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Daniel Kraft

Stanford and Harvard trained physician-scientist and innovator

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  • Founder and Executive Director for Exponential Medicine, a program which explores convergent, exponentially developing technologies and their potential in biomedicine and healthcare.
  • Medicine and Neuroscience Chair for Singularity University
  • Stanford and Harvard trained physician-scientist, inventor, entrepreneur and innovator with over 20 years of experience in clinical practice, biomedical research and healthcare innovation.
  • Founded IntelliMedicine & RegenMed Systems, a company developing technologies to enable adult stem cell based regenerative therapies.
  • Invented the MarrowMiner, an FDA approved device for the minimally invasive harvest of bone marrow
  • Frequent TED and TEDMED Speaker
  • Named as one of the 40 Smartest People in Healthcare by Becker’s Hospital Review.
  • Recognized as one of the most inspiring leaders in Life Sciences, as determined by the readers of Pharma Voice 100.
  • Named as one of the Top 50 Leading entrepreneurs, investors, technologists, reporters and providers dedicated to bringing technological advancements to healthcare by Digital Health in 2016.

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

Daniel Kraft is a Stanford and Harvard trained physician-scientist, inventor, entrepreneur and innovator.

With over 20 years of experience in clinical practice, biomedical research and healthcare innovation, Kraft has chaired the Medicine Track for Singularity University since its inception. He is the founder and Executive Director of Exponential Medicine since 2011, a conference that explores convergent, rapidly developing technologies and their potential in biomedicine and healthcare.

Following undergraduate degrees from Brown University and medical school at Stanford, Daniel was Board Certified in both Internal Medicine & Pediatrics after completing a Harvard residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital & Boston Children’s Hospital, and fellowships in hematology, oncology and bone marrow transplantation at Stanford.

He has multiple patents on medical device, immunology and stem cell related patents through faculty positions with Stanford University School of Medicine and as clinical faculty for the pediatric bone marrow transplantation service at University of California, San Francisco.

Daniel’s academic research has focused on: stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, stem cell derived immunotherapies for cancer, bioengineering human T-cell differentiation, and humanized animal models. Clinical work focuses on: bone marrow / hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for malignant and non-malignant diseases in adults and children, medical devices to enable stem cell based regenerative medicine, including marrow derived stem cell harvesting, processing and delivery. He also implemented the first text-paging system at Stanford Hospital.

Dr. Kraft recently founded IntelliMedicine, focused on enabling connected, data driven, and integrated personalized health & medicine. He is also the inventor of the MarrowMiner, an FDA approved device for the minimally invasive harvest of bone marrow, and founded RegenMed Systems, a company developing technologies to enable adult stem cell based regenerative therapies.

Daniel is an avid pilot and has served in the Massachusetts and California Air National Guard as an officer and flight surgeon with a F-15 and F-16 fighter Squadrons. He has conducted research on aerospace medicine that was published with NASA, with whom he was a finalist for astronaut selection.

The Future of Health & Medicine: Where Can Technology Take Us?

From the prospective of a leading physician, scientist and innovator this talk examines rapidly emerging, game changing and convergent technology trends and how they are and will be leveraged to change the face of healthcare and the practice of medicine in the next decade.

A deep dive into where emergent fields such as low cost personal genomics, the digitization of health records, crowd sourced data, molecular imaging, wearable devices & mobile health, synthetic biology, systems medicine, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, 3D printing and regenerative medicine are transforming healthcare, and have the potential to enable clinicians, empower patients, and deliver better care and outcomes at lower cost.

Medical Innovation & the Accelerating Future in the Time of COVID: How the pandemic is catalyzing
  • New approaches to diagnostics, from molecular to digital
  • Redesigning care on the front-lines. From the ER/ICU to primary care
  • Acceleration of virtualized care, from telemedicine to connected, data driven
  • Therapy acceleration: from drug discovery and clinical trials, to vaccine development
  • Public health/global health collaborations and emerging platforms that will impact the future of health and medicine, to prevention, detection and response of future pandemics.
From Hospital to Home*: Prevention, diagnostics and care is increasingly moving out of the 4 walls of the clinic, ER and hospital

a. Understanding the accelerating use of connected health solutions, remote patient monitoring for high risk patients and standard care.

b. Cutting edge and future of telehealth

c. Future of the Hospital

d. The Virtualist: Role and abilities of the future clinician

e. Digital health on steroids. What’s coming next

f. Regulatory and reimbursement: Aligning incentives for the COVID and Post-COVID age.

*(Daniel has co-chaired/co-developed the 2020 UCSF Health Hub Hospital to Home Series, and also participated/spoke in the ‘Future of Hospital Summit’ at Sheba medical center, with CEOs from several major hospitals.

3. Augmented, Virtual and Extended Reality**: How VR/AR/XR are reshaping health and medicine. AR, VR and XR has a wide range of applications across healthcare and biomedicine, in this talk he explores many of the cutting edge use cases and future potential for AR & VR in medical education and simulation, to therapy, telemedicine and beyond.
  • 1.AR/VR/XR in medical education (simulation, training)
  • Virtual Therapy (Pain Rx, Physical Therapy, Mental Health)
  • Virtual Collaboration Tool
  • Virtualized Healthcare
Exponential Technologies, Mindset and Innovation
  1. Understanding Exponentials, Disruption and Pace of Change
  2. A dive into accelerating and exponential technologies, from AI, Robotics, Big Data and Genomics, to VR, 3D Printing, Blockhain and beyond
  3. Convergence: The role of Convergence exponential technologies in reshaping
  4. Healthcare
  5. Future of Work
  6. Travel (Self-driving cars)
  7. Future of Home (entertainment, social)
  8. Business Models
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