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Anne Grady

Helps audiences of all sizes around the world find their courage, build resilience, and lead through influence

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Anne doesn’t talk at people, she moves through solutions with them, inspiring a-ha moments that change lives.

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Anne Grady is not your typical motivational speaker. She is a best-selling author, two-time TEDx speaker, trainer, survivor, optimist, inspirer, and a truth-bomb dropper.

Anne has a master’s degree in organizational communication and has spent the last twenty years working with some of the largest organizations around the globe.

She has become known as a leading expert on resilience, emotional intelligence and leadership, contributing to Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Inc. Magazine, FOX Business and many more.

Audiences love her raw honesty, edgy humor, authenticity, and insight. Anne shares inspiring personal stories, cutting edge, research-based content, and implementation tools to transfer learning into real life to improve relationships, navigate change, and triumph over adversity. And she’ll make you laugh while she does it.

In her first two books, Anne provides practical strategies to improve relationships, increase productivity, and reduce stress.

In her new book, Mind Over Moment: Harness the Power of Resilience (available October 2020), Anne shares her science-based approach to help you become aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in the moment in order to break out of reactivity and live your life on purpose.


Resilience is a set of learned skills, beliefs, and behaviors. Used together, they help turn adversity into a catalyst for growth. If we don’t take time to reset, the physical and psychological results can be catastrophic. More than training, education, or experience, it is resilience that determines our success personally and professionally. Fortunately, resilience is a set of skills and habits that can be learned and cultivated.

More and more organizations are turning to resilience training to help their employees manage stress, navigate change, and overcome obstacles and setbacks. Research has found that organizations that provide resilience training have employees who are more productive, more engaged, and higher performing as a result.

Learn how to take back control, make stress work for you, and cultivate a resilient mindset, skill set, and the ability to reset.

MINDSET – Understand your brain, habits, and belief systems that support and sabotage resilience.

SKILL SET – Learn to cultivate positive emotions, make stress work for you, and engage in activities that proactively build resilience.

RESET – Step out of reactivity to focus on what is most important, resetting your nervous system, priorities, and perspective.


  • Practice brain-based strategies to offset your negativity bias.
  • Identify and overcome self-limiting stories that sabotage your success.
  • Shift the way your brain interprets and responds to stress.
  • Utilize mindfulness to reset your nervous system.
  • Build emotional reserves to prevent and combat burnout.
  • Develop a tool box full of resilience-building skills.

The ability to embrace uncertainty, navigate ambiguity, and use adversity as a tool for growth are the new leadership currency and the fastest path to resilience. Resilient leaders adapt to changing circumstances while encouraging others to do the same, and they have teams with higher productivity, engagement, and a greater sense of well-being as a result.

Resilient leaders personalize their approach, tapping into the unique strengths and motivators of team members. They cultivate emotional intelligence and strong relationships, and they facilitate learning and personal development through everyday experiences. More importantly, these exceptional leaders create a culture of psychological safety, the number one predictor of high-performing teams. Using the latest research in neuroscience and psychology, this session provides a road map to developing resilient teams and organizations.


  • Identify habits that are supporting and sabotaging resilience.
  • Leverage emotional intelligence to build connection, credibility, and trust.
  • Practice gratitude and mindfulness to build a resilient culture.
  • Gain alignment on expectations and priorities.
  • Foster a growth mindset culture.
  • Create a culture of psychological safety.

The way we think about learning, challenges, and obstacles changes the way we learn. Mindsets are a set of conscious or unconscious beliefs that affect how you think about your abilities, how you behave, and how you relate to others. Your mindset impacts the way you view failure, navigate uncertainty, and manage setbacks.

Mindsets fall on a spectrum. Understanding what triggers you toward one end of the spectrum or the other allows you to consciously develop habits that turn adversity into opportunity and failure into learning. Fortunately, your mindset is nothing more than a belief system, and beliefs can be changed. Learn to assess your current mindset, identify self-limiting beliefs, and adopt specific strategies to build a growth mindset.


  • Define characteristics of fixed and growth mindsets.
  • Uncover self-limiting beliefs that may be sabotaging your success.
  • Identify personal fixed mindset triggers.
  • Develop strategies to shift from a fixed to growth mindset.
  • Build skills to improve creativity, problem solving, and decision making.

Leadership is the art of positively influencing the attitudes and behaviors of others, and it occurs at every level in an organization. Regardless of title, great leaders are emotionally intelligent, communicate effectively, and engender authenticity and trust.

While workload, deadlines and shifting priorities are stressful, it is our relationships with others that cause most workplace challenges. Conflict can easily turn into combat, and we often communicate to be right, rather than to get it right. Building the skills and habits that promote effective communication and collaboration is what separates good leaders from great ones. Learn to grow self-awareness and emotional intelligence, improve communication and influence, and tap into the strengths and motivators of others.


  • Build connection, authenticity, and trust with emotional intelligence.
  • Assess, identify and modify communication style for maximum effectiveness.
  • Tap into individual motivators and strengths. • Learn brain-based influence strategies.
  • Create a collaborative environment that drives results.

Information overload, constantly changing technology, and increasing demands to do more with less require us to work differently, more intelligently, and more efficiently. And that was before a global pandemic!

Our personal and professional lives have blurred together to the point where it feels like we are no longer working from home. We are living at work. We have lost the ability to disconnect, and according to a recent Gallup study, over two thirds of full-time workers feel burned out and exhausted because of it.

