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Scott Greenberg

Scott Greenberg

Elevating Performance for Leaders and Their Teams — Energize Your Meeting and Transform Your Organization

Topic Categories:

Fee Range: Array
  • Award-Winning Franchise Owner and Business Performance Expert
  • Elevating Performance for Leaders and Their Teams — Energize Your Meeting and Transform Your Organization
  • Ten years owning two Edible Arrangements franchises. Operation won “Best Customer Service” and Manager of the Year awards out of more than 1000 franchisees worldwide.
  • Founding partner of Hollywood screenwriting consultancy.
  • Cancer survivor turned marathon runner.
  • Expert on resilience and peak performance
  • Spoken in all 50 U.S. states and throughout the world
  • Author of Stop the SHIFT SHOW and The Wealthy Franchisee

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

Meet Scott Greenberg: one-part business game-changer, one-part motivational leader. Fueled with over 10 years’ experience as a multi-unit, award-winning franchise owner, Scott practically wrote the book on what it takes to transform businesses from average to extraordinary.

Scott delves into the HUMAN factors of business that directly impact how well people work. He helps leaders think at a higher level with a peak performance mindset that keeps emotions in check and yields the clearest, most productive perspective possible. He helps them lead more effectively so they can develop their teams into a high-performance workforce. Finally, he helps them serve better and create emotionally satisfying experiences customers remember, talk about, and want to repeat. Improving business from the inside out, he co-created an innovative management diagnostic and leadership tool, 30-Second Leadership™, that enhances employee mindset, skill-set and performance.

Scott will get your group excited about their business goals and help make them a reality. As a sought-after international speaker, Scott ignites audiences with engaging, high-energy and customized programs that leave audience members with proven strategies and long-lasting inspiration. Scott is the expert organizations call on to boost performance and elevate their business.

Scott is author of The Wealthy Franchisee: Game-Changing Steps to Becoming a Thriving Franchise Superstar, published by Entrepreneur Magazine. He is a VIP contributor to Entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to Nation’s Restaurant News, Global Franchise Magazine, QSR Magazine and Franchise Business Review.

Turn Your Struggling Hourly Workers into a Top-Performing Team

Program Focus: Recruiting, Retention, Management, Leadership, Coaching, Culture

Hourly workers are different than salary workers and managing them can be tough. So can finding and keeping them. And while bosses have always complained about “kids these days,” today’s employees seem more mysterious than ever. But some workplaces have cracked the code. They’ve transformed their hourly workforce into a powerhouse of superstar employees. They enjoy the highest team performance without having to rely on the highest wages. This presentation will explain how these great managers think and exactly what they do to recruit the best talent, retain them, and lead them towards greatness – and how you can, too.

Stop the Shift Show: Turn Your Struggling Hourly Workers into a Top-Performing Team

While bosses complain that employees are their biggest headache, statistics suggest the feelings may be mutual. Hourly workers are different than salary workers and managing them can be tough. So can finding and keeping them. While today’s employees seem more mysterious than ever, some workplaces have cracked the code. They’ve transformed their hourly workforce into a powerhouse of superstar employees by cultivating peak team performance without having to rely on the highest wages.

Based on case studies, best hiring metrics and practical workforce development, this high-energy presentation will explain how great managers think and exactly what they do to recruit the best talent, retain them, and lead them towards greatness – and how you can, too.

Attendees will learn:

· What successful organizations do differently to increase their bottom line

· How to overcome hiring biases and why you need the discipline to hold out for the right people

· Assessing & upgrading your current management style

· Proven best practices for recruiting, onboarding & training

THINK, LEAD, SERVE: How Mindset & Culture Lead to Profit & Performance

In a busy work environment, it’s easy to get so caught up in tactics and everything that needs to be done that you forget about your individual mindset and the collective culture of your organization. But these human elements are the very things that separate the average from the extraordinary. To operate in a way that makes the most impact and ultimately, the most money, your culture must excel in three critical areas: the way people think, the way they lead, and the way they serve.

In this engaging, practical keynote program, Scott will show you how to:

THINK like a high performer. Take control of your brain to ensure your mindset is an asset to the organization, not a detriment.

You will learn:

  • The “Trigger to Trouble” process and how to disrupt it
  • How to work from your “point of clarity” and overcome the most common mental blockers that sabotage performance
  • The dangers of complacency and how to embrace change and continuously improve
  • How to manage your time to ensure you’re not just active, but proactive
  • The difference between problem-solving and resilience, why you should utilize both

LEAD in a way that promotes both the skill set and mindset of individual team members while also uniting them into a proud, loyal, and collaborative workforce that genuinely wants the best for the organization and the people it serves.

