Brian Biro

America’s Breakthrough Coach
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Brian Biro is America’s Breakthrough Coach!
He is one of the nation’s foremost speakers and teachers of Leadership, Possibility Thinking, Thriving on Change, and Team-Building.
*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.
Brian Biro is America’s Breakthrough Coach!
He is one of the nation’s foremost speakers and teachers of Leadership, Possibility Thinking, Thriving on Change, and Team-Building.
Brian has delivered more than 1,350 presentations around the world in the past twenty-one years. His clients include such diverse organizations as Lockheed Martin, the US Army, Microsoft, the University of Notre Dame, the North Carolina Association for the Advancement of Teaching, senators and representatives from thirteen western states, the Virginia School Superintendents, Allstate Insurance, Good Samaritan Hospital, and hundreds more. A partial list of his clients is included below.
A major client offered the best introduction about Brian’s impact when he said, “Brian Biro has the energy of a ten-year-old, the enthusiasm of a twenty-year-old, and the wisdom of a seventy-five-year-old.”
A former vice-president of a major transportation corporation in the Pacific Northwest, Brian helped lead a major turnaround that resulted in the company quadrupling in revenues, becoming solidly profitable, and being named the leader in the air freight industry for customer service and convenience by Distribution Magazine.
In his first career, Brian built one of the largest private swim teams in the U.S. numbering over 275 competitive swimmers. His team finished in the top three on three occasions at the Junior National Championships, the top 10 at the Senior National Championships, and forty-four of his athletes earned full college scholarships. He received the United States Swimming National Coaching Excellence award.
Brian is the author of 9 books including bestseller, Beyond Success! which reached #16 on the top 100 — from over 2 million titles, Brian was rated #1 from over 40 Speakers at 4 consecutive INC. Magazine International Business Conferences.
He graduated with honors from Stanford and served as the President of the UCLA Graduate School of Management Student Association while earning his MBA from UCLA. He has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN’s Business Unusual, and the Fox News Network, as a guest on more than 300 radio programs throughout the country, and as a featured speaker at the Disney Institute in Orlando. Recently he was named one of the UCLA Graduate School of Management’s 100 Most Inspirational Graduates in honor of the 75th Anniversary of the school.
How do you build personal responsibility and accountability into your team? How do you ignite a team of self-starters? How do you connect with all generations and help elevate engagement to an extraordinary new level? How do you turn ego into WE GO? How do you soar to new heights as a leader?
In his new BREAKTHROUGH! THE MASTER ASKER! keynote, America’s Breakthrough Speaker, Brian Biro reveals the most surprising and important secret to answering all of these crucial questions! To put it simply… the quality of your team will be determined by the quality of the QUESTIONS YOU ASK ONE ANOTHER! To become a truly exceptional leader in today’s new world you much become a MASTER ASKER!
This keynote is tremendously engaging, energizing, surprising, fun, and empowering. Every participant will learn:
- The most vital and important key to building people, teams and relationships
- The essential difference between enabling and disabling questions
- How to transform pushback into the tango!
- How to get your RAS (Reticular Activating System) in gear!
- How to help everyone you work with know they are important!
We are born with two ears and one mouth… that’s a clue! As a Master Asker you will generate massive breakthroughs in your team, your family, your leadership, and your life!
Brian Biro’s full Breakthrough Experience typically takes a minimum of 4 hours.
In the past, he has offered a shorter version in a Keynote format of 75-90 minutes, but due to time constraints only two randomly-selected attendees would actually get to break boards.
Well, in response to the needs of meeting planners who are charged with accomplishing more in tighter time frames, Brian is excited to introduce a new Keynote Presentation that can still be accomplished in 75-90 minutes, but now EVERYONE gets the full board-breaking experience!
As more Gen X & Z team members fill organizations, a crucial leadership challenge and opportunity is finding the secrets to engage, ignite, and inspire this new workforce.
It is QUESTIONS rather than answers that can unlock the remarkable potential of these generations. Learning the fresh skill of becoming a Master Asker will light up your team with newfound energy, commitment, loyalty, and collaboration!
In this BRAND NEW keynote or workshop presentation, Brian Biro, the World’s Breakthrough Coach who was recently named one of the top 65 motivational speakers in the world, will open your eyes to the remarkable impact of QUESTIONS to build people, teams, and relationships.
