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Karen McCullough

Karen McCullough

Opens people’s minds, makes them laugh, and leave ready to make positive changes

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Fee Range: Contact Speaker Exchange Agency

  • Karen McCullough spent her early years working with branding gurus Ralph Lauren and Leslie Wexner owner of the The Limited. Later, as a retail CEO, she gained hands-on experience in marketing, brand building, driving sales, leadership development, customer loyalty, and managing a diverse generational team.
  • She started speaking in 2000 and In 2008 – 2009 she used her free time learning social media communications and marketing. She partnered with a Millennial marketing expert and together they created a marketing team called Socialtunities, teaching small business owners,associations, and individuals the skills and opportunities of social media.
  • Karen calles herself a Branding Expert – a Social Media Enthusiast – and a Gen Y Evangelist
  • Her reputation as a cutting-edge thought leader comes from the unique way she fuses branding, generational trends and organizational change management with pop culture and humor.
  • She delivers creative, customized “Keynotes” and “Breakouts” in the areas of Change, Generational Opportunities, Inclusion, Engagement, Customer Service and Re-Branding.
  • Her mantra “You Rock!” will be echoed by attendees throughout your conference.

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

Karen McCullough, is a nationally known keynote speaker & .virtual presenter who is an expert on change, generational opportunities and workplace trends. Karen is known for consistently delivering a WOW experience and have presented to over 1,000 top businesses and organizations across the US and Canada. All of her programs help organizations adapt and lead change, cut through generational biases to leverage their team’s full potential, enrich their work environment, and ultimately drive better results. For the past 20 years, Karen shared her insights with top organizations such as VMware, Procter & Gamble, US Department of Justice, JPMorgan Chase, Etna, Symantec, McGraw-Hill, National Homebuilders, Shell Oil, Mercedes Benz, The World Bank, American National Insurance, Humana, United Way, American Heart Association and MD Anderson Cancer Center.


The pace of change is accelerating and is more complex. Change is occurring more frequently, and can become overwhelming. Today we all need new tools and rituals to help us not only survive, but thrive in this world of technology, innovation, and disruption. In her keynote program, Change is Good, Karen empowers you with three critical steps to lead and inspire change. She will debunk several myths around motivating change while sharing the missing links to growing a culture of change and modifying behavior.

Whether your natural instinct is to embrace change or to run from it, this program is for you! You will leave with the tools to develop a “change mindset”. This will enable you to access new ways of communication, develop new skills, and make a shift in thinking. It’s time to get excited about change. Are you ready see the opportunities change presents?


Engaged employees perform at high levels, create positive interactions with the customer, and are critical to the success of your organization. As companies find it increasingly difficult to compete on price and speed, the human-centric customer brand experience become the differentiator in the marketplace. Your employee experience directly connects to your customer’s experience and investing in engagement is key to delivering better brand experience.

After all, your brand is the core of your company, the heart of your business, the soul of your culture, and the foundation for employee engagement.


If you are looking for an upbeat presentation on the Generations look no further. Karen McCullough’s Generational Advantage keynote takes a positive approach to generations in the workplace and in your organization.

Today, the workplace days of “one size fits all” and “treat everyone the same” are gone. The working environment has never been so diverse with four very different generations (Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z) all working together in the same organizations each with very different needs, outlooks and expectations. Karen helps leaders and teams understand the distinct generational differences and how to flex to meet each group and individual in a personal and supportive way building trust, motivation, while attracting, inspiring and retaining talent.

Best Audience: corporate, associations, sales, everyone who deals with people


Millennials are becoming the power players in both the workplace and the marketplace. While Millennials are taking on more leadership and management roles, a new generation, Gen Z is emerging. Soon, Generation Z will have a major presence in the workplace, marketplace as well as in continuing and online education markets. You might think that because Gen Z comes right behind the “Me-Centric” Millennial they are very similar. They are, however, different from Millennials in many ways. The “We-Centric” Gen Z has different values, preferences, and perspectives, and they think Millennials are old!

Best Audience: corporate, associations, colleges/universities, sales, everyone who deals with people


Like great people, great brands are multi-dimensional; they have a soul, personality and behaviors that differentiate them from others. To make a name for yourself, and stand out from the crowd, you must capitalize on your unique perspective, knowledge, and experiences. Personal branding is about making a commitment to defining yourself as a leader. Your personal brand should represent the value you consistently deliver to your organization, team, clients, industry, and your community.

You are meant to do extraordinary things in your career, and your life. It’s time to discover the secrets that set you apart

Best Audience: employee development, sales, customer-facing employees, business owners, entrepreneurs, direct sales, franchise

Karen’s Virtual Programs: (Titles open to change for client’s needs)

The Details

1. Generational Advantage: Leading a Multi-generational Workplace in Times of Uncertainty

Best Audience: healthcare, corporate, associations, sales, everyone who deals with people.

