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Erin Diehl

Pushing leaders and teams to laugh, learn, play and grow.

Mack Leon Dryden

Funniest Motivational Speaker in the US | Funniest Two-Time Cancer Survivor in the US | Killer Corporate Clean Comedian

Christophe Fox

Everyone faces pressure, it’s in those moments that our performance matters most.

Roy Firestone

Critically acclaimed as a performer, monologist, humorist, musician and impressionist, Roy Firestone is one of the nation’s most sought after live corporate performers, keynote speakers and lecturers.

Michelle Anne Johnson

With a BA in Psychology and an MBA, Michelle combines leadership communication and personal transformation principles to guide leaders to step into their personal power, deliver stand-out presentations and keynotes, successfully win promotions. achieve desired outcomes from strategic conversations. and discover authentic, confident, and purposeful leadership.

Kate Davis

Kate Davis delivers powerful, humor-infused keynotes that equip organizations with strategies to foster joy, connection and resilience in the workplace.

Johnny Crowder

Using the power of mental health to transform your relationships, your work… and your life.

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