The Johnson Training Group

Understand different generations in the workplace
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The Johnson Training Group is the partnership of Larry Johnson, CSP and Meagan Johnson, CSP, the father-daughter speaking and consulting team that still speaks to each other. We help organizations improve productivity, profitability, customer satisfaction and employee morale through innovative management practices. They are both highly popular speakers for corporate meetings, government conferences and association meetings.
*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.
Who is Larry Johnson, CSP?
For twenty five years, Larry has helped organizations build more productive and profitable working cultures through the development of strong leaders and dedicated employees. He has received rave reviews from more than 150,000 business, government, and health-care professionals in every state in the union, as well as in Great Britain, China, Indonesia, Central America and Australia for his presentations on the topics of leadership, change, customer service, and honesty in business. Additionally, Larry has eight years of real life experience as a manager in health care, three years as a manager in city government, and 26 years as president of his own consulting firm.
Who Is Meagan Johnson, CSP?
Meagan Johnson speaks to audiences all over the world on how they can manage and motivate different generations in the workforce. After graduating from Arizona State University School of Business in 1993, Meagan spent several years working in sales for three Fortune 500 companies. Although very successful, she became discouraged to hear all the negative comments about Generation X. (Generation X is the 50 million people born between 1965 and 1980.) Being a Gen Xer herself, she felt these comments were unfounded. Meagan began researching small and large corporations to find successful ways to work with the younger generation. From that search, the seeds for Generation Inc., From Boomers To Linksters: Managing the Friction Between Generations In The Workplace were planted. Since 1997, she has entertained and educated thousands of audience members from all over the globe. She has written a variety of articles about multiple generations in the workplace, and has been interviewed for many publications and audio programs. Meagan has continued her research into the complexities of the younger workforce, now examining Generation Y (born between 1981 and 1994 and the Linkster Generation, born after 1994.) “Every generation gets a negative label when it enters the workforce. Baby Boomers, for example, were called trouble-making hippies when they first went to work, and Gen Xers were called lazy. “Once we take time to understand the motivations and mind-set of younger people, working with them, selling to them and managing them becomes a more successful effort” says Meagan Johnson. Meagan is an active member of NSA (National Speakers Association.) In 2003, she received the designation of CSP, Certified Speaking Professional. Currently, only ten percent of professional speakers hold this designation. As a Gen Xer, Meagan was extremely proud to be one of the youngest recipients to ever receive the CSP designation. Her clients include: Harley-Davidson Motor Co., Dairy Queen, Kindred Hospital, American Academy of Nursing, Produce Marketing Association, American Express, Visit Florida, Burger King, Wal-Mart, Loreal, National Apartment Association, Pepsi CO, Coldwell Banker, Cadillac, Michigan Dental Association, and the National Cosmetology Association. Meagan lives in Phoenix Arizona with four dogs that have a total a total of 15 legs. You do the math!
Today there are five recognized generations with which we must get along:
- Traditionals: born before 1945
- Baby Boomers: born 1946 to 1965
- Gen Xers: born between 1966 to 1980
- Gen Yers: born between 1981 to 1990
- Linksters: born after 1990
Anyone who has raised a teenager, lived with an older relative, or worked with someone significantly younger or older than they are will tell you that the differences between age groups often goes beyond hairstyles, tattoos or nose rings. Whether you’re working on a committee with a Gen Xer, serving on a board with a Traditional, planning a party with a Baby Boomer, or receiving “customer service” from a Linkster, it is likely that if you and that person are from different generations, you and she will see the world quite differently. And though many of these differences can be attributed to the normal variations among all human beings, some can be traced to the time period in which each generation was raised and the common experiences it had. We call these events “generational signposts” and they influence how we think and behave long after our childhoods are over.
For example, you may be irritated when the Gen Y person on your committee fails to show you the deference that you, as an older, experienced Baby Boomer feel you deserve – until you realize that many Gen Yers were raised by Baby Boomer parents who believed in running their families like democracies – where children often had a say and being the parent did not mean you always had the final say. So is it any surprise that this youngster isn’t willing to bow down and recognize your grandeur?
In this presentation, Generation Expert Meagan Johnson and her father, well-known speaker and Corporate Culture Expert Larry Johnson explain the differences between generations, the reasons each generation tends to behave as it does, and what the audience can actually do to improve their intergenerational relationships. Throughout their funny and insightful delivery, Meagan offers insightful content with outrageous humor while Larry adds real-life illustrations based on their daughter-father history. It’s a personal touch that really connects with audiences.
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