Like all of Brian’s presentations, The Extraordinary Power of Questions is vibrant, engaging, fun, and filled with activity and wonderful stories. Every participant in the event moves off the sideline and into the game!
In This Extraordinary Session Participants Learn:
- How to ask enabling rather than DISabling questions
- How to transform pushback into momentum through asking vs. telling
- How to end every day, meeting, and event on a positive note
- The secret behind the secret’… the ultimate key to building trust
- The transformational impact of a MINDSET shift through questions
Always remember, you ARE a leader! You are the CEO of your own life! How do you ‘show up’ each day? That is leadership. How do you impact others? That is leadership. As a leader, when you clearly communicate your vision, you can actually create a “magnetic force” that draws yourself and others towards those positive expectations. In this vibrant, energizing presentation, you’ll gain new appreciation for your impact on others and how you can make a genuine difference! The session focuses on personal leadership, teamwork, and dealing positively with accelerating change.
In the program you’ll learn about:
- Igniting “E” Power in your team—energy, enthusiasm, and eagerness
- Being fully present, the key to true connection and balance
- The secrets to breakthrough vision
The Unstoppable Spirit is a tremendous program for families as well as businesses!
Ultimately, no matter what industry you’re involved in, you are in the BREAKTHROUGH business! Every day you seek to breakthrough with customers to generate loyalty, satisfaction, and relationship. The key to lasting success in business is breaking through with your own team members so they eagerly embrace personal responsibility, committed purpose, and leadership. They must see themselves as breakthrough leaders! And especially in times of challenge, they must focus persistently on what they CAN do rather than wasting time and energy on the things they don’t control. This one-of-a-kind presentation ignites the energy and true leadership potential in every participant.
Breakthrough Leadership is full spectrum leadership that teaches every participant how to shape the future, energize the team, build effective relationships, drive results, and model personal excellence, integrity, and accountability. In this vibrant, engaging presentation, you’ll gain new appreciation for your impact on others and how you can make a genuine difference! The session creates a fresh, new, and exciting vision of leadership that includes:
- Igniting “E” Power in your team—the #1 key to igniting others and self
- Being fully present, the key to building people, trust, and balance
- The most surprising and powerful essentials to recognition, acknowledgement, and appreciation
- The critical importance of becoming a master of questions
Offered as a keynote, half-day, or full-day presentation
You know the sad story… Sales hates operations…Operations can’t stand sales…their only agreement is that they abhor the home office just a little bit more! Though this description may be a bit of an exaggeration in your organization, it is absolutely clear that enormous energy, momentum, and results are being lost through the separation that comes from silos. Brian Biro, America’s Breakthrough Coach has tackled this challenge head on in real life, not just from the stage! First he built one of the nation’s largest and most accomplished swimming teams, successfully merging two top programs into a powerful and united program. Next, as a corporate vice president at a leading transportation company, Brian used the same teambuilding principles and strategies you’ll learn in this one-of-a-kind presentation to engineer a phenomenal turnaround that resulted in enormous sales and profitability growth while transforming a silo-infested organization to a high performance team! Finally through his work as a speaker and consultant, Brian has assisted hundreds of organizations to come together and build environments of mutual support, true respect, and great appreciation for one another. It’s a formula that creates BREAKTHROUGHS!
Organizations and individuals deal with change in three principal ways:
- Most merely put up with change. They wait, react, and try to keep it at arms length. If they’re lucky, these are change survivors.
- Some fight change and stay entrenched in old ways of thinking, acting, and leading. More often these become change victims whose results, quality, and enthusiasm dive right off the charts.
- Winners embrace and quite often anticipate or create change! These are change champions! They recognize that standing still is actually going backwards. They understand that the best things they’ve ever experienced or accomplished came from change…doing things they’ve never done before and thinking in ways they never have before.
Becoming an organization of CHANGE CHAMPIONS injects tremendous energy, momentum, innovation, and vitality into everything you do. Your team members are EXCITED to come to work. They feel respected, appreciated, and engaged.
In this breakthrough presentation every single participant will learn the simple but powerful keys to move from change survivors or victims to champions! They will experience the joy of positive change and of accomplishing things they didn’t know they could do! The result of this exciting presentation is a team that is more united, engaged, and focused on possibility rather than limits!
