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Daniel Friedland

Daniel Friedland, MD

Innovative and passionate speaker, trainer and executive coach on conscious leadership and transforming burnout into resilience

Sue Woodard

Sue Woodard

Highly acclaimed industry speaker, subject matter expert and technology executive

Karyn Ruth White

Karyn Ruth White

A brilliant comic mind meets an insatiable social curiosity. Result: Clean Comedy Combustion

Paul de Gelder

Paul de Gelder helps teams and leaders build resilience and embrace change so they can overcome adversity, lead with courage, and achieve extraordinary success.

Angela Howell

Inspiring people to find renewed passions for living, loving, working and playing

Robyn O'Brien

Robyn O’Brien

Addressing the economic burden that disease is placing on our families, our companies and our country

James Mapes

James Mapes

Speaker, coach, best-selling author, clinical hypnotist and performer

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