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Kelli Vrla

Kelli Vrla

Employee Engagement and Corporate Communications Specialist, Inspiring

Audrey Nelson

Communication Expert, Increase Productivty and Profitability

Christine Hassler

Christine Hassler

Thought-leader in Millennial psychology and expert in generational diversity

Kathleen Wood

Entrepreneur, Expert in Leadership, Growth and Business Development

Carol Ann Small

Motivational Humorist, Author, Stress and work/life balance expert

Carrie Contey

Holds a PhD in Perinatal and Prenatal Psychology, Co-Author of two books

Nancy Frates

Nancy Frates

Mother of ALS Ice Bucket pioneer, Pete Frates, Making a Difference

Gail Alofsin

Gail Alofsin

Learn to build long term relationships with customers and employees

Lu Ann Cahn

Lu Ann Cahn

Eight time Emmy Award winning tv news journalist, Two time cancer survivor

Ellen Latham

Tackle all of life’s challenges head on with the same positive attitude you tackle your workout

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