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Jay Blake

Jay Blake

Inspiring others to accomplish their goals through the power of positive thinking, self-determination, and teamwork

Marilyn Tam

Marilyn Tam

An inspiring example of what can be achieved if one followed their dreams

John Herrington

Commander John Herrington

Herrington shares his stories of challenge, leadership, motivation, and mentorship with diverse audiences of all ages and occupations

LaDonna Gatlin

LaDonna Gatlin

LaDonna Gatlin has been WOWING audiences since she was five years old.

Jeff Haden

Jeff Haden

Contributing editor for Inc. Magazine and the most-read columnist

Carla Harris

Carla Harris

Carla Harris is a Vice Chairman, Global Wealth Management, Managing Director and Senior Client Advisor at Morgan Stanley

Conor Cunneen

Conor Cunneen

Substance with Humor to IMPROVE People, Performance, Productivity with a Smile!

Bryan Dodge

Bryan Dodge

At all of his events, he stresses the importance of keeping professional life and personal life in balance.

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