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Lee Colan

Lee Colan

Lee is a rare combination of a well-educated and trained business consultant, prolific author and engaging presenter of ideas.

Randy Gage

Randy Gage

Explode through mediocrity, and achieve the highest levels of success.

Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty

Jay aims to deliver educational and insightful content in an entertaining, uplifting format – with the mission of making wisdom go viral.

Meridith Elliott Powell

Meridith Elliott Powell

An internationally certified coach, consultant, speaker and author, Meridith Elliott Powell has earned an enthusiastic following among industry leaders across the nation.

Pat Lencioni

Patrick Lencioni

Providing organizations with ideas, products and services that improve teamwork, clarity and employee engagement

Dave Ridley

Dave Ridley

Building a world class brand based on service excellence

Anna Liotta

Anna Liotta

What makes the generations tick and what ticks them off

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