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Dan Chuparkoff

Dan Chuparkoff is Driving INNOVATION in the Age of A.I.

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A global keynote speaker on innovation and A.I. He is an innovative, team-transformer from Google, McKinsey, Atlassian, and more. He’s invested 60,000 hours on the ground reinventing real teams. He’s seen thousands of ideas, experiments, failures, and successes on teams of nearly every shape and size. From this experience he’s created a formula for HARNESSING THE POWER OF INNOVATION to dodge disruption and survive in a world of continuous technological growth.

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Dan Chuparkoff: Innovation & A.I. Expert.

The world was already filled with an overwhelming stream of constant change. Now, people are facing the biggest change yet: Artificial Intelligence. Teams today are buried under an avalanche of information and technology can help. But it’s also one more thing on a pile that’s already too big.

DAN CHUPARKOFF isn’t just a speaker – he’s one of the world’s leading experts on innovation, AI, and the future of teams. He spent three decades as an innovative leader at companies like Google, McKinsey, and Atlassian. Dan built, led, and reinvented the teams who built products for billions of customers. He knows that a constantly-changing world constantly demands new ways of working.

Dan’s superpower is making complex things simple and useful. With his formula for HARNESSING THE POWER OF INNOVATION, he’s helped teams of every shape and size to harness the power of reinvention to escape disruption and find success. Dan shows teams how to harness the power of technology to learn faster, collaborate faster, create autonomy faster, and create the impact they need for the decades ahead.

EMBRACE the Power of A.I.

A.I. might be the most significant technological improvement in the history of humanity. The industry leaders of the decade ahead will be the ones who embrace the power of A.I. while also avoiding it’s pitfalls. Dan Chuparkoff’s EMBRACE KEYNOTE helps teams to make better decisions, drive efficiency in operations and collaboration, and create customer value faster than ever before. Teams will learn how to tackle A.I. head on, how to use it to transform the way they solve problems, manage information, and reach customers globally.

Harnessing the Power of Innovation

Being an INNOVATIVE team that moves forward in alignment is getting harder every day. The world was already filled with an overwhelming stream of constant change. Now, people are facing the biggest change yet: Artificial Intelligence. Teams today are buried under an avalanche of information and technology can help. But it’s also one more thing on a pile that’s already too big.

Dan Chuparkoff is a technology leader with 30 YEARS of experience running teams at Google, McKinsey, & Atlassian. Dan spent decades building teams that built products for billions of customers! Along the way he’s discovered this:

Most teams think that innovation is a list of creative, thinking out-of-the-box ideas. But actually, innovation isn’t about the ideas at all. It’s about the way you bring those ideas to life.

Dan brings his audiences a five-step framework designed and proven to UNLOCK THE POWER OF INNOVATION. He reinvents the way teams think about work. He invites people to unlock the curious and optimistic parts of themselves, so they get excited about change.

Dan inspires organizations to harness the power of technology to find success and growth that was previously unimaginable.

UNLOCK Innovation

Being an INNOVATIVE team that moves forward in alignment is getting harder every day. The world was already filled with an overwhelming stream of constant change. Teams today are buried under an avalanche of information and technology can help. But it’s also one more thing on a pile that’s already too big. Dan Chuparkoff’s UNLOCK KEYNOTE helps teams to reinvent the way they think about work in order to speed up their innovation practices.

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