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Anthony Trucks

Operate at Higher Levels, be More Resilient, and Persevere in the Face of Difficulty: The results are more productivity, more joy, more success and, for companies, more bottom-line income, from happier and higher performing individuals and teams.

Topic Categories:

Fee Range: Contact Speaker Exchange Agency

  • Former NFL Football Player
  • Entrepreneur
  • Foster child
  • International Speaker
  • Author
  • Success Coach
  • Competitor on American Ninja Warrior
  • Virtual Presentation Certification

*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.

Anthony Trucks is a former NFL Athlete, American Ninja Warrior on NBC, international speaker, host of the Aww Shift & Shift Starter Podcasts, author, and founder of Identity Shift coaching.

After being put into foster care at the age of 3, being adopted into an all-white family at the age of 14, losing his NFL career to injury, and more, Anthony learned early in life how to shift with the changes. Given his background, he shouldn’t have achieved the things he did. It shouldn’t have been possible for him to become an NFL athlete or a successful entrepreneur, but Anthony wasn’t willing to settle. His entire life has been about beating the odds and redefining what’s possible given the cards he was dealt with. His personal mission is to help others understand their past and present so they can shift their identity, elevate their life and business, and take control of their lives.

By teaching audiences how to turn roadblocks and obstacles into opportunities, Anthony inspires and teaches people to unlock their full potential and achieve success and happiness.

Make Shift Happen: How to Up Your Game & Elevate Your Success in Life

Whether it’s to make a million dollars, run a successful business, become an author, or reach the top of Mt. Everest, we all have big goals in life. But the truth is, most of us will spend more time talking about our goals than actually achieving them. Sometimes we lack the confidence to take the first step toward our goal. But even if we initially make some progress towards our goal, there’s always a “semi valid” reason for not continuing on. I’m too tired, there’s not enough time…

Yet we’re surrounded by people every day who achieve their big goals. From entrepreneurs to pro athletes, we all have someone we admire for the level of success they’ve achieved. Maybe we even want the same success for ourselves. So why were they so successful, when so many of us fall short of our goals time after time?

Anthony Trucks says it’s because of the way we see ourselves. As a former NFL football player, American Ninja Warrior, successful entrepreneur, author, and speaker, Anthony knows it takes more than just hard work to achieve big goals and elite levels of success. It takes a level of effort that most people aren’t willing to give, because deep down they don’t believe they’re capable of it. In this insightful and engaging program, Anthony teaches audiences how to think, believe, and perform the way elite athletes and the most successful business leaders do, so they can achieve brand new levels of success in their career, their relationships, and in life. Get ready to Make Shift Happen!


In this program, you’ll learn:

  • How our beliefs are linked to our behavior and how we perform each day
  • What the “identity gap” is and how it’s keeping you from achieving your biggest goals in life
  • The 6 “identity drivers” and how they influence whether we achieve our goals—or not
  • How to use the “see, shift & sustain” method to achieve long-term success
  • How to develop habits that help make achieving your goal easier
  • How to identify your “income identity” and how you can change it

Ideal Audience: Corporate, Entrepreneurs, Athletes, and General Audiences and can be tailored for Leadership, Sales, and your Specific Industry

Value: Elevate yourself and your team’s personal power, skill sets, and conviction to WIN, which leads to more impact, income, and limitless success.

Everyone has a desire to access their next level of success in life, but it’s hindered by an unseen force holding them back. An inability to apply relentless pressure towards their dream and achieve it at all costs. Champions win not only because they have worked hard, but because they have outworked their competition and instilled a deeply rooted conviction to compete. They will die before they let someone who hasn’t worked as hard as them beat them.

It’s the work they’ve done in the dark that allows them to shine in the light.

As a former foster kid turned NFL football player, American Ninja Warrior, and successful entrepreneur, Anthony Trucks is an anomaly by any statistics and the only way he was able to shine in the light is because of his “Dark Work Experiences” that molded him, hardened him, and built up Dark Work Energy that field his passion to succeed and shine in the light.

Most people want to “shine” without doing what’s necessary to earn it, and they find themselves falling short of their potential for a lifetime. Anthony believes that when you finally understand the power of a Dark Work Experience, and how to properly and intentionally put yourself through one, you’ll find the “hidden in plain sight” secret to unlimited success and absolutely any area of your life.

In this powerful and soul shaking program, Anthony shares how we can “Do The Dark Work” that will allow us to compete with conviction to shine our brightest in the light. Learn the three phases of a “Dark Work Experience” — Respect The Shine, Do The Dark Work, and Emerge — and how world class achievers utilize them to access levels of success in their career, their relationships, and in life that 99% of people never experience. It’s time to do the work in the dark so NO ONE can take what is yours in the light!

