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Vicki Hitzges

Vicki Hitzges

An Expert In Creating Positive Work Environments

Topic Categories:

Fee Range: Array
  • Former Dallas TV news anchor and talk show host for Fox, CBS and ABC.
  • Winner of the National Press Club’s Headliner Award for outstanding reporting ability
  • She learned to think quickly talking to newsmakers like U.S. Presidents’ Carter, Reagan, Clinton and both George and George W. Bush
  • Knows business! Vicki was the corporate publicist for clients ranging from Tony Roma’s to BeautiControl Cosmetics to America’s
  • foremost motivational teacher, Zig Ziglar.
  • Ziglar quickly selected Vicki as one of the few speakers he would personally mentor.
  • Enthusiastic clients include Southwest Airlines, Southwestern Bell, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, American Airlines, the CIA, Ernst & Young, Kraft-Nabisco, EDS, Delta Airlines and Bell Helicopter.

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

Vicki Hitzges (“Hits’ guess”) is an expert in creating positive work environments. (Whether the work takes place at home or in a commercial building.) Vicki knows her stuff. She first ramped up her speaking skills as a Dallas TV news anchor. In her early 20’s, she was named Bureau Chief at KTVT in Dallas, at the time, the largest, independent television station in the nation. Next, she anchored for the NBC affiliate (KRIS) in Corpus Christi, TX where she won the National Headliner Award from the Press Club of Atlantic City. She then co-hosted the Dallas Cowboy’s weekly TV show, Special Edition, before becoming a publicist. That matters to you because she tells interesting stories and edits sizzling videos that inform and entertain. As a publicist, one of her clients included the man then considered the world’s top motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar. Impressed with her creativity, Zig urged Vicki to speak and personally mentored her.

Vicki speaks across the world to associations, companies, and universities who want a proven, strong message about teamwork, customer service, and how to keep a positive work environment.

Vicki holds a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) title. When she earned that honor in 2004, only seven percent of speakers held it worldwide–and just a few hundred women.

She’s authored two books, the first of which sold out the first day! Bam! All 5,000 copies! Gone! That book, Attitude is Everything – 10 Steps to Staying Positive, sells internationally as does her second book, Stuck on Stop – How to Quit Procrastinating.

Vicki enjoys interesting sermons and stories, clean comedy, chocolate, lively conversation, and crushing opponents in board games. (Not necessarily in that order.)


This program is perfect for:

  • A FUN opening kickoff
  • Group members who don’t know each other well
  • Organizations wanting to boost service and morale

The audience will leave knowing how to:

  • Actively listen (the #1 sales and relationship skill)
  • Make a positive, first impression in person and on the phone
  • Win others’ willing cooperation
  • Stay positive
  • Contribute to making your company a desired destination

Many times after hearing this talk, the meeting planner will say, “That was the best presentation we’ve ever had!” If you want your seminar to start with a friendly, high spirit that carries through the rest of your meeting, then continues back home, this is the program to choose.

60-90 minute opening keynote


Your people will get strategies and encouragement to tackle goals, open doors and feel great. Your company’s productivity will rocket skyward!

Your people will learn:
• Why psychologists say we avoid tasks (Probably not why you suspect)
• What to do if you stall because you’re afraid you won’t succeed
• How to get past “writer’s block”
• An EASY cure to make you instantly more creative (Try it!)
• The #1 BEST action to take when you don’t want to work but must

ADDRESSES: How to Stop Procrastinating, How to Be Creative, How to Overcome the Fear of Failure

RESULTS: Greater creativity. Higher work rate. Increased productivity. More products going out. Greater sales.

Based on Vicki’s best-selling book, Stuck On Stop-How to Quit Procrastinating, this presentation will get your people thinking, laughing and shifting out of “Park” and into gear!

60 minute program


Keep a positive, happy work place that attracts top talent. Enjoy a steady stream of well-treated, new and repeat customers.

This interactive talk will turn your team into optimistic winners!
Your people will learn to:
• Squash worry
• Feel positive
• Develop habits that encourage positive thinking

When it comes to relationship success, personal happiness, and career triumphs, attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference.

ADDRESSES: Positive Thinking, How to Stop Worrying, Employee Morale
RESULTS: Banish worry. Enjoy vibrant, happy workers. Higher morale.

A positive workplace. Strong relationships. An ENERGIZED business!


This program is perfect for:

  • Companies going through change
  • Groups frustrated from trying to do more with less
  • Organizations looking for a fun, high energy kickoff

Baby, Take Off Your Stress – You Can Leave Your Hat On

We’re stressed!!!
We have waaaay to much to do and not nearly enough time or resources to get it done.

This high-energy presentation will revitalize your group.
Discover stress’s dangers.
Understand why we feel it.
Discover ways to stop stress instantly.

Terrific opening keynote
Fun breakout
Lots of audience interaction


Your Group Will Learn:
How to bounce back when they feel knocked flat.
3 causes of stress
5 major ways to zap stress
8 funky ways to obliterate stress instantly


Always a hit!
Volunteers demonstrate stress-releasing activities
Your group will leave refreshed

Your group will laugh and learn as they do what it takes to relieve the number one health problem facing Americans today — Stress!

Please contact us to see testimonials.
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