Isn’t it time to stop focusing and worrying about what you DON’T control and shift energy to what you DO control? Organizations and individuals that are winning in these challenging times are creating cultures of possibility based upon every team member embracing personal responsibility for their effort, energy, and attitude. In this extraordinarily engaging, vibrant, and FUN presentation, Brian Biro, America’s Breakthrough Coach ignites your team to build momentum from the inside out.
You know the story… Sales hates operations…Operations can’t stand sales…their only agreement is that they abhor the home office just a little bit more! Though this description may be a bit of an exaggeration in your organization, it is absolutely clear that enormous energy, momentum, and results are being lost through the separation that comes from silos. Brian Biro, America’s Breakthrough Coach has tackled this challenge head on in real life, not just from the stage! First he built one of the nation’s largest and most accomplished swimming teams, successfully merging two top programs into a powerful and united program. Next, as a corporate vice president at a leading transportation company, Brian used the same teambuilding principles and strategies you’ll learn in this one-of-a-kind presentation to engineer a phenomenal turnaround that resulted in enormous sales and profitability growth while transforming a silo-infested organization to a high performance team! Finally through his work as a speaker and consultant, Brian has assisted hundreds of organizations to come together and build environments of mutual support, true respect, and great appreciation for one another. It’s a formula that creates BREAKTHROUGHS!
Great leaders know the secrets to help themselves and their team members move from “it’s a job” to “it’s my PASSION.” They energize and engage the team, build effective and connected relationships, shape the future, and model personal excellence, integrity, personal responsibility, and humility. That’s how they deliver exceptional results. And every participant in this presentation is a leader – a self-leader – no matter what their title or position may be!
In this powerful presentation Brian Biro, America’s Breakthrough Coach teaches every single leader how to truly build people and build teams – to be true breakthrough leaders! You’ll learn how to help everyone you affect to travel the most important 18 inches they will ever experience, from their heads to their hearts. Remember, if you’re not INspired, you’re on your way to being EXpired!
How do you build trust, momentum, energy, and passion into every member of your team, whether you’re the long-time leader or the rawest rookie? And when the workday is done, how do you bring that same enthusiasm to your loved ones? Most importantly, how do you build these qualities within yourself?
In Building People! Brian Biro, America’s Breakthrough Coach guides you to exciting and fresh new approaches in using recognition, acknowledgement, and appreciation to build others.
Through wonderful stories and engaging activities, you’ll discover the most crucial keys to building trust and to helping everyone around you feel important and significant. You’ll learn the most surprising secret to elevate engagement and build leaders.
Along the way, you will never experience a presentation with greater energy than Building People! By the conclusion of the presentation you will be fired up to lift and ignite all those around you, whether your teammates and colleagues in your professional life or your loved ones at home
Ideal time is 2.5 hours but it might be possible to do it in 75-90 minute time-frame.
I’m so excited to introduce you to a simple but powerful follow-up program for you that will have a fantastic impact on your team and really increase your ROI from the event.
The program is an 18-day, TWO-minute per day video series called Breakthrough Leadership I’ve created in association with a fantastic company called AVANOO (who have done extensive research in video-based learning). Here’s what makes it so excellent:
- Each 2.5 minute video contains a wonderful story, a key principle, and a simple but important action to take
- The videos are SHORT – TWO and a HALF MINUTES max!
- The videos come directly to each person’s email each day. They simply click on the thumbnail link and BOOM! (the link can be formatted to show the company logo or vision statement by the way!)
- Over 18 days – roughly one business month — the videos instill the HABITS of energy, focus on service, engagement, and personal leadership
- Because all team members participate and watch the videos, the program creates team momentum
- Team members can share each day’s video with family at home, with kids in college…
- The videos powerfully reinforce the Breakthrough seminar or keynote presentation
- The videos are beautiful (great time lapse photography and wonderful music) … I LOVE them!
- The program is INCREDIBLY inexpensive and cost effective.
- Your clients receive weekly reports about participation and impact.
The BEST strategy is to kick the Breakthrough Leadership program off as soon as we can (WHILE THE IRON IS HOT) and run each weekday for 18 business days, starting shortly after the live event. What an AWESOME way to make the event last week have lasting and increased value!
