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Bill Conerly

Bill Conerly

Connects the dots between the economy and business decisions

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Fee Range: Contact Speaker Exchange Agency

  • Ph.D. economist (Duke) known for his sense of humor and commonsense language.
  • Over 1300 presentations in 31 states and three countries
  • 30+ years providing business leaders with actionable implications of economic outlook
  • Formerly Senior Vice President at major bank, economist at two Fortune 500 corporations

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

Dr. Bill Conerly connects the dots between the economy and business decisions. He has the unique combination of a Ph.D. in economics from Duke University and over 30 years’ experience helping companies adapt to changing economic conditions. He was formerly Senior Vice President at a major bank and held positions in economics and corporate planning at two Fortune 500 corporations. Dr. Conerly has earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.

Companies have used Dr. Conerly’s expertise to help with decisions regarding capital expenditures, inventory levels, expansion into new markets, pricing, business models and financial structure. As a diagnostician, he sometimes identifies opportunities and challenges that require additional expertise, at which times he recommends a colleague to help his client.

Dr. Conerly is an on-line contributor to Forbes and the author of The Flexible Stance: Thriving in a Boom/Bust Economy (2016). He also wrote Businomics (2007), a book about economics for business leaders. He is co-author of Thinking Economics, a multi-media high school economics curriculum used in 34 states.

He has been interviewed on the News Hour with Jim Lehrer, CNN and local television and radio stations across the country. He has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Fortune Magazine, and USA Today. He has spoken to business audiences in four countries and 31 states.

Dr. Conerly is chairman of the board of Cascade Policy Institute and a member of the Oregon Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors.

The Economic Outlook: Your Company’s Opportunities and Risks in the Evolving Business Cycle

Why this program: Every business is impacted by the economy; it’s always top of mind for small business owners and corporate executives. Dr. Conerly uses common-sense explanations and simple graphics rather than tedious  statistics and complex theories.

Key takeaways:

  • Outlook for major sectors of the economy, with emphasis on those most important to the audience. (For example, lumber companies hear more about housing starts, while credit unions hear more about consumer spending and borrowing.)
  • How the global economy will evolve, and what that means for audience members.
  • Forecast for inflation and major commodity prices. (Again, with emphasis on those costs most important to the audience.)
  • The risk of recession and how businesses can protect themselves.
  • Politics? Dr. Conerly never uses the platform to push his own party, but he discusses critical political issues from the perspective of “What does this mean for the economy?”

Why this speaker

Dr. Bill Conerly has been forecasting the economy since 1980—he’s seen it all. He’s also been showing business leaders how the economy will impact their companies—and guiding them to develop plans that will be resilient in any economy.

Normal customization emphasizes those sectors of the economy of greatest impact on the audience. Regional audiences hear “an outsider’s perspective” on the local economy. Audience interaction is flexible; discuss your preferences with Dr. Conerly.

Leadership in Today’s Tight Labor Market: Retaining and Recruiting High Productivity Employees

continue for a decade.

Key takeaways:

  • The secret of employee retention—and it’s not money.
  • Finding new employees: where the fish are biting.
  • Hiring, retaining and motivating millennials.

Why this speaker: In 2008, in the middle of the recession, Dr. Bill Conerly projected a tight labor market in the next decade and began offering advice on employee retention and recruitment. He identified the best business practices in research for his book, The Flexible Stance: Thriving in a Boom/Bust Economy.

Benefits of this program: Attendees will take back to the office strategies they can implement immediately to increase employee retention, raise recruiting success rates, and build a high productivity workforce.

The Next Decade: What Businesses Should Do TODAY to Prepare for Tomorrow

Why this program: Most business leaders spend time on urgent matters, but not much time on the big picture of how the world is changing. Having some key trends in mind helps executives make better day-to-day decisions.

Key takeaways depend on the audience; here are some possibilities:

  • Demographics and worker availability: what to do now to prepare for when the Baby Boomers retire.
  • Borrowing will be very cheap for those with great financials, but unavailable for others. How to protect your business’s access to credit.
  • Your future taxes will be higher due to upcoming growth of the federal deficit; how to incorporate this into your business and personal financial planning.
  • Business cycles will be more extreme than in recent years; how to protect your company from recessions, and how to gain all you can in booms.
  • Technology, costs and customers: how new capabilities will allow you to clean your competitors’ clocks—or risk having your own clock cleaned.
  • Globalization: Will changing political attitudes about foreign trade take us back to less globalized business? What you should do now to protect your overseas sales or supply chain.

Why this speaker:

Dr. Conerly is an economic futurist emphasizes the most likely economic changes, avoiding excessive speculation and uncertainty. He provides action steps that business leaders can take today to prepare for the coming decade.

Specifics are adjusted for the particular audience. This topic can include some audience interaction.

Prepare for Perpetual Change—Capture Opportunities and Avoid Risk in an Uncertain World

Why this program: Companies are beset by continual changes in the economy, technology, social attitudes, government regulation and competition. Top leaders help their team members adjust smoothly to enable the organization to seize opportunities and avoid risks.

Key takeaways:

  • How a leader prepares the organization for change.
  • Action steps to develop a culture that changes smoothly.
  • Best business practices to thrive in an ever-changing environment.
  • Developing employees who succeed in a changing world.

The audience hears examples from Dr. Conerly’s latest book, The Flexible Stance: Thriving in a Boom/Bust Economy. These illustrations come from companies large and small, in a variety of industries.

The presentation works well with substantial audience interaction; activities are adjusted to fit audience size.

SURVIVE THE NEXT RECESSION, THRIVE IN THE NEXT BOOM Proven Business Strategies to Succeed in any Economy

Some companies, even in highly cyclical industries, come out of recession smelling like a rose, ready to grasp upside opportunities as the economy recovers. The same strategies also work for unexpected changes in technology, social attitudes, government regulation and competition. This presentation will have your audience taking notes while laughing.


  • Cheap and easy steps to take now, before the recession comes
  • Vital items for a recession contingency plan
  • How to look for upside possibilities
  • Checklist for expansion constraints
Tailored speeches

Dr. Conerly creates specialized content upon request. Some past presentations were:

  • Log Exports to the Far East
  • Foodservice and the Economy
  • Adapting Your Consulting Expertise to an Uncertain Future
  • The Future of Manufacturing

Audience Interaction: Dr. Conerly enjoys leading interaction among audience members. These activities can be dialed up or dialed down to meet the meeting organizer’s preferences.

Washington Trust Bank
“Every time you spoke, we got business.”
AKT LLP, CPAs and Business Consultants
"Bill was lively and excellent as usual."
CPAmerica International
“Bill did a great job. He was well received and on top of his content. “
UBS Financial Services
“You are a master at your craft and a favorite of our audience.”
CBIZ Financial Solutions
“Your presentation was very well received and helped make the evening a complete success. This is our fourth event of this type and our team unanimously agreed it was the best yet. I greatly appreciate your effort of meeting individually with the attendees before and after your prepared remarks. The tailoring of your presentation to the audience was especially helpful with such an affluent crowd.”
Northwest Investment Counselors, LLC
“As always, Bill arrived on time and helped “work the room”. His talk was well received as was evident by the questions at the end. This is the second dinner I have done with Bill as our speaker and the feedback from the clients is always very positive. They really enjoy hearing about economics in the fun and easy to understand way Bill presents the material.”
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