Lauren Schieffer, CSP

Why settle for mere success when there is the possibility of true, lasting significance?
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Lauren is a Certified Speaking Professional through the NSA and IFFPS. Able to relate to and energize everyone from the custodial staff to C-Level executives, Lauren is a master storyteller, delivering insightful, inspirational and relevant content that empowers people to absorb and act upon what they’ve heard – and she does so in an entertaining manner with a dry sense of humor that keeps them chuckling while they’re learning.
*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.
As the daughter of a career Air Force officer, Lauren Schieffer grew up being uprooted and relocated every couple of years. This imbued her with a profound independence and ability to adapt to changing circumstances. The lessons she learned from “The Colonel” have helped her make smart decisions and overcome adversity with humility and a sense of humor.
Lauren has navigated just about every aspect of corporate America in her varied career – from trucking to achieving top-tier Sales Director status for a global cosmetics firm to managing a non-profit foundation. In her speaking career, she has presented in seven countries to associations, organizations, federal, state and local governments, as well as Fortune 500 companies – helping them improve the effectiveness of their communication and reduce unnecessary conflict.
Lauren is a Certified Speaking Professional through the NSA and IFFPS. Able to relate to and energize everyone from the custodial staff to C-Level executives, Lauren is a master storyteller, delivering insightful, inspirational and relevant content that empowers people to absorb and act upon what they’ve heard – and she does so in an entertaining manner with a dry sense of humor that keeps them chuckling while they’re learning.
Her enthusiasm is infectious and her passion unmistakable.
SIGNIFICANCE is making every part of the world you touch better for having interacted with you. It’s about creating a lasting impact and a positive legacy. You will have realized significance when people who describe you are not talking about what you have achieved for yourself but rather what you have accomplished for the benefit of others. Too many of us equate success with significance – or our focus on achieving financial success blinds us to the possibility of creating a life of real meaning. This is a humorous, eyeopening presentation that lifts audiences to a richer, more transcendent vantage from which they can discover the true, rewarding definition of success.
Takeaway Message: This presentation will refocus people’s attention on what’s important and help them to develop an “ownership mindset” built on a culture of trust and continuous interaction.
Is your organization suffering from low morale, lack of vision, drama or a lack of accountability? All of these are signs of a crack in leadership at some level. Even if it’s not in the C-Suite, poor leadership at any level in the organization can be a pothole to the organization’s mission.
While every industry has its systems and procedures (which may change over time), the CORE concepts of significant leadership are evergreen. The bottom line results of reduced attrition, increased productivity, increased customer satisfaction and increased profitability will take care of themselves if you drive the higher level, essential concepts of Internal Leadership.
In this humorous and engaging program, master storyteller Lauren Schieffer equips you with the foundational concepts and skills you need to lead on a daily basis, whether you hold a leadership title or not.
On your life’s journey, you will encounter balcony people and you will encounter basement people. Both have value and deserve to be treated with respect, and yet there is fundamental difference in how each looks at the world, their tasks and the people they work with.
Balcony people take a Higher View. They are perpetual optimists, who believe that you can do anything, if you believe you can and are willing to put in the effort. From a higher view, you see possibilities rather than limitations. Balcony people inspire and empower others to reach farther and achieve more.
In this entertaining, humorous and inspiring keynote, master storyteller Lauren Schieffer shares her insights on and the benefits of living a life as a balcony person, staying positive, working with and (sometimes around) basement people – and how YOU can do the same!
Takeaway Message:
This presentation will inspire and empower you to climb up on the balcony to create an atmosphere that fosters buy-in, understanding and accountability with compassion.
“The Great Resignation” is real. Depending on your industry the unrelenting churn in 2021 ranged from 30% – to even 100% in some manufacturing plants. And recent research shows the trend is not going away any time soon. But the tide can be slowed if you understand what is causing it and what employees are really looking for post-pandemic.
This engaging and interactive session will give you the concepts and tangibles you can use to retain your best employees and attract new ones to fill the currently empty desks.
Learning Objectives
Understand what is causing most of the churn in the first place Understand the four key things employees are looking for from their working environment
Understand the vital role communication plays in retention
Create a plan to meet the needs of a post-pandemic workforce
Any team, whether it’s in healthcare, sales, customer service, operations or administration, is only as strong as its weakest link. If any member of the team is not accountable and fails to follow through on commitments, the entire team suffers. Very few people set out to not be accountable. Usually, it is the result of a couple of key issues that, when resolved, can change the entire functionality of the organization. Accountability is not just a popular buzz-word. It’s a mind-set and a skill-set that can be learned and practiced until it becomes a discipline and then a character trait.
This program gives you the tools you need to create an environment wherein everyone on the team trusts when a commitment is made, there will be follow through.
Learning Objectives
Gain awareness of how we sometimes sabotage our own accountability as well as others
Understand the crucial role that communication plays in creating an atmosphere of trust and accountability
Understand the connection between accountability, goal achievement and employee retention.
Communicating to Be Understood
The greatest hindrance to growth in any organization or in any individual career is poor communication—both up and down the ladder. Keeping staff motivated and achieving at full potential requires keeping effective and respectful lines of communication open at all times. This engaging, entertaining presentation details the most important avenues to sustaining staff peak performance and gaining customer loyalty in the 21st Century.
Key Takeaways:
- Core causes of poor communication
- The toxic results of poor communication and how to avoid them
- How to use The Ten Building Blocks© to be heard, understood and get the results you want
The most dynamic and successful organizations (and people!) learn how to resolve conflict before it starts—and create an atmosphere that fosters understanding and expression. These skills do not typically come naturally, but they can be learned. This engaging session will show you how to prevent, manage and resolve conflict before it comes to blows!
Key Takeaways
- The value of conflict prevention vs. conflict management
- How to function successfully in the midst of ongoing conflict
- How to find the win-win-win from a well-managed conflict
This program will inspire and empower you to look at your hardships (however large or small they may be) not as stumbling blocks but as stepping-stones to a stronger self-awareness and power. It will give you a framework and the mental tools you can use to set your baggage down and transcend from survivor to thriver.
Want to bring Lauren Schieffer, CSP to your next event? Please tell us a little about your event, and we will get back to you shortly!