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Maura Thomas

Maura Thomas

“Attention Management” expert

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Maura Nevel Thomas is an award-winning international speaker, trainer, and author on individual and corporate productivity and work-life balance, and the most widely-cited authority on attention management.

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Maura Nevel Thomas helps driven, motivated knowledge workers recognize that attention management, rather than time management, is the new path to productivity. She has trained thousands of individuals at hundreds of organizations on her proprietary Empowered Productivity™ System, a process to regain control over the details of life and work, achieve more significant results,  and live a life of choice, rather than one of reaction.

Maura’s clients include the likes of Dell, Old Navy, L’Oréal, the American Heart Association, and the U.S. Army. She is a TEDx speaker, successful entrepreneur, and author of Personal Productivity Secrets and Work Without Walls. She is a media favorite, featured weekly in national business outlets including The Wall Street Journal, NPR, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, US News and World Report, and Huffington Post. She was recently named in Inc. Magazine as a top speaker for 2018, and she is a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review, with articles there viewed over a million times.

Maura earned an MBA from the University of Massachusetts and has studied the field of productivity all over the world for more than two decades. She believes that every person has unique gifts to offer the world, and her purpose is to support them in offering those gifts in a way that is joyful and inspiring. She strives to have an impact that is relevant and unique, presenting new ideas and ways of thinking that are applicable to changing times.

Maura believes that her work should be a cause for good, so she is very active in her local community of Austin, Texas, where she has held volunteer leadership positions in a variety of different community organizations and charities. This belief also leads Maura to offer quarterly pro-bono presentations to nonprofits, to donate a percentage of all her revenues to charity, and to have volunteered as a Climate Project Presenter (personally trained on the subject by former Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore and his team of leading climate scientists).

Control Your Attention, Control Your Life! "Attention Management" is the New Path to Productivity

Busy professionals rely on technology to live and work. However this very technology presents some of the greatest challenges to our focus: distractions that constantly derail us not only from the task at hand, but from the path that we determine for our lives. To manage “information overload,” most of us turn to the lessons of time management, but these techniques are outdated and irrelevant. It’s time to learn work-life management skills more suitable for the 21st century. Maura will help you discover the number one skill for the future: “attention management.” In addition, this presentation will provide secrets to help you:

  • Learn how you are sabotaging your own productivity and attention
  • Master the tools you need to regain an hour or more daily for your most high-impact actions
  • Spend more time being proactive rather than reactive, to maintain your path to success
  • Discover the time-saving benefits of Empowered Productivity, putting YOU back in the driver’s seat of your life and work.
Empowered Productivity: Winning the War Against Information Overload

Maura Thomas helps people take control of their busy lives at work and at home so that they achieve their significant results with less stress. As an award-winning speaker, trainer, and best-selling author of two books, Maura shares the truth about goal achievement, from everyday goals to life goals. Her unique message that “attention management” is the new path to productivity will offer your audience a perspective on getting things done that is more relevant to the 21st century. She debunks the myths about “time management” and “information overload,” providing insights from her proprietary workflow management system that empower listeners to:

  • More easily manage all the details of life and work
  • Master work-life balance
  • Tame technology to support productivity instead of sabotaging it
  • Find motivation and exhilaration in daily accomplishments, rather than exhaustion from chaos
  • Lower stress, and improve clarity and peace of mind.

This program is perfect for audiences of professional office staff (admin to CEO) and can be modified for delivery in any time slot from 45 minutes up to a full day or anything in between.

Work Without Walls: A Messages for Executives

The work environment has changed. Is your company ready? If your team is facing a high-pressure atmosphere, having trouble prioritizing, and getting distracted easily, then traditional time management is unlikely to offer the solution. The root of the problem may be a corporate culture problem unintentionally reinforced by senior leadership. In order to solve this problem, your culture needs a reset, and your leadership needs to model effective behaviors. This program will:

  • Provide the foundation of a proven, proprietary workflow management process, enabling executives to more effectively lead, allocate resources, and hold people accountable.
  • Help leaders to be more strategic in their effectiveness, by debunking old-fashioned “time-management” advice and providing a new perspective that is more relevant for the 21st century: attention management.
  • Support them in capitalizing on their knowledge, finding their “flow” and unleashing their genius, to be the visionary thinkers and leaders their positions demand.
  • Raise awareness of a culture that was likely created without intention, and how it may be undermining the productivity and effectiveness of the entire organization.
  • Offer a blueprint for course correction, for both leadership behaviors and corporate culture regarding productivity.

This program is perfect for anyone in leadership: from managers to the C-suite, and is available in formats from 1-4 hours.

Please contact us to see testimonials.
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