Robert Stevenson

Best-Selling Author, world renowned speaker, ranked as one of the Top 5 Experts in the world on Change Management by LinkedIn Thinkers 360. He is a powerful keynote speaker with a humorous and engaging approach.
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- Owned and operated 5 companies
- Sold internationally in over 20 countries
- Spoken to over 2,500 companies throughout the world
- Interviewed over 10,000 employees, managers and senior executives in over 250 industries
- Author of the Best-Selling book – How to Soar Like an Eagle in a Word Full of Turkeys
- Over 2 million people have benefitted from his powerful, practical, compelling and thought provoking programs
- Expert at Building a High Performance Culture Improving Efficiency & Accelerating Growth
*Fee ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact your Speaker Exchange Agency representative.
What is the one thing businesses, technology, markets, teams and customers have in common: Dealing with CHANGE. It is inevitable! Change is not the problem. The inability to cope, handle, and adapt to change is the problem. If you need a powerful speaker who is an EXPERT in moving businesses to new heights with a message that will engage, challenge and inspire people, then you need to hire Robert Stevenson.
Robert was recently ranked #4 in the world by “LinkedIn Thinkers 360” as a Change Management Thought Leader & Influencer. He is a leading authority at building a high-performance culture, improving efficiency, and accelerating growth. He is one of the most widely sought-after business speakers in the world today, as well as a best-selling author.
Robert’s ability to connect with an audience is extraordinarily effective; be it a strategic planning session for a Fortune 500 company to 20,000 salespeople. Simply stated by his clients:
FedEx -“Robert Stevenson’s presentation was absolutely amazing and nothing short of inspiring. We have had many speakers, but never any like Robert … they loved him and want more!”
Carrier -“To say that I am pleased is an understatement. You had a tough audience, full of seasoned sales veterans and you received a Standing Ovation. That says it all. Plus, you did your research and it showed throughout your presentation; I’ve never seen an outside speaker put that much work into customizing their program. Thanks Rob. Great job! “
Honeywell -“This is the third time you have addressed our organization and your presentation was awesome, again.”
American Express -“You hit home on all fronts – service, stress, team building, dealing with change, communication and leadership. I thank you for a truly inspiring and rewarding experience. The best part of all, you made me a hero.”
Robert has owned and operated five companies and sold internationally in over 20 countries. He established and maintained hundreds of international accounts, managed a worldwide sales force, while holding positions from Salesman to Chief Executive Officer. Your people will be hearing from a man who knows what to do, because he has done it.
He will share how successful companies deal with this changing business climate. With over 30 years of extensive corporate and entrepreneurial experience, he understands what it takes to succeed. Robert has spoken to over 2,500 companies throughout the world and interviewed over 10,000 employees, managers and senior executives in over 250 different industries.
Robert Stevenson’s Published Books:
How to Soar Like an Eagle in a World Full of Turkeys – Best Seller
52 Essential Habits for Success
Pocketful of Tweets on Success
Raise Your Line -Amazon’s #1 Best Seller in Business – Kindle Unlimited
Change is a constant. You can either choose to embrace it or watch as your business disintegrates right before your eyes. Everyone is standing on shaky ground. Today’s King of the Mountain could be tomorrow’s case study on failure. Kmart, IBM, and American Express have all found out the power of change, from a position of power to a fight for survival. Radio Shack, Kodak, and Blockbuster, all went bankrupt and ultimate reason for their demise was change.
When a company increases the value offered to a customer by improving the product, enhancing service, offering better technology or increasing efficiencies, the competition must follow. The customer wants it better … they want it easier to use … they want it cheaper … they want it now. Even now, in today’s tenuous economy, it is the customer who is driving the ship. No matter what else is happening, it is the customer who is choosing when and where to spend their money. This program explores change … the successes, the failures, the reasons behind both and how to capitalize on the opportunities that are created because of change.
Throughout the world, technological change and global competition continue on their relentless and disruptive path of uncertainty and volatility. Compounded by the current economic external threats of weakening consumer demand, growing unemployment, tight credit and collapsing housing markets, it is no surprise that many companies today are facing critical decisions on how to survive. Mr. Stevenson has designed this program to help companies, organizations and associations not only survive … but thrive in these types of conditions. “Corporate Culture” is the fundamental character or spirit of an organization that influences the loyalty and general behavior of its employees. When you learn how to combine The Right Corporate Culture with The Right Core Competencies, your organization will begin to thrive.
