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Kristie Crenshaw

Account Manager

Phone: 502-472-0328

With a rich background in public speaking, training, and coaching in both corporate environments and on national stages, Kristie Crenshaw is delighted to join the Speaker Exchange Agency.

Kristie lives at the center of a Venn Diagram of Speaking + Coaching + Training.

Having successfully coached and trained executives, leaders and pageant contestants on communication, storytelling, and presence… Kristie understands the importance and impact of delivering powerful, audience-centered presentations. With a commitment to excellence and a deep passion for helping others shine, Kristie ensures that every speaker and event is a resounding success.

A speaker and emcee herself from time to time…Kristie loves a win-win and is known for her ability to stay calm under pressure, bring laughter to the mundane and help others recognize their natural gifts and talents. Edit is her favorite four-letter word.

Kristie obtained her BA at Morehead State University with a double major in