Leading a multigenerational team has always had its challenges. Each generation comes to work with unique experiences, perspectives, expectations, and often inconsistent views on how the workplace should function. Now, in this time of crisis, uncertainty, and working from home the generational differences are magnified. In these challenging times, many leaders and managers unfortunately resort back to the a “one size fits all” treat everyone the same approach to work. But your diverse multigenerational team requires more. You will learn strategies to grow engagement and meet each group and individual in a personal and supportive way. Connection is key to building teams and retaining the best talent. We must stay sharp and continue to learn and engage in this new work environment.

Learning Objectives:

• Understanding the perspective and strengths of each generation Traditionalists – Gen Z

• Address the stress your team is experiencing before you can lead or manage

• Identify the areas of generational conflict such as miscommunication, feedback, transparency

• Discuss the power in asking

• Exploring new ways to communicate and give productive feedback

• Inspire collaboration, connections, and courage

2. Change is Here – Time to Adapt

Best Audience: corporate, associations, opening conference keynote, women’s conference.

Today we have all been forced to suddenly adapt to new ways of working, doing business, and living our lives. Change is here! We may not be able to control the changes going on around, but the good news is, we can control how we respond. Just as you update operating systems and smartphones, now is the time for a personal operating system update, and Karen can help! She is ready to share tools and rituals that will help you not just survive but thrive in this social distancing world. Karen shares her 3 – step process to shift your mindset and welcome change into your life. Highly interactive, and full of humor.

Learning Objectives:

• Address the stress, complex emotions, fear and anxiety you are experiencing before you can move forward

• Put into action 3 step process: Relate- Repeat- Re-Think

• Take a deep-dive into self-awareness

• Discover the power in asking for help

• Incorporate daily actions that build good habits

• Shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset

• Leave positive and hopeful

3. Rebound – Skills in Courage Building for Leaders

Best Audience: Inspirational for all audiences, women’s conferences, leaders and emerging leaders, Gen Z

No matter how successful and talented we are, an unexpected setback, mistake, or failure can directly impact our self-confidence. Low confidence makes us doubt our abilities, prevents us from taking small risks and hinders our decision making. Success stories are great. A story of success while overcoming a failure, is even better, and Karen McCullough has a great one to share. It’s interactive, it’s fun, and it’s real!

Learning Objectives:

• Improve your self-awareness and authenticity

• Building stamina

• Setting boundaries

• Overcoming the imposter syndrome

• Explore the practice and benefits of mindfulness

• Harness your creativity

• Examine the Self-Talk

4. Self-Care for Caregivers

Audience: CNA’s nurses, physicians, therapists, all caregivers

The pressures on caregivers today is overwhelming. Caregiving can be physically and emotionally exhausting and it is important to remember to recharge your batteries.

Learning Objectives:

• Heighten self-awareness

• Tap into physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needsSepts

• Gain insights to self-love

• Practice distressing techniques

• Understand the impact of connectonsP

5. Re-Thinking Productivity – Managing Your Energy Not Your Time

Best Audience: Great for all audiences

Do you ever feel tired and the day has just started? If so, you are not alone. A recent study reports that nearly 75% of American workers state that no matter how hard they work they feel as if they are not moving forward. Would you like to know the secrets of staying energized? If so, Karen McCullough is here to help! She has been dubbed “a shot of energy,” and she walks her talk! Karen shares her personal energy rituals and top ways to increase focus, stamina, and productivity. Learn how to re-charge your battery and energize others.

Learning Objectives:

• Shifting the focus from managing your time to managing your energy

Creating positive rituals that renew your energy

• Gaining deeper insights into self-awareness

• Learning from the Harvard research on happiness and productivity

• Discovering the 4 sources of our individual energy

American Culinary Federation,Inc
It was truly a pleasure to work with Karen as a general session keynote speaker for our conference. The time that she took getting to know our organization in advance and customizing her presentation was evidenced by the tremendous engagement in the room with our attendees. The audience response was immediate. Even our most hesitant stakeholders made a point of sharing their elation with me after the session. Most importantly, everyone in the session left the room with tangible takeaways. Thank you, Karen, for helping us to take our general session from credible, to INCREDIBLE!
Thank you for breathing the life and humor into our Generations event at Prudential. We couldn’t have pulled it off with you. People are LOVING the conversation around the event theme. Thank you for doing what you do!
Karen opened and WOWED our audience and provided a buzz that carried on throughout our 3-day event. A VP in our organization, with 25 years of experience here, labeled her ‘easily one of the top 3 keynote speakers we have ever had’. Well done, Karen! I would hire her again in a heartbeat.
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