Having employees fixing problems after-the-fact costs more and results in upset customers. Identifying potential opportunities for the organization creates the possibility for higher profits. Mr. Stevenson’s program will help to show you how to get all your employees to think like an owner, proactively recognizing problems and opportunities.
- Identify core competencies for success
- Recognize the true values and beliefs of your organization
- Learn how to establish and maintain the Right Corporate Culture
- Eliminate hindering, unnecessary, and delaying policies and procedures
- Appreciate the foundation of an enterprise is based on those you serve
- Stimulate the sharing of more ideas, suggestions, and recommendations
- Understand how to create an environment that will encourage innovations
- See the full measure of management is based on achievements not just setting goals
- Enhance performance of the organization by putting to use the talents of all employees
- Create a Culture of Responsibility where employees take accountability for their actions
- Realize the importance of people being able to challenge the “Norm” without fear of reprisal
The Leadership program focus is on practical, insightful and useful skills that help to make relationships work and companies prosper. Designed with the goal of helping organizations thrive in today’s marketplace, Mr. Stevenson identifies how to start, maintain, and deepen working relationships. This program starts with the nine elements of the Leadership Formula then delves even deeper into the philosophy of relationships. Robert Stevenson addresses courage and challenge, confidence and commitment, compassion and communication, change, cooperation, and control.
- People not Procedures
- Action not Talk
- Want To not Made To
- Desired not Required
- Showing not Shouting
- Flexible not Fixed
- Listening not Telling
- Caring not Bottom Line
- A Process Not an Event
- Open two-way channels of communication
- Establish rapport
- Develop respect
- Recognize effort
- Provide effective encouragement
- Deal with differing viewpoints
- Improve listening skills
- Encourage and solicit suggestions
- Master the skills to gain willing cooperation
Mr. Stevenson has developed this program to facilitate the Strategic Planning process. This program enables the organization to get a handle on what it is doing right, where it can improve, and what must be done to reach the goals being set. Some of the greatest experts for any business are their own people. Utilizing various aspects of dynamic interaction, Mr. Stevenson will take full advantage of the brainpower sitting in the room. With Robert as the catalyst driving the audience, everyone will get involved and in no time be combining their collective brilliance to accomplish far more than previously thought possible. This training session will show participants how to involve their own associates or subordinates in obtaining the best possible solutions for problems and issues they face.
Participants will learn how to dig deep to find what needs improvement and learn how to produce a prioritized strategic action plan intended to improve the organization and better prepare it for today’s ever changing environment. Depending on time constraints this program can also give a detailed account of what is going right, and what needs improvement along with having the group produce a prioritized strategic action plan intended to improve the organization and better prepare it for today’s highly competitive and ever changing environment. This seminar will prove to be one of the best allocations of corporate resources ever authorized.
- Human resources are a company’s most valuable asset
- Collective problem identification can be very productive
- Empowering employees results in more energized ideas
- Involving your people in the problem solving process is the most efficient way to produce multiple workable solutions
- An established Focused Action Plan aligns the organization towards common goals
- Establish open, candid communication between team members
- Have all team members addressing critical issues
- Understand that each issue will result in written responses from each team
- Share written responses with the entire audience
- Get everyone involved, making it fun while creating a contagious level of high energy
- Empower individuals to take action
- Understand that with each new issue there will be… more interaction, new responses and a new team member addressing the audience
Why is it that some people succeed while others fail? That answer seems to elude most people. With over two decades of research from having interviewed over 10,000 employees, managers and senior executives in over 250 industries, Mr. Stevenson has amassed an enormous data base on the subject of SUCCESS.
That research has helped him write a book addressing what he feels are the Fifty-Two Essential Habits for Success. Mr. Stevenson has designed a study method so “simple” that he will be able to show your attendees how to master all the habits and make them a part of their daily life. A method that will only take a couple of minutes a day. This program is designed to not only help individuals become more talented, motivated, productive, and successful but help organizations do the same by identifying key habits they must possess as well.