Takeaways: In this program, you’ll learn…

  • How our skill sets, and brazenness to deploy our skill sets, are only developed in the dark
  • The positive power, and critical need, of Dark Energy and how to tap into it at just the right moments
  • What a “Dark Work Experience” is and how to do one on demand, not just when crap hits the fan
  • How to “Define Your Shine” so you curate a vision that’s magnetic to your soul
  • Learn the single question you must ask yourself multiple times a day to tap into your Dark Energy and fuel your success
Culture Shift: How to Leverage Your Team’s Diversity to Achieve More...Together

Research has shown that companies with diverse and inclusive workplaces are better at attracting and retaining talent, engaging employees, and innovating new ideas and products than companies without them. It’s no wonder that “diversity” and “inclusion” are topics on almost every business leader’s mind.

But for Anthony Trucks, these aren’t just trending topics; they’re the very foundation of his life story.

After entering foster care at the age of three, Anthony was finally adopted when he was 14 years old—by a poor, all-white family. As the only black member of his new family, he learned early on that in spite of being different he wasn’t less loved or valued as part of the family. In fact, the unconditional love he received from his adopted family became a driving force in his life. Anthony’s experiences playing football in college and the NFL, as well as his interracial marriage, further shaped his beliefs about how diversity and inclusion affect the bonds between both individuals and teams.

In this eye-opening and humorous program, Anthony shares his personal stories, experiences, and perspectives on diversity, inclusion, and racism. He teaches audiences lessons and tactics that can be used immediately to foster better communication, connection, and understanding between diverse individuals and teams. Anthony’s mission is to inspire people and organizations to build stronger bonds, celebrate differences, and achieve greater success…together.


In this program, you’ll learn:

  • The effects of diversity on your organization’s bottom line
  • How to create a more inclusive culture & help people feel valued for who they are
  • How to value individual differences and team goals at the same time
  • Tactics for better communication and connection between team members
The Shift Starter: You’re Only One Shift Away from Your Full Potential

Whether you’re struggling in your career or dealing with a major life challenge, there’s no shortage of advice on how to find success and happiness. But while you can find countless tools, strategies, and even motivation from outside sources, they rarely lead to the life-changing results we seek. That’s because the biggest obstacle standing between you and the life you want is you.

Anthony Trucks learned this from an early age. Having entered foster care at the age of three, Anthony was adopted by an all-white family when he was 14 and, for the first time ever, had the chance to play football. Though far behind in skill, he loved the game and decided he wanted to be one of the greats. Although the odds were against him—he’d learned that 75% of prison inmates were once foster kids like him—he decided his identity in life was not going to be determined by some statistic. With determination, drive, and hard work, he received a scholarship to play college football, which led to a career in the NFL. After an injury cut his NFL career short, it was this same mentality that helped him become a successful entrepreneur, father, and husband.

Anthony now shows people how to unlock their potential for success and happiness, by making their own “identity shift.” In this inspirational keynote, he shares his personal story of adversity—foster care, an NFL career cut short, near bankruptcy, and divorce—and how the power of self-belief helped him overcome it all. He teaches audiences how to shift the thoughts and beliefs they have about themselves—i.e. their identity—to overcome life’s challenges. With stories about family, football, and facing your fears, Anthony will inspire your audience to turn their biggest obstacles into their greatest opportunities!


In this program, you’ll learn:

  • The psychology behind how our thoughts and self-beliefs—our identity—get “programmed” by our past experiences
  • How to “reprogram” your identity by creating a new past
  • How to design your “ideal identity”
  • What “identity walls” are and how to recognize yours
  • How to change the stories you tell yourself…about yourself
Virtual presentation available
Sr. Program Manager of Learning & Development @ T-Mobile
As a conference event manager for T-Mobile, I would like to share with anyone looking for a keynote speaker… you must consider Anthony Trucks. Anthony blew us all away at our recent Day of Learning event. The message Anthony delivered was personalized and customized and it was motivating, inspiring and captivating. Most importantly his message was clear, concise, actionable, structured and he was laser focused on building the skills of resilience and how to S.H.I.F.T your mindset. Our employees (approximately 7,000 that chose to participate) literally could not get enough and our survey feedback was overwhelmingly positive. I would highly recommend Anthony Trucks for any conference, if his topics are a fit, and I truly believe he would be successful with any audience on any size stage! Anthony Trucks was nothing but a pleasure to work with and he is no doubt a great human!
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