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Liz Brunner

Helps people get from where there are, to where they want to go, to who they want to be.

Allison Shapira

Speak with Impact — create effective communicators who unite and encourage teams and revamp your organization.

Jenn Lim

Jenn Lim is the CEO and CHO (Chief Happiness Officer) of Delivering Happiness, co-founded with Tony Hsieh (CEO of to inspire science-based happiness, passion, and purpose at work, home, and in everyday life. Jenn helped Zappos grow from a startup into a billion-dollar business.

Caleb Campbell

What if the inner discomfort you’re facing isn’t an obstacle to endure, but an invitation to expand?

Adam Pacifico

The Rise of Leadership Superpowers in a world of AI and constant change.

Patrick McAndrew

The Productivity Paradox: Rethinking Human Performance in the Digital Age

Sarah Wells

Empowering leaders to overcome their challenges and elevate their success by cultivating a culture of excellence.

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