This session dispels the myth of work life balance and instead helps you to define success and focus on what’s most important. Learn to proactively manage your stress response, identify high-payoff activities, and develop habits that will help you improve focus, energy, and attention.


  • Break out of reactivity to think strategically.
  • Identify personal and professional high-payoff activities.
  • Develop an integrated personal and professional goal setting model.
  • Create strategies to minimize interruptions, fires, and emergencies.
  • Cultivate mindfulness as a productivity tool.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) or Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the ability to recognize, understand and manage your own emotions, identify the emotions of others, and use that information to guide how you think and behave.

EQ is comprised of skills that give you the ability to harness the power of your emotions to navigate change and uncertainty, strengthen relationships, and positively influence the people around you. Emotional intelligence is the single biggest predictor of success in the workplace, and the strongest driver of leadership and personal success.

While IQ may get you hired, EQ is what will determine your performance, engagement, and success. Learn the critical skills needed to accelerate your emotional intelligence to maximize your performance and potential.


  • Understand the role of emotions in your personal and professional success.
  • Assess your current levels of EQ.
  • Practice science-based strategies to regulate and manage emotions.
  • Build self-awareness and uncover blind spots.
  • Utilize mindfulness to build EQ.

Increasing workload, less physical contact, and working remotely have added new complexities to an already difficult workload, taking a toll on both your physical and mental health.

The World Health Organization recently added burnout to its International Classification of Diseases, and over 75% of knowledge workers suffered from this disease at least once in 2020.

Burnout is more than stress or unmanageable workload. It is characterized by specific criteria and has several causes. This session is an opportunity to cultivate skills to prevent burnout, navigate burnout if you are already there, and recognize the signs of burnout in others.


  • Complete a burnout self-assessment.
  • Identify causes and symptoms of burnout.
  • Build emotional reserves to prevent and combat burnout.
  • Identify strategic priorities and high-payoff activities.
  • Create clear boundaries and expectations.
Build Connection, Communication, and Collaboration

Eighty-five percent of our personal and professional success is attributed to our ability to effectively communicate and maintain healthy relationships. Each of us has a unique style in which we communicate, yet the best way to connect with others is to identify their style and preferred approach.

Managing relationships, projects, and every day responsibilities requires skills and awareness that help us understand the perspective of others, tailor our message to our audience, and become aware of the blinds spots that may be getting in our way.

Whether collaborating in person, virtually, or in a hybrid environment, this session is an opportunity to tap into the unique strengths and motivators of others, build credibility and trust, and maximize relationships.

Build credibility, authenticity, and trust
Assess and identify communication behavior styles.
Improve relationships, performance, and productivity.


• Complete a communication style self-assessment.
• Modify your behavior style for maximum communication effectiveness.
• Identify individual motivators and de-motivators.
• Find common ground to improve decision making and problem solving.
• Develop 3 levels of listening.


Thousands of scientific studies have documented the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of practicing mindfulness—lower blood pressure, better sleep, improved mood, stronger relationships, and reduction in stress, anxiety, and depression, just to name a few.

Mindfulness allows you to break out of reactivity, reset your nervous system, and recognize emotional patterns that may be sabotaging your success. This session is filled with specific strategies to practice mindfulness (and you don’t have to sit in a full lotus and find your Zen to do it).


  • Learn to read your nervous system.
  • Recognize thoughts and emotions without getting carried away by them.
  • Use your mind to change your brain.
  • Practice mindfulness exercises.
  • Integrate mindfulness into everyday activities.

There is no shortage of negativity in the world right now, and our resilience is being tested like never before. Fortunately, there is an antidote…Gratitude.

Gratitude has been found to be the #1 predictor of well-being and a strong determinant of resilience. Gratitude affects your brain at a neurological level, having a positive impact on: sleep, mood, alertness, physical risk markers for future disease, happiness, better financial decision making, problem solving, optimism, productivity, and goal orientation.

Practicing gratitude lowers stress, enhances empathy, lowers your risk of cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes, and it improves your immune system and cardiovascular health. This session is filled with specific gratitude practices that will change your brain and your life.


  • Learn the science of gratitude.
  • Use gratitude to offset your brain’s negativity bias.
  • Develop specific gratitude practices.
  • Practice gratitude with your family and team.
  • Integrate gratitude into daily activities.
Managing Up

There is no shortage of negativity in the world right now, and our resilience is being tested like never before. Fortunately, there is an antidote…Gratitude.

Trying to manage your boss, your customers and other key stakeholders can be a daunting process. While workload, deadlines and shifting priorities are stressful, it is the relationship you have with your immediate supervisor that most impacts your job satisfaction. After all, people don’t leave jobs. They leave managers.

Managing up is the process of deliberately working with your leaders and their stakeholders to achieve the best results for you, your team, and the organization. It requires emotional intelligence, clear expectations, boundaries, and specific strategies to deal with different types
of leadership styles.

This session is an opportunity to take control of your career and your leadership relationships. Learn to create shared expectations, improve trust and connection, and manage your own morale.


Build emotional intelligence to leverage different management styles.
Develop skills to build trust, have tough conversations, and create clear expectations.
Develop an internal locus of control in even the toughest relationships.


• Utilize emotional intelligence to build self-awareness and identify the needs of others.
• Leverage others’ strengths, motivators, and work styles.
• Create shared expectations and priorities.
• Utilize strategies to deal with different management styles.
• Provide constructive coaching and feedback.

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