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Alan Beaulieu

Alan Beaulieu

Straightforward Economics

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  • Alan has been providing workshops and economic analysis seminars to countries and literally thousands of business owners and executives for the last 30 years. He is one of the country’s most sought-after economists.
  • As the chief economist for numerous US and international trade associations, it has been remarked that Alan’s “insight into our business, a track record of accurate forecasting, and unparalleled knowledge of global markets has earned him the respect and appreciation of key business leaders in our industry.”
  • Pronouncements from Alan have appeared in/ on: the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today, Knight Ridder News Services, Business Week, Associated Press, The Washington Times, CBS Radio, CNN Radio, Sirius talk radio, and numerous other outlets.

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

With a reputation as an accurate, straightforward economist, Alan has been delivering award-winning workshops and economic analysis seminars in countries across the world to thousands of business owners and executives for the last 30 years.

He is co-author of Prosperity in the Age of Decline, a powerful look at how to make the most of the US and global trends over the next 20 years. Alan also coauthored Make Your Move, a practical and insightful guide on increasing profits through business cycle changes, and noted by one reviewer as “simple, yet awesome.

Planning with Optimism

The last two years have provided for many headlines, but did those headlines help or hinder your business? Presidential politics are fascinating, and we will explore the likely impact, if any, on the near-term economy and what potential election outcomes may mean to our forecast and to your world. Our job will be to determine the best course of action for the most important part of the economy – you and your business. We will:

1. Look at a system of leading indicators proven to signal cyclical turns in the economy

2. Discuss the sectors of the economy that will provide the best opportunities for the next business cycle decline

3. Assess interest rate and other financial market trends

4. Consider your 3, 5, and 7-year planning needs and talk about the 2020s and how you should prepare for challenges and opportunities

Managing in an Uncertain Economy
Winds of Change
Please contact us to see testimonials.
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