You will learn:

  • What a culture actually is (beyond being nice to people) and how to effectively build and preserve it
  • How to establish the philosophy and rituals that will unite your organization
  • How to overcome your hiring biases, understand your beliefs about the hiring process, and why you need the discipline to hold out for the right people.
  • To hire successfully with a Hiring Matrix so you can focus on the things that matter rather than going with your gut or on whether you “like” the candidate
  • The two types of motivation needed to keep team members engaged

SERVE customers and the community by creating emotionally satisfying experiences that will quickly produce referrals and loyal repeat business.

You will learn:

  • To move from facilitating transactions to building connections with your customers
  • Clarify what business you’re really in and get crystal clear on the difference between what the customer receives and how the customer feels
  • To dispense with the Golden Rule and replace it with a service philosophy that’s much more powerful.
  • Shift from upselling to upserving so you can increase your average ticket size while meeting the customer’s needs at a more intuitive level
You’ve Got This! The Human Factors of RESILIENCE & RESULTS

This uplifting, content-rich program inspires attendees to embrace change, upgrade workplace performance and offers practical takeaways that immediately translate into actionable results.

Scott will teach your organization the three factors that determine outcome in any business situation. He’ll outline the difference between problem-solving and resiliency, and share five strategies for living and working with more strength and courage. Finally, he’ll explain how your group can create a culture of support and inclusiveness, so organizations thrive as a whole. This program is filled with actionable strategies, impactful stories and practical life lessons that will give your team lasting strength and inspiration.

Available as a keynote, breakout or half-day session, this customized program is perfect for leadership and management teams, front-line employees and is also a popular choice for all-hands meetings.

Audience members will learn how to:

  • Navigate more effectively through market change, burn-out and setbacks
  • Identify the three factors that impact results and focus on the areas where you have the most control
  • Make smarter business decisions with more strategy, less emotion
  • Discover the most common mental blockers that sabotage business performance and how to avoid them
  • Create a work culture that everyone can get behind and how to regularly reinforce it to promote seamless teamwork and high-performance
  • Elevate the individual and group performance of your team
30-Second Leadership: The Simple Coaching Method for Making Employees Great

Do you struggle with underperforming team members? Are attempts to motivate them failing to produce results? Would you like to spend less time “dealing with employees” and more time growing your bottom line?

Discover 30-Second Leadership, a field-tested management program that has leaders raving! Rooted in real-world experience, this simple, hard skills coaching system will show you how to quickly diagnose an employee’s work performance and prescribe the best corresponding coaching method to boost results and shift employee mindset and productivity in the workplace.

Whether you are a small business owner or a front-runner in a large corporation, if you manage other people, 30-Second Leadership will provide you with immediate, powerful and lasting results.

This program will:

  • Empower managers with simple, proven steps to engage and INSPIRE their employees
  • Create a common language among management for evaluating employee performance
  • Ensure top employees stay great, feel challenged and elevate others
  • Re-engage employees who may be bored, burnt-out or slipping in performance
  • Transform front-line employees into leaders who will help you grow your business

This workshop is highly-customized and a perfect follow-up to any of Scott’s keynotes. It is available in a 60-90-minute format, half-day workshops and is a popular addition for executive retreats.

What They GET vs How They FEEL: How to Create Customer Experiences People Remember, Talk About & Want to Repeat

Do you want more transactions and bigger tickets? Do you want to outperform your competition without having to out-advertise them? Are you ready to turn your customers into raving fans?

When you focus less on what customers get and more on how customers feel, every transaction will become a marketing opportunity; make them feel great and they’ll do your marketing for you.

If you’re ready to learn how TOP business operators stay in the winner’s circle, this presentation is for you. Scott gives you powerful tools to create a service culture that grows loyalty and word-of-mouth and translates success into bigger ticket sales. He’ll show you how to replace robotic customer service practices with unforgettable experiences that ensure customers remember you, talk about you and can’t wait to come back.

Discover Scott’s field-tested and award-winning approach that will help you:

  • Deliver a customer service experience that distinguishes you from the competition
  • Make EVERY transaction a marketing opportunity that brings customers back
  • Optimize your digital footprint by improving your online ratings and reviews
  • Increase ticket average, customer frequency, and word-of-mouth advertising
  • Apply the “Above/Below Effect” so you can not only build your brand but improve your reputation
NEXT-LEVEL Sales: The Optimized Mindset of High-Performing Sales Reps

The sales process is an emotionally charged experience. When expectations aren’t met, profits drop, clients complain or claims soar, sales agents feel it. These feelings cause sales reps to draw incorrect conclusions, lose trust, and panic. Often, they talk to each other, reinforcing their fears and mistrust of the corporate team.

