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Juliette Powell

Juliette Powell

A passionate advocate for digital literacy, critical thinking and collaboration

Topic Categories:

Fee Range: Contact Speaker Exchange Agency

  • Media Entrepreneuer
  • Community Catalyst
  • Author, 33 Million People in the Room

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

With a life’s mission to help make meaning of our digital lives, Juliette Powell is a media entrepreneur, a community catalyst and the author of 33 Million People in the Room, How to Run A Successful Business Using Social Networking, Financial Times Press). Drawing on a decade of experience in integrated media including TV, mobile and social media, as well as first hand experience as the co-founder of The Gathering Think Tank, an innovation forum that connects technology, science, entertain­ment, and business communities, Powell identifies the patterns and practices of successful business leaders who bank on social technology, communications and data to win. Her live commentary on NBC, CNN, ABC and BBC and powerful presentations at institutions like The Economist, Harvard and MIT emerged from her lifelong interest in community-building combined with a deep knowledge of the people, technologies and business practices at the forefront of connected society. Powell’s consulting services include global strategy and scenarios around the future of connective technology and data, banking, mobile, retail, and social gaming which are employed by corporate, government and media organizations including the United Nations, Warner Brothers, l’Union des Banques Suisses, the Department of Justice, the Department of Finance, Microsoft, Nokia, The Red Cross and Cirque du Soleil. A passionate advocate for digital literacy, critical thinking and collaboration, Powell keynotes regularly on the Future(s) of Innovation, Information, Leadership and Education. In 2011, Powell began working with the E-G8, an extension of the G8 summit, created to inform G8 leaders on the future of the internet and connected society.

The Convergence of media, new media and social media

Over the years, Juliette Powell has spoken to corporate clients about the convergence of media, new media and social media and how it applies to their bottom line.

Topics include:

  • Social media
  • Technology
  • Innovation
Cyber Bullying
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