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Karen Wolfe

Karen Wolfe

Dr Karen Wolfe is a visionary pioneer in the field of health and wellness

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Fee Range: 10000-19999
  • Physician
  • Healthy Lifestyle Coach
  • Author
  • International speaker

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Dr Karen Wolfe is a visionary pioneer in the field of health and wellness She is an Australian physician with a mission, a health advocate and a leading voice for discerning how to use the massive amounts information in the field of health and wellness. She is the creator of a series of health and wellness seminars that synthesizes and organizes information from many sources and she has an overwhelming desire to share what she has found.

Dr Karen’s work is driven by her belief that all of us have the ability to create the health and wellness we desire. She is an Australian physician, Health Coach, Author and International Speaker. Born in Sydney, Australia, Karen graduated from Sydney University with a Medical Degree and completed a Masters Degree in Psychology from National University in California. She worked initially in Australia as a family physician followed by 8 years as the Medical Director of the Australian Government Health Service.

Dr. Karen moved to the United States in 1991 and began her wellness career in corporate wellness. She assisted companies and school districts reduce health care costs by customizing wellness pro¬grams to improve the health and well-being of employees. She later became certified as a Mindful Coach and went on to become the National Mindful Coaching Instructor. She is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and is a long time faculty member of the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine. She is a Trustee of the National Wellness Institute and in 2007 was inducted into the Service and Leadership Circle as recognition of her contributions to the field of wellness. Her greatest professional passions are the areas of stress, preventative nutrition and life balance.

She is the author of seven books, including Lifestyle Medicine, Give Stress A Rest and Create the Body Your Soul Desires and her website at was voted one of the Top 50 Health Coach websites. Dr Karen is a contributing author for as an “Architect of Change” aimed at inspiring people to use their own ideas, influence and initiative to go out and make an impact on our world and she is a certified provider for The National Certification Commission for Addiction Professionals (NCCAP)

Dr Karen is a mother of three children and lives in California with her husband Steve and three spunky dogs. She loves to take walks by the ocean, ride bikes and hike the trails in Southern California.

Peak Performance Living – 8 Keys to Maximize Your Focus, Motivation and Mental and Physical Health

Dr. Karen shares scientifically proven methods of diet and exercise that improve performance and disposition quickly, safely–and without drugs. Anyone can gain optimism, intellectual clarity, sharpened memory, and deep feelings of well-being naturally by adjusting the brain’s chemistry with these methods. Learn how to unlock your optimal physical and mental health and performance potential. Dr Karen has helped hundreds of her clients achieve optimal performance using these principles. Her message changes lives, and most importantly offer long-lasting tangible results.

Coaching Skills for Leadership Success – How to Create a Culture of Coaching to Get Better Results

Coaching synthesizes what is known about how people improve performance based on psychology, communication, education and studies of the brain. At its core, coaching is an assets-based approach and it came about because people perform better when their ability to think about choices is expanded.

Your Health is an Investment, Not an Expense – It Becomes an Expense If You Do Not Take Time to Invest

With the epidemic escalation of obesity, diabetes, depression and dementia, our health is going the wrong way at a very rapid pace and healthcare costs are rising out of control. The answer is lifestyle changes that work! Dr Karen presents here 8 keys to optimal health that work!

No Health, No Wealth – Take Care of Your #1 Profit Center

Many are ignoring their health in pursuit of wealth. Studies show that 69% percent of employees report that work is a significant source of stress and 41% say they typically feel tense or stressed out during the workday. Healthcare expenditures for employees with high levels of stress were 46% higher than those for employees who did not have high levels of stress.

Wellness At Work – Practical Tips to Find Your Fit At Work

Do you feel you don’t have enough hours in the day to stay healthy? Would you like some tangible solutions for real-world results? Dr Karen has spent 20 years helping people create health in a practical and easy to implement way. You will learn how to reduce stress to enhance concentration, inspire movement at work , support better sleep, make healthier food choices and even achieve your ideal weight – without adding hours to the workday! This will be a journey for you to be inspired to clear the clutter of health information overload and gain clarity. With passion, power and a pioneering spirit, Karen will take you on a journey you will never forget.

  • Peak Performance Living – 8 Keys to Maximize Your Focus, Motivation and Mental and Physical Health
  • Coaching Skills for Leadership Success – How to Create a Culture of Coaching to Get Better Results
Functional Medicine 101: Imperatives for Reshaping Medicine for the 21st Century

The escalating cost of chronic disease can only be solved by shifting our focus from suppression and management of symptoms to addressing their underlying causes. Functional Medicine offers this shift as an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach  that addresses the causes of complex, chronic disease, which are rooted in lifestyle choices, environmental exposures, and genetic influences.