This is a tremendous way to DISRUPT THE STATUS QUO and ignite performance and focus. We can have your team up and running VERY quickly.
I have wanted to come up with a great follow-up program for 28 years! THIS IS IT! After so many different attempts, this one works! It’s short, consistent, impactful, comes right to each participant, and affects them positively both professionally and personally. At the end of the 18 days your team will think differently, with fresh focus and energy. There is NOTHING more powerful than that!
Here are some examples:
with the password BiroAvanoo2019
Over an 11 year study by Kotter, organizations that elevate employee engagement through kindness and focus raised their value 901%! Those that did not grew only 74% over that same 11 year period! KINDNESS WORKS! The average annual turnover rate in the Quick Service Food Industry is 170%. The two companies that build extraordinary engagement centered around a culture of kindness are Starbucks and Chick-Fil-A. Their annual turnover rates are 24% and 14% respectively! KINDNESS REALLY WORKS! (And we need this more than ever!). In my new keynote I lay out the path to a culture of kindness that results in astonishing results!
Included now with my keynote for ALL participants at NO CHARGE (up to 300 attendees) is my 18-day, 2.5 minute per day follow-up video program. This normally sells for a minimum of $25/person and is SHATTERING all records for engagement. We’re seeing 75-90% of all participants completing all 18 days! Each video has a story, message, and action… all in 2.5 minutes. I wrote and narrate each video and team with an AMAZING company called AVANOO who handles the implementation and visuals. This is the best way ever to provide your clients with remarkable added value and the best answer ever to their inevitable question: “How can we keep this unbelievable momentum and energy going?”
Here’s an AWESOME article in FORBES about Avanoo!
By the end of the session every single participant will be on their feet up around the stage, off the sidelines and into the game, cheering their lungs out and totally engaged. We’ll need to warn the hotel about the volume! And, in that 30 minutes every participant will come away with powerful, actionable, and clear learning points. It’s an extraordinary combination of content, inspiration, and customization! There is nothing like it!
In this culture-shifting keynote, Brian Biro reveals the stunning bottom-line impact that results from a concerted focus on elevating kindness into every aspect of your organization!
You’ll be amazed to learn that companies who center on kindness as a top value create remarkable results such as:
- A ten-fold reduction in turnover vs industry average (Chick-Fil-A & Starbucks)
- Legendary profitability – 46 consecutive years of positive bottom line and zero layoffs throughout all those years (Southwest Airlines)
- Industry leading growth and patient/customer care (Kaiser Permanente)
Many in business have the mistaken belief that focusing on kindness is soft and weak. In Breakthrough to Kindness, Brian will shatter those misconceptions and uncover the simple secrets to developing and delivering proactive kindness into your culture that will transform every aspect of your business.
This remarkably engaging, fun, and value-packed virtual event is one of the most powerful ways to support your team during this challenging time. Breakthrough Leadership ignites every participant to control their controllables…to focus on what they CAN do to make the most of every day and every window of opportunity.
Participants will learn to:
- Shape the future
- Energize and engage themselves and their team
- Build people, teams, and relationships in this time of disconnection
- Deliver breakthrough results
The program also helps each participant beyond their work, into their family, health, and spirit. It is tremendously uplifting and inspiring with a simple, clear, and actionable perspective that is so vital right now!
This is a 60-120-minute webinar via ZOOM. In addition to the webinar, every participant will receive the complete unabridged audio version of my book: Beyond Success
In this powerful webinar we’ll dig into the greatest secret of organizational performance, momentum, and winning culture: The power of KINDNESS.
This is a 60-75-minute webinar via ZOOM. In addition to the webinar, you will receive a case (40 copies) of my new book: The ROI of Kindness.
The BEST way to keep ENERGY, CONNECTION, and a feeling of BELONGING alive!
I’m so excited to introduce you to a simple but powerful program that will have a fantastic impact on your team and as we navigate these uncharted waters.
The program is an 18-day, 2.5-minute per day video series called Breakthrough Leadership I’ve created in association with a fantastic company called AVANOO (the preeminent story plus technology company in the US). Here’s what makes it so excellent:
- Each 2.5-minute video contains a wonderful story, a key principle, and a simple but important action to take
- The videos are SHORT – TWO AND A HALF MINUTES each
- The videos come directly to each person’s email each day. They simply click on the thumbnail link and BOOM!
