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Bruce Wilkinson

Managing Partner of a Franchise, Inspires Leadership Excellence

Jeff Havens

Jeff Havens

Improving Your Business Doesn’t Have to be Boring, Have Fun While Learning

Doc Hendley

Doc Hendley helps teams and organizations to harness their collective potential and inspire meaningful action through the power of one and shared purpose.

Kathleen Wood

Entrepreneur, Expert in Leadership, Growth and Business Development

Eric Chester

Eric Chester

Attract, develop and retain top talent; Improve performance and retention

Troy Hazard

Founder/Owner of 12 Businesses, Franchise/Small Business Expert, TV Host

Mark Murphy

Founder of Leadership IQ, Best-selling Author, Contributor to Forbes

Dave Sanderson

Last passenger off the “Miracle on the Hudson,” Author

Jim Olson

Former CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, Professor at the Bush School

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