How to Keep Your Brain Alive – Five Factors that Can Heal and Protect Your Brain

The data is so strikingly strong to show that many of our simple lifestyle choices are strongly related to either increasing or decreasing our risk for early cognitive decline.  Learn the role of Sleep, Stress, Nutrition, Exercise and the Microbiome to renew the brain and how to increase the body’s production of BDNF (which allows the brain to grow new neurons)

The Myths and Truths About Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s is not a disease. It is a constellation of things that come together that ultimately lead to the generation of the brain in terms of its structural integrity and function.  There is amazing research to support this new thinking and dispel myths.

Vital Health for Vital Aging – The Six Keys to Vitality and Vigor

Dr Karen was trained as a Western medical doctor. She knows that her training did not teach her how to improve or heal poor digestion, forgetfulness, a bad knee, or other problems of aging. She was trained to believe that little can be done for an aging body except to prescribe medication. Now she knows differently, and it passionate about teaching her audiences that advances in Lifestyle Medicine

Is Your Lifestyle A Health Risk? – 8 Keys To Optimal Health and Weight Loss

With the epidemic escalation of obesity, diabetes, depression and dementia, our health is going the wrong way at a very rapid pace.

Unlock the Power of the Female Brain – The Keys to Better Energy, Focus, Mood and Joy

The female brain is unique in many ways. If you are not taking care of your brain, you are at higher risk of brain fog, memory problems, low energy, obesity, heart disease and diabetes. You are most certainly going to age faster and become ill more often. Women are far more likely than men to suffer from anxiety and depression. This presentation will teach you the steps to optimize your female brain for better health, energy, focus and joy!

Why Weight? – Unlocking the Keys to Weight Loss

What if everything we have been taught about weight loss is wrong? Virtually everyone who has used calorie restriction for weight loss, has failed, yet, it remains the method of choice. This leaves us feeling like we have failed and we think we have no willpower. The failing isn’t ours! The portion-control and caloric-restriction diet is virtually guaranteed to fail. Eating less does not result in lasting weight loss. This presentation gives new hope and insight into finding and sustaining your ideal weight.

Wellness At Work – Practical Tips to Find Your Fit At Work

Do you feel you don’t have enough hours in the day to stay healthy? Would you like some tangible solutions for real-world results? Dr Karen has spent 20 years helping people create health in a practical and easy to implement way. You will learn how to reduce stress to enhance concentration, inspire movement at work , support better sleep, make healthier food choices and even achieve your ideal weight – without adding hours to the workday! This will be a journey for you to be inspired to clear the clutter of health information overload and gain clarity. With passion, power and a pioneering spirit, Karen will take you on a journey you will never forget.

Depression, Inflammation, Leaky Gut and the Microbiome: New Directions in Nursing

Depression results in more absenteeism than almost any other physical disorder and costs employers more than US$51 billion per year in absenteeism and lost productivity, not including high medical and pharmaceutical bills. Depression in children is the greatest form of disability and prescription numbers are growing.

While many think of their brain as the organ in charge of their mental health, your gut may actually play a far more significant role. Our immune systems are largely housed in the gut and the interplay between the gut and the brain is a complex and profoundly important relationship. It is time to expand our horizon about mental health and health promotion professionals are perfectly positioned to do this.

The Genomics Revolution – A New Frontier for Nursing

The genomic revolution opens a new window into why our bodies do what they do and how we can work with our genes, rather than against them. As science advances, we will be able to prescribe diets, lifestyles, drugs and nutrients that help maximize genetic potential and minimize risk of disease and obesity.

Microbiome Medicine: The Next Revolution in Modern Wellness

The microbiome is the community of trillions of bacteria that live in your digestive tract and elsewhere throughout your body. Collectively weighing about three pounds — the same weight as our brain — these bacteria outnumber our human cells by a factor of about 10 to 1. Not only do our bacteria outnumber us, their genes outnumber our genes — by a factor of 150 to 1. In many ways, their genes have more of an influence over our day-to-day life than our own genes do.

When your microbiome is balanced, you have good digestion, clear thinking, balanced mood, and glowing overall health. When your microbiome goes out of balance, however, you risk such symptoms as brain fog, depression, anxiety, bad skin, insomnia, obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

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