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Ben Utecht

Ben Utecht

Inspires audiences to truly care about their minds and to discover how integral memory is to identity

Spencer West In A Hat

Spencer West

Teaching others how to transform lives where the need is greatest

Al Wallace

Al Wallace

Four Decades of experience in cultivating and maintaining relationships in and around the local sports community

Patrick Sweeney

Patrick Sweeney

Patrick is a full time adventurer on a mission to help people around the world find their adventurer within

Darren Woodson

Darren Woodson

One of the greatest players to ever wear a Dallas Cowboys uniform

Ron Jaworski

Ron Jaworski

Ron knows exactly what it takes to drive for and achieve success.

Denise White

Denise White

An unsung crusader in the fight for gender equality in the work place

Emmitt Smith

Emmitt Smith

Professional football icon and one of the greatest to ever play the game

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