- Bad habits are the core causes of failure
- 40% of the actions people perform each day aren’t from decisions, they are from habits
- Self-awareness, self-vigilance, and self-discipline are necessary to break bad habits
- Having good habits will reduce errors, complications, stress, and unnecessary costs
- Good habits increase effectiveness, profitability, efficiencies, and productivity
- Focus on developing one good habit at a time
Identify bad habits that damage them personally – their reputation, work and career
Understand how to replace bad habits (poor acquired behavior patterns) with good ones
Identify the benefits of good habits and help them commit to them
Appreciate they can improve their habits all by themselves
Understand the importance of sharing good habits with associates
Recognize good habits
- Reduces uncertainty, creates a culture of excellence,
- Helps standardize proper procedures, generate feelings of happiness and security
Understand how to acquire 52 powerful success habits
The art, discipline, techniques of selling have traveled many different paths over the centuries. Whether one is doing research or actually working in businesses it is obvious the path to selling effectively has gone from simple to highly sophisticated and back again. This program doesn’t mean to oversimplify the process of selling something, but it will make it understandable and easy to implement by sticking to the basics. The program breaks down the Art and Science of Selling into a no-nonsense set of guidelines that will make even the most novice of salespeople a success.
- Selling is both an art and a science
- A good salesperson truly cares about their customer
- Successful sales arise from the feeling of responsibility to help the customer
Appreciate the power of being fully prepared
Learn how to handle and overcome objections
Ask better questions
Listen what the customer is really saying
Realize the importance or getting detailed information
Close the sale
Appreciate the importance of following up after the sale
Understand and use the following successfully
- SHOW the customer … DON’T TELL THEM
- FEEL what the customer FEELS
- LOOK to see how and if you can HELP
- HEAR what the customer HEARS
- MAKE CALL after CALL after CALL – the power of prospecting
- LEAD the customer
- SEEK to FIND out their situation
- LOVE what you are doing
- Get the customer to TALK
Communication is an interactive event between two or more individuals; a give and take of thoughts, wants, or needs. Communication is a skill that must be learned and practiced regularly in order to be successful at it. This communication program was designed using proven and powerful communication techniques intended to call the audience to action, calling them to examine their own skills, and then calling them to actively practice improving those skills.
- Communication is a learned behavior that must be practiced
- Communication is more than the ability to form words
- Effective listening is the most important skill in communication
- Before a person will listen there must be rapport
- Rapport is built from trust
- Without confidence there can never be rapport or trust
- Understand how to develop Trust, Confidence and Rapport
- Learn the 9 ways to transform their personal impact
- Develop Verbal, Vocal and Visual communication skills
- Enhance their “Likeability” and “Personality” factors
- Learn the effective use of humor
- Incorporate Neuro-Linguistic techniques
- Understand representational systems: Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic
- Refine their listening skills
- Handle objections properly
- Understand the importance of confidence when seeking agreement
This double-edged sword presentation cuts to the core of performance, both business and personal performance. Mandates from management throughout the country all seem to be singing the same song: “If we are going to remain successful and be players in the marketplace both now and in the future, we must constantly strive to learn more, improve our quality of service, increase customer satisfaction, increase market share and do it in less time with fewer people.”
To keep elements for success effective, to facilitate individuals performing at their Optimum Level, it sometimes takes a catalyst of rare ingredients to first ignite the fire and then keep it blazing. This Peak Performance program was designed to be the catalyst to get things moving, and also teach techniques to keep it going.
- Peak performance is a way of work, not a mad dash to a single goal.
- Both innovation and motivation must be present to excel.
- Doing it the way you have always done it will not get you what you have always gotten. In today’s highly competitive, ever-changing business environment, you can never become what you need to be by remaining what you are.
- Renew past convictions
- Deal with handling and accepting change
- Identify optimum effort, from customer service to moping the floors
- Delve into revamping, removing, and limiting personal paradigms
- Utilize multiple ways to deal with stress
- Explain the most common trait of all successes
This program deals with dispelling the theory that the customer is always right. Whether it was selling a Dixie cup of lemon-aid on the sidewalk or closing a multimillion-dollar deal, anyone who has ever dealt with a customer knows the customer is not always right. Many times the customer is wrong, very wrong; however they are still the customer. This Customer Service program addresses how to keep customers spending their money at your organization without giving away the farm. By exploring not only in the initial sell, but also addressing how to improve repeat and referral business, this program will provide concrete examples of ways to improve your selling techniques. This program has been designed as an educational, interactive seminar for anyone who has customer contact, from Executives, Managers, and Supervisors to Hourly Personnel.
