication!

This program encourages participants to internalize three powerful insights about customers and introduces them to unique and powerful models for inspiring true customer loyalty. Participants receive professional customer service training that helps committed service professionals:

  • Create Customer Advocates by genuinely relating to concerns and wildly exceeding expectations
  • Enhance awareness of the importance of responding to customers quickly and effectively
  • Implement strategies to inspire amazing customer loyalty that lead to positive long-term customer relationships
  • Develop an understanding of personal responsibility in responding to customer needs
  • Examine the behavior and DESIRES of dissatisfied customers
  • Help customers know you are on THEIR side
  • Implement better strategies to address customer concerns based on style needs
  • Understand the need for “putting on the customer’s shoes”
  • View customer feedback (complaints) as the most inexpensive, and useful forms of customer market data
  • Keys to Creating Progress in Change
  • History of Progress Based Disruption
  • The Principals of Progress-Based Disruption
  • Keys to Innovative Creativity
  • Six Ps of Progress: Power, Peace of Mind, Profit, Prestige, Pleasure & Pain Avoidance

Mastering the Seven Keys to Becoming a BUSINESS ATTRACTION MAGNET! All BAM sales training programs are customized to fit the specific challenges of your sales organization.

In these tough economic times, the business of sales is the business of ATTRACTION. We are attracted to products, services, ideas, and people that we TRUST can help us PROGRESS. The days of the “Surefire Closing Statement” and the “Glad-handing Slick Salesman” are long gone. Today it is imperative for Sales Professionals to truly get to know their prospects and help prospects get to know them. Selling is therefore a state of mind more than a series of steps.

  • Master the Art of Positive Persuasion and win people over to your side without manipulation or intimidation (even over the phone)
  • Prevent objections, reduce price pressure and get the prospect to rule out the competition by learning the key ingredient that drives every sale
  • Gain Powerful insight into how people make decisions and how to manage their decision process
  • Replace awkwardness with confidence, frustration with self-control
  • Develop a sales team skilled at selling to all styles of client behavior
  • Position yourself and services with the client’s needs in mind
  • Learn multiple methods of making contact with key decision makers and tips to prevent initial contact objections
  • Attain the ultimate in credibility with your customers and understand how your product knowledge can hurt you
  • Position power-benefit statements into highly negotiable statements of interest.
  • Learn the power of ONLY. What sets you, your company, your product and services apart?
  • Network all contacts into powerful business relationships, increased revenue and quality referrals

The Progress Challenge is just that, a challenge – a challenge to progress, a challenge for Sales and Customer Service Professionals to work and win in this complicated, stress-encouraging, wonderful of world of continual, radical change.

Meeting The Progress Challenge:

  • Attracts New Business and Generates Quality Referrals
  • Establishes and Cements Internal and External Customer Loyalty
  • Leads to career development and Life Balance
  • Creates Better leaders, better team members, better human beings

There is a powerful and important connection between solid leadership, sales success, personal motivation and customer loyalty. All are achieved by effectively positioning ideas, recommendations, solutions, products, services – even ourselves – as PROGRESS in the minds of those we wish to propel to positive action.


Solid customer service is the difference between success and failure in the ever challenging world of retail. Dean’s cutting edge and innovative “GO Service!” program encourages participants to explore the three power truths about customers and harness the 7 Wonders of the Retail Service World. SEND Service introducing valued retail professionals to the unique and powerful SEND model for Inspiring True Retail Customer Loyalty.

SEND stands for:
Support the Customer Relationship with Solid Communication
Empathize with Customers
Negotiate Trust
Deliver HUGs – Heartfelt Unexpected Gestures

Packed with valuable tips and unique observations, the ‘GO Service’ program is uniquely designed to motivate True Value retail professionals to:

  • Implement New Service Strategies That Inspire Retail Customer Loyalty
  • Understand the Power of the ‘Internal’ Customer
  • Relate To and Win Over “Challenging” Retail Customers
  • Establish a Deeper Understanding of Personal Responsibility in Responding to Retail Customer Needs
  • View Retail Customer Feedback (Complaints) as an Inexpensive, Available and Useful Form of Customer Market Data
  • Create Retail Customer Advocates by Genuinely Relating to Concerns and Exceeding Expectations
  • Deliver World-Class Service that SEND’s Customers Praising (leads to REFERRALS)!!

This sales training program is customized to fit the specific challenges of your sales organization. Cultivating quality referrals is VITAL for sales in today’s tough economic times. In this motivational, thought-provoking and highly entertaining program, Dean digs deep into the three keys to consistently cultivating quality referrals. Dean will also teach your sales team valuable techniques and insights into how to fully develop a referral mindset.

A Quality Referral is BORROWED Trust.

Insight into Key # 1: Becoming Buzzworthy

To cultivate quality referrals and ensure business growth, it is essential to provide so much value, so much heat, and so much enthusiasm that customers are inspired to talk about and refer us. We must be worthy of attention, worthy of the spotlight, worthy of wattage, and worthy of client referrals. We must not only show enthusiasm for our work – we must HAVE enthusiasm for our work. If we want prospects to get excited about our products and services, we need to have that excitement first. Likewise, if we want others to believe in our products and services, we must believe in our products and services first.