While sales managers often note how a sales rep’s mindset can directly impact their business execution, rarely is there any meaningful discussion or training around the human factors that so clearly influence performance.

Great sales organizations know they need to go beyond teaching hard skills and also support soft skills training for their agents and employees. This results in higher retention and will produce a system of sales reps who are as confident as they are competent.

NEXT-LEVEL Sales will give your group the encouragement and tools they need to work at a higher level. They’ll learn to look at business circumstances objectively without allowing emotions to cloud judgement and adversely impact sales.

This program will help your sales team:

  • Boost performance, increase work satisfaction, and grow the company’s brand
  • Purposely reframe their business concerns with facts that will help grow and profit their business
  • Understand how great customer service elevates the emotional state of their clients, which in turn, result in bigger sales
  • Harness the power of logos (facts and features), ethos (credibility) and pathos (emotions), and why all three are critical for agency growth and marketing success
  • Objectively process information in order to replace assumptions and fears
  • Move from facilitating transactions to building long-term relationships with clients that increase referrals
The Wealthy Franchisee: Game-Changing Steps to Grow Your Business and Become a Wealthier (and Healthier) Franchisee

Get ready to achieve breakthrough performance and growth! In Scott’s signature and most-requested keynote, he will share with you how to transform your business from average to extraordinary. Scott helps franchisees think, lead and serve at a higher level. With over 10 years as an award-winning, multi-unit franchisee and coach for countless brands, he will show you HOW top franchisees achieve consistent, profitable results (beyond doing more marketing and finding better employees).

Get out of your head and into your business so you can:

  • Increase productivity, efficiency and streamline operations
  • Build MORE WEALTH from the operation you already have
  • Make smarter business decisions with more strategy and less emotion
  • Inspire employees and delight customers
  • Reduce stress, maintain a healthier lifestyle and have more fun running your business.
The Entrepreneur’s Source 2019 event
"He's awesome if you want a customized presentation for your group. I have never had a speaker work so hard to become intimate with our issues and opportunities and make the content so relative."
“People really appreciated Scott and what he had to share. Franchisee owners really appreciated his perspective. From a one to five I would rate him a 5+.”
Buffalo Wings & Rings
“Scott Greenberg’s message really set the tone for our meeting—it resonated with our franchisees and tied directly into our CEO’s presentation, which was fantastic! Scott built a highly customized presentation for our event and referenced real world examples specific to our franchise system, which everyone loved. Even following our convention, we continue to hear our groups speaking of how a “High Performance Mindset” helps them to better achieve their goals.
Global Franchise Group
"The response was phenomenal! Scott was both entertaining and informational … In a post conference survey, Scott received the highest rating of the day, a 5 rating out of 5."
Lenny’s Franchise System
“Your presentation was right on target for our company and it really spoke directly to the challenges we and our franchisees are encountering … Your highly customized presentation made everyone feel that you were fully invested with us and truly understood who we are.”
Honey Dew Donuts
“He really did his homework to understand our brand. Scott was able to connect to the franchisees at a eep level, and brought the kind of third party credibility that we needed to inspire everyone … Scott was a an absolute ‘10 out of 10’!”
EDI Express
“I was shocked by the amount of employees who came up to me to thank me for hiring you. You have undoubtedly helped EDI Express to become a better company.”
“From start to finish, your presentation was a great combination of sentiment, humor and motivation. You were extremely personable and your interaction with the crowd really put all of us at ease … Your session was very heartfelt and unlike any other I’ve attended before, and I would immediately recommend you to any colleague of mine.”
Allstate Insurance
“Your speech integrated perfectly main topics at the conference … your speech was inspirational and delivered with such heart and purpose that it really drove home the key messages we had asked you to deliver.”
American Fruits & Flavors
"Scott was very personable … He listened to our needs and presented a meaningful presentation. He was a dynamic, powerful speaker that kept the audience interested and engaged. He is definitely worth the investment.”
Columbia Sportswear
"Scott was very well-received by both our high potential leadership group and our larger group. He was entertaining and engaging, and also delivered meaningful content. We enjoyed working with him and hope to do so again in the future."
The Entrepreneur's Source
"He's awesome if you want a customized presentation for your group. I have never had a speaker work so hard to become intimate with our issues and opportunities and make the content so relative."
"Oh My!!!!! He was fantastic. Both presentations were amazing. He connected very well with both groups and spent time with our guests when he was not speaking. He was very easy to work with and I would recommend him to any group who wants to "up their game".
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