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Cy Wakeman

Cy Wakeman

Over 25 years experience cultivating a revolutionary new approach to leadership

John Mattone

John Mattone

World’s leading authority on corporate culture, culture transformation, and leadership

Jack Shaw

Technology Futurist – helping others understand the strategic implications of emerging technologies

Dave Ratner

Dave Ratner

Learn how to play with the BIG DOGS and win, from a guy who actually does it.

David Romanelli

Gives people accessible tools to overcome stress, focus their mind, and improve their relationships

Todd Dewett

Todd Dewett

Authenticity is about being “more.” More real. More honest. More credible. Above all, more human

Lisa Bodell

Global expert on simplification and innovation. As a futurist and expert on the topic of change, she serves as a global council member of the World Economic Forum; and has helped thousands of senior leaders ignite innovation at Bloomberg, Pfizer, Lockheed Martin, and many others.

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