- Anyone who has customer contact is a sales person
- One dissatisfied customer can destroy months or years of positive work
- Never underestimate the power of word-of-mouth
- The customer is right only if it is right for the business
- Identify the definition of Excellent Customer Service for your industry
- Understand the power of customer perception
- Consider alternative methods for improving customer satisfaction
- Recognize problem areas
- Accept and assign responsibility
- Empower your front line service people
- Address the needs and wants of your customers
- Prioritize activities to more effectively address those customer needs and wants
- Respond appropriately to customer complaints after reviewing customer feedback
- Allocate customer service resources more profitably
- Establish, implement and review Service Standards for better customer service
- Analyze strategies for Optimum Customer Service – Building the culture from within
For your organization to succeed in this ever changing environment you need to be certain you are running at peak performance; all resources must be utilized to full potential. When considering the resources of an organization, its most valuable asset is always its human resources. To be able to maximize results, you need to be able to maximize Operations, Preparations, Motivations, and Expectations. Robert Stevenson has developed a program that addresses the many aspects of teamwork and how to make it function at its optimum potential.
Great TEAMWORK is the true reason for success of any company and it rests in the hands of their employees Coming Together as ONE.
- “I’ve Got Your Back” mentality creates a winning culture
- Cooperative teams are more productive
- Teamwork improves the organization
- How to foster at team mentality
- Incorporate the attitude of watching out for each
- Change Reactive or Inactive to Proactive
- See that conflict can be productive
- Handle change as a unit
- Strengthen the weakest link
- Inspire individuals to accelerate the group
- Develop REAL communication…
- Listen with an unprejudiced mind
- Understand dialogue – what it is AND what it is not
- Understand the importance
- Looking beyond their assigned tasks
- Being counted on to always be on time
- Responding to requests in a timely manner
- Helping co-workers complete projects
- Speaking positively
- Respecting co-workers
- Looking for ways to help others
Simple words like “Why” or “What if” can save a company if asked at the right time. Great leaders see challenges as an invitation for the group to test, justify, explain, and prove ideas. They welcome vigorous dialogue and debate. They see argument and disagreement as catalysts to better solutions. Unfortunately, some managers / bosses / CEOs / companies have instilled such an environment of fear that they seldom, if ever, have anyone question their ideas, policies, procedures, or methods. In an environment where the Top 10 In-Demand Jobs today did not exist in 2004 and the amount of technical information in the world is doubling every 2 years, innovation has become one of the critical functions of survival for companies today.
“Great managers” have no problem admitting a policy or procedure just doesn’t work anymore. They understand you cannot become what you need to be by remaining what you are. This program will teach your participants how to delve, inquire, forget the past, try a clean slate, rewrite the rulebook, involve other fields of expertise, look from a different angle, try to find a 2nd right answer, along with the importance of involving all departments and levels of experience. It will show them how to inspire, exchange ideas, share experiences, describe challenges, have a shared sense of purpose, and learn from each other. If you want to create an Innovative Environment where your people will understand the power and purpose of openly and candidly challenging the rules, understanding the genius of subtraction rather than addition, appreciate that the Hero is the one with ideas and how “not” to succumb to the destructive power of traditional mindsets … then this program is for you.
- To understand, How to INNOVATE, you first should identify, Why to Innovate
- You cannot become what you need to be by remaining what you are
- Challenging points of views keep companies healthy
- Healthy companies constantly reinforce the reasons why it is critical to keep improving
- Learn how to get a unified commitment from their department / team
- Identify and understand the Essential Habits for Success for their company/industry
- See the importance of asking and answering the “What If’s”
- Get all employees involved in looking for ways to grow their business
- Look at their company through the “Eyes of Their Enemies” and identify weaknesses they might exploit
Want to bring Robert Stevenson to your next event? Please tell us a little about your event, and we will get back to you shortly!