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Justin Wren

Finding purpose though service and overcoming to make an impact

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  • Justin, with his partner Amy Edwards, runs the Overcome with Justin Wren podcast
  • Founder and CEO of Fight For The Forgotten
  • MMA Fighter
  • Mental Health Advocate
  • Humanitarian
  • Motivational Speaker
  • Author
  • Podcast Host

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

Justin “The Big Pygmy” Wren is a mixed martial artist, humanitarian, and founder of the non-profit Fight For The Forgotten. A native Texan and a high-school wrestling powerhouse, Justin won 10 state championships, and was a 5 time All American and a 2 time National Champion before becoming one of the youngest professional MMA athletes at the age of 19. Shortly after, he became the youngest heavyweight cast on the most watched season of The Ultimate Fighter TV show at 21 years old.

After battling depression, suicide, and drug addiction, Justin experienced a life changing journey living with the Mbuti Pygmy people of the Congo Basin Rainforest. When he returned he founded Fight For The Forgotten, which today has expanded their impact to serve the Batwa Pygmies of Uganda, and stateside initiatives including bullying prevention and character development programs for public schools, athletic programs, and ministries.

Justin will make you laugh, cry, and will leave you, your group, or event’s attendees feeling inspired to make change and make the world a better place, finding purpose though service and overcoming to make an impact.

Overcome and Thrive: How to Overcome Obstacles and Win This Fight Called Life

In the electrifying arena of life, we all step into the ring, donning the gloves of struggle, pain, and adversity. In the face of every challenge, we have a choice to make – a choice to rise, to fight, and to overcome.

As an MMA fighter, I have danced in the octagon, where every second counts and every blow matters. But my toughest fight, my most grueling bout, was not inside those steel cage walls. It was the battle within my own mind, the war against self-doubt, fear, and the weight of past failures.

This speech is not just about fighting in the ring– it’s about fighting for your dreams, your purpose, and your very existence. Together, we will unravel the secrets of the Overcomer’s mindset, the unyielding spirit that separates the victors from the defeated. It’s time to transform pain into fuel, setbacks into comebacks, and doubts into unwavering belief.

Generate Impact: Finding Purpose Through Service to Leave Your Imprint on this World

What happens after you hit rock bottom? Sometimes you find a calling that changes your life forever.

The Pygmies, a marginalized and forgotten people, became the catalyst for my journey of purposeful service. Through my experiences with these incredible individuals, I witnessed firsthand the immense impact we can have when we dedicate ourselves to a cause greater than ourselves.

Together, we will explore the power of service, the profound difference we can make in the lives of others, and the ripple effect that extends far beyond what we can imagine– including the transformation that occurs within ourselves when we choose to serve selflessly.

Above all, this talk is about hope. It is a reminder that we each possess the power to create a better world, one act of kindness at a time. By leaving our imprint on this world through purposeful service, we can inspire others to do the same, sparking a chain reaction of love and compassion that reverberates far and wide.

Tapping into A Fighter’s Mind - A Fighter’s Heart

To the untrained eye or casual fan, it is often believed that it’s the fighter with the strongest muscles or best physique who will win an MMA fight. But in actuality, the one who wins in the cage is the fighter with the deepest purpose and strongest reasons.

Learning to strengthen and stack your WHYs is a skill, and one that sets apart a winning fighter from the rest. Reminding yourself of why you are fighting and who you are fighting for is how the bar of high performance gets raised during a fighter’s “peak week”– that crucial time period before a fight, as you let yourself heal from a grueling ‘fight camp’ of training.

We are all fighting for something. At home, at work, with our teams, for our personal goals, or for our community. Learning these insights and tapping into both a fighter’s mind and a fighter’s heart, and applying it to life, will help anyone achieve peak performance and find that flow state while in hot pursuit of any goals and give you a new game plan– and a new edge– for victory.

Hope Dealers, Fire Starters, and Change Creators/Movement Makers

When we access this shamrock three punch combo and trifecta it leads to a tripling of impact. Things we dreamed as possible, but didn’t believe could happen, can occur through accessing the tools, tactics, and techniques that true fire starters use to create the seemingly impossible.

Through personal growth in our own lives, our performance and success at work, and our attitude and actions making change, we can create like never before in our communities and our world.

The New Wave of Charity, Sustainability, and Opportunity

Opportunity is greater than charity. While charity certainly has its place, opportunity is proven to be better: it’s the difference between a hand out and a hand up, or band-aids and stitches.

The shocking truth is that the band-aid of charity has turned into a toxicity that has caused the good intentions of charity to actually hurt.

Learn the how and why of this from Justin’s own founding of Fight for the Forgotten, and how contribution meets collaboration, and helps people build their own ladder to climb out of poverty, oppression, insecurity and injustice. There is always a better way for communities to move forward and toward wholeness.

Servant Leadership, Character Development, and Difference Making

Leading from the front has long been the most inspirational and most effective way of leadership. But someone who has been there before, has a deep well of knowledge from the experience of having been there before, or currently is within the team, has been proven to be more trusted, effective, and impactful.

Someone who has been, can be, and is always willing to jump back in the trenches or hold space for the frontline workers who are currently there will have open lines of communication and will have the opportunity for their team to have ears that hear. Open ears, open minds, open hearts to receive direction, feedback, and leadership advice and instruction.

Learn how to further lead from service through Justin’s own story, combining head knowledge and heart knowledge. Get the real game plan for victory: care not only about the bottom line, but the through line of the people involved making the performance possible.

Face It All, Feel It All, and Magic Happens

Leaders are being blindsided today external circumstances cheapshotting our internal condition without our permission. Think: mental health issues, compassion fatigue, and burnout.

The antidote to burnout is tending to the internal fire. We will always be vulnerable to external circumstances depleting our energy, detouring our performance, and have our purpose circling the drain if we neglect our internal condition.

This talk will share Justin’s Overcomer story and his story of recovery and ultimately, thriving, and how to maintain this as a leader and a true Overcomer.

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