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Patrick Schwerdtfeger

Patrick is a futurist and leading authority on technology trends including big data, artificial intelligence and social media

Patrick Haggerty

A Washington, DC political and journalism veteran, Haggerty informs and entertains audiences with his political punditry and insights

Curtis Zimmerman

Challenges his audiences to reach a new level of engagement and achievement in life

John Sitilides

Washington D.C. government affairs specialist and consultant to the Department of State

Brett King

Bestselling author, futurist, host of “Breaking Banks” Radio Show, founder of the start-up “Moven”

Kristin Arnold

Helping teams think things through, make better decisions and achieve sustainable, substantive results

Jag Randhawa

Creating a wave of bottom-up innovation culture and empowering employees to grow the business

Donna Hartley

Transforms lives and electrifies her audiences worldwide with her storytelling

Randy Dean

Teaches an advanced time management/personal organization system

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