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Thomas P. Farley

Etiquette expert, speaker and author who’s inspiring audiences to master essential manners for success in the workplace—and in life

Scott Zimmer

Scott Zimmer

Scott has a uniquely personable style and uses insight, humor, and data to foster an environment where every generation feels valued and understood

Hannah Ubi

Speaker, writer, researcher, consultant and generational expert

Kristen Hadeed

Kristen lives to unleash potential in others so that they exceed their own expectations

Meagan Johnson

Meagan Johnson

Multi-generational workforce expert and powerful presenter making an impact on understanding Generational differences

Larry Johnson

Larry Johnson

Helps organizations build more productive and profitable working cultures

Ken Gronbach

Ken Gronbach

Demographer, Generational Marketer, Futurist, Author and Speaker

Jeff Havens

Jeff Havens

Improving Your Business Doesn’t Have to be Boring, Have Fun While Learning

Christine Hassler

Christine Hassler

Thought-leader in Millennial psychology and expert in generational diversity

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