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Erin Hatzikostas


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  • Former Fortune 10 executive and CEO of 9-figure company
  • Expert on (and obsessed with) the impact of authenticity in the workplace
  • Speaker, Award-winning Author, Podcaster, Researcher, Coach, Consultant
  • TEDx Talk was the 18th most-watched talk released in 2021
  • Speaker who brings the perfect blend of data, humor, intelligence, storytelling, and sass

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

Erin Hatzikostas is a former Corporate CEO turned Authenticity Aficionado. Erin is an internationally-recognized leader on the impact of authenticity in the workplace. She is the founder of b Authentic Inc, where she’s leading a movement to eradicate the workplace of its BS and make it a fundamentally more authentic place. Erin is the best-selling author of “You Do You(ish)”, a TEDx speaker, coach-sultant, and the co-host of an offbeat career and leadership podcast, “b Cause Work Doesn’t Have to Suck”. Her TEDx Talk was the 18th most watched TEDx of all global talks released in 2021. She has reached hundreds of thousands of people and her thought leadership has been featured on ABC, CBS and published in Business Insider, Fast Company, Well+Good, among several others. Her company also released a first-of-its-kind, national study on the impact of authenticity in the workplace.

Erin spent her career “first half” working in the corporate world, where at the age of 42, she became the CEO of a large healthcare financial institution. In just three years, she took a struggling company and led a massive turnaround, tripling earnings and sending employee engagement skyrocketing. Her secret? Radical authenticity.

Erin holds a BBA in Statistics from Western Michigan University and an MBA in Finance and Marketing from the University of Connecticut. She is married to her husband, Manny, who she met while stumbling through (and failing) an early career in the Actuarial field. They have two children – Ella and Mick. In Erin’s free time you can find her coaching basketball, running, skiing, drinking wine in her fat pants, or dancing wherever you’re not supposed to dance.

How to Use Authenticity as Your #1 Strategic Advantage

Why is it that despite the proof that companies with engaged and diverse workforces perform exponentially better, we can’t seem to truly crack these nuts?” Erin will inspire you with a clear business case for authenticity and its power to be the difference maker.

Erin talks about (and demonstrates!) authenticity and Authentic Leadership in a way you’ve never heard before. She’ll reframe how you think about the word “authenticity” itself (it is NOT synonymous with “being yourself” or “transparency”), share her Six Principles of Strategic Authenticity framework, and her proprietary national research that quantifies the impact Authentic Leadership can have on your company…and your career.

In the end, authenticity is tangible, and it’s also work. Because it’s so easy to flow down the inauthentic river that is gushing in business today, Erin’s tangible, practical, and authentic advice will give leaders the stepping stones (and life vest) they need to start swimming in the other direction and into a beautiful oasis of success!

The program is geared towards leaders and women in business, and the audience will:

1. Gain a better understanding of what authenticity really is and is not

2. Understand the proven impact authenticity can have on companies and their bottom line

3. Be empowered that authentic leadership can come from the top down AND the bottom up

4. Learn a practical framework (H.U.M.A.N.S) you can use to put authenticity into motion immediately

5. Have a stitch in your side from laughing!

Once Upon a Sale: How to Use the Power of Authenticity as Your New Sales Playbook

You do not have to be authentic to make a sale, but you do have to reduce your prospect’s Zero Moments of Truth down to zero. And authenticity is the most effective (and least exhausting) way to do that.

In this talk, Erin will talk about what Zero Moments of Truth (ZMOT) are and the requirements it places on every client sale you hope to make. She’ll help you understand why in the olden days, sales required so many golf outings, steak dinners, and popcorn tins. Hint: ZMOT requirements. She’ll then give you a more modern playbook to avoid all that pomp and circumstances and use authenticity as your ZMOT speed pass.

But the talk is much more than theory, she’ll provide you with her proprietary research, the Six Principles of Strategic Authenticity (H.U.M.A.N.S.) framework and three “starter plays” to help you start building a new, more modern sales playbook.

This program is a great keynote for sales and service professionals and is also often delivered in more in-depth, multi-day virtual sales training workshop sessions.

Your team will:

1. Understand ZMOT requirements and why these are so critical to resolve

2. The three more modern alternatives to help you reduce ZMOT to zero (sans steak dinners)

3. How the H.U.M.A.N.S. framework can give you tangible actions to be more authentic

4. Understand the components (and power) of crafting an Intriguing Intro, and how it helps you make an stand-out first connection with clients and prospects

5. Have a starting playbook to experiment and build upon to crush your goals!

The 50% Innovation Rule: Stop Chasing and Start Competing in a League of Your Own

What’s the hidden secret behind people who are self-propelled to create extraordinary innovation, capture widespread attention, and have a blast while doing it? They do half.

They don’t work harder, and no, they don’t half-arse things. Instead, they use The 50% Rule to stop comparing to everyone else or trying to do fancy, expensive things to innovate. Instead, they leverage The 50% Rule to compete in a league of their own.

In this talk, Erin will bring this Rule to life through tangible and inspiring stories of people and companies that successfully used The 50% Rule to innovate, stand out, and have massive success. You’ll also walk through The 50% Rule JIGSAW Puzzle framework, the 6 key principles you and your teams can use to activate The 50% Rule and go from underdog status to unmatched success!

This program is great for leaders and companies looking to deploy a wildly simple, but incredibly powerful, Rule and tool to help their teams get unstuck and innovate like crazy!

They’ll be able to:

1. Understand how Hamilton, The Savannah Bananas, Weird Al, and others all used The 50% Rule to go from underdog status to unmatched success.

2. Recognize Sleeprunning Syndrome and how it’s plaguing your team and their ability to move forward powerfully.

3. Be able to also implement The 50% Rule as a central component of your leadership strategy.

4. The 50% Rule JIGSAW Framework to help you remember and activate the Rule to its fullest.

5. Walk away with three experiments your team can use to start playing, and innovating, with the Rule.

Please contact us to see testimonials.
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