Enthusiasm shows in the way we hold ourselves and in the passion we have for our jobs and our lives. If we want loyal customers and referrals, we need to feel worthy of them. Whenever possible, people do business with people they LIKE. Passion for our lives and belief in our work make us attractive and likable and will draw people to us.


Workplace stress is rarely part of anyone’s job description, but it is unfortunately part of most jobs, especially in the safety industry. It is tough to progress when we are stressed. In fact, we feel stress when we feel we are being hindered from progressing in our jobs. Businesses across the U.S. lose $200-$300 billion dollars annually to stress, resulting in loss in productivity and treatment costs.

Effects of stress in the workplace include Safety Accidents, Absenteeism, Disruptive Outbursts and Tendency to do as little as possible to get by. All reduce productivity and damage an organization’s bottom line. Plus, many do not have a well-defined boundary between work and home, and end up taking work problems home with us and letting them affect our personal lives.

This program teaches safety professionals how to:

  • Develop stress immunity and resilience
  • Become Flexible in Problem Solving
  • Give Mind and Body the “Right Fuel.”
  • Learn to deal with the stress of the high tech, low touch new millennium
  • Develop positive ways to respond to the possible stressful stimuli
  • Take back control of your emotions and thought processes
  • Find new ways of relating to each stressful stimuli appropriately

Time Management Training is Really SELF Management Training!

As Sales and Customer Service Professionals:

  • Where do you commit your time?
  • Is procrastination a problem?
  • What is an effective use of your time?
  • Do you need to exercise better “time management?”

“We don’t find time or make it; we schedule time and take it.” – Dean Lindsay

Each of us invest some of our time in daily activities that do not serve our goals. Time is the great equalizer. Time Management is really self-management, with a respect for time. Learning and consistently utilizing effective time management strategies turns a perishable resource into a source of productivity and profits. Dean’s Always Time for Progress program reveals hindering habits and supplies a detailed framework for developing a progress-based personal action plan.

The advantages of effective time management training are significant. Sales and Customer Service Professionals can INVEST MORE TIME:

  • Making More Sales
  • Serving Customers
  • Building Priceless Business Relationships
  • Networking
  • Increasing Productivity
  • Maximizing Quality
  • Delivering Excellent Customer Service
  • Meeting Deadlines
  • Achieving Objectives


  • Struggling with Paperwork
  • Dealing with Interruptions
  • Procrastinating
  • Attending Unproductive Meetings

The insights and methods in Dean’s time management training programs are offered in plain, contemporary language making it the perfect time training program for staff and personnel at every level of your organization. It offers fresh tips and insights into TAKING TIME to PROGRESS featured in Dean’s book, “The Progress Challenge.”

UCLA Anderson MBA Program
“We’re thrilled to host Dean Lindsay at UCLA Anderson School of Management because we think he has a unique point of view and we wanted our MBA students to have access to his insights for their career development.”
VRC Investigations
“Congratulations Dean. Getting a standing ovation from our team is no small feat. I am certain your presentation will help us meet and surpass our goals. Thanks for taking the time to research our company, interview some of our team, and customize your talk to meet our needs. You were right on the money – and on short notice too. We are already making plans to have you back. Welcome to the Wolfpack!”
Handheld GroupAB
“We had Dean speak at our international Business Partner Conference in Stockholm, Sweden. Dean delivered a very energetic, dynamic and humorous motivational speech for our international Group of reselling partners, focusing on change and progress. I can highly recommend him.”
DORMA Americas
“Dean Lindsay was asked to speak at our sales leadership conference to support our theme of “a new day for new thinking”. Dean took the quality time up front to understand the deliverables we needed for our specific audience and he delivered as promised. His style, material and overall delivery and facilitation hit the mark for our group. Many participants later commented about enjoying the 4 hour session but also benefiting from it by getting new ideas to bring back to their territories to go after additional sales. I would certainly work with Dean again and recommend others to as well.”
Gold's Gym International
"Dean brings a great sense of how to connect quickly with people through impactful and fun stories. If your goal is to give your franchisees tools to drive sales and support it with service initiatives through a fun and energized session, I highly recommend Dean."
College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University
“We brought Dean Lindsay in to speak at our graduate student orientation at the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences and we are quite pleased with the results. During his session, Have a Big PHAT Year, Dean engaged our graduate students by challenging them to think about goals in a sustainable way. With professionalism, keen insight, and well-timed humor, Dean provides a closer look at the infrastructure behind goal setting and achievement, a topic that is of vital importance to students embarking on a new collegiate journey. We loved working with Dean and, more importantly, our students connected with him and his message. Well done, Dean.”
CEO, Precision Tune Auto Care
“Hi Dean, I really enjoyed your presentation at our recent Company Store Managers Meeting in Baltimore. I heard many positive comments from the managers as well. You brought great energy to the meeting, a very positive, up-beat attitude and pragmatic information for the attendees. I appreciate the fact that you spent time getting to know about our company before the meeting. That made your presentation that much more believable to our Managers. Use me as a reference whenever you want as I am a big Dean Lindsay fan!”
Chain Restaurant Total Rewards Association
“Dean, the keynote you presented for CRTRA’s 2017 Annual Conference in San Diego on How to Achieve Big PHAT Team Goals was a Big PHAT Hit!! Congratulations and thank you!! You are a dynamic, highly engaging and humorous speaker and your content is rich with valuable insights that would help any team achieve their goals. Well done!! We loved having you and would definitely invite you back!!!”
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