- Over 18 days – roughly one business month — the videos instill the HABITS of energy, focus on service, engagement, and personal leadership
- Because all team members participate the program creates team momentum
- Team members can share each day’s video with family and loved ones when they come home
- The videos powerfully reinforce everything I teach in my Breakthrough events
- The videos are beautiful (great time lapse photography and wonderful music) … I LOVE them!
My simple vision for your team is to kick the Breakthrough Leadership program off for you team as soon as we can and run each weekday for 18 business days.
NOW IS THE TIME! IT HAS NEVER BEEN MORE CHALLENGING AND IMPORTANT TO KEEP SPIRITS UP AND THE TEAM TOGETHER! What an AWESOME way to honor and support your team members through this pandemic.
We can have you up and running VERY quickly.
At the end of the 18 days your team will think differently, with fresh focus and energy. There is NOTHING more powerful than that!
Per person cost for this event
There’s a real hunger to try to find ways in a virtual event to create a sense of belonging and teamwork. The leadership retreat does this beautifully because we maximize the interactivity with breakout rooms, polling, and team integration.
At these virtual retreats, the value and need for this lighter focus on people, leadership principles, and growth is exponentially multiplied because the participants don’t have the after meeting networking times where they can connect.THIS IS THE BIG THING THAT IS MISSING ON OTHER ZOOM EVENTS. THEY ARE ALL ABOUT NUMBERS OR DATA AND NOTHING ABOUT PEOPLE, MOTIVATION, ENERGY, AND RELATIONSHIP.
More than EVER, companies need to do all they can to help their people feel important, appreciated, and cared about. That’s what my session does. It shows that the company cares about their emotional and mental well-being. Because I always bring in stories and examples about family and focus beyond the workplace, that sense of valuing the participants as people is heightened.
By breaking my presentation into two 90 minute sessions a day apart, the participants actually have the opportunity to more than digest the learning…they get to APPLY it! That was really exciting! Several of the participants came back on the second day with stories about how they had led differently using my breakthrough leadership principles and how excited they were with the results!
I also include for every participant my 18-day, 2.5 minute per day video follow-up program as well as the complete unabridged audio version of my book Beyond Success.
Here’s what’s in the program:
1) Opening 2-hour Zoom session on Breakthrough Leadership – filled with stories and impact.
2) Starting the next couple of days after the first Zoom session, each participant will receive my 18-day, 2.5 minute per day video series that powerfully supports and reinforces the initial zoom event, deepening and expanding the impact. Each video has a story, message, and action … all in 2.5 minutes!
3) At the end of the 18 business days, we schedule the 2nd Zoom session. This is also 2 hours … this session has one of two focuses depending upon what best fits the client. One of the sessions is titled: The Power of Questions and the Magic of Stories. In this session we dive into the two areas of communication that make the biggest difference in today’s business, family, and community worlds — questions and stories. Participants learn the neuroscience of stories and why stories are 22 times more effective than data and info to ignite engagement. They will also learn how to use questions to elevate teamwork and to build people and relationships. It’s an AWESOME session! Tremendous for sales, network marketing, and executive clients.
For other groups this second zoom session will be The ROI of Kindness. This brings my new book of the same title alive and is especially powerful for healthcare, dental, and customer service clients. It is a culture transformation presentation!
4). Next the participants receive the ROI of Kindness hardcover book AND the complete unabridged audio version of my book Beyond Success.
5). Two weeks later the participants receive a 40-minute video of my all-time favorite story called The Allison Factor. It’s a true story from my first career as a United States Swimming Coach and will have participants laughing, crying, and emerging tremendously inspired because ultimately, it is a story about their own potential.
6). Finally, after the second Zoom session, each week for 14 weeks the participants receive articles/essays I’ve written about stories and questions, again reinforcing and enhancing the Zoom event.
That’s it! THE BREAKTHROUGH SOLUTION! depending on the number of participants, the investment in this incredibly connecting, expansive program ranges as follows: (minimum 25 participants)
Cost is based on number of participants:
25 – 100 participants: $200/person
100 – 249 participants: $100/person
250 – 999 participants: $ 70/person
1,000+ participants: $50/person
Want to bring Brian Biro to your next event? Please tell us a little about your event, and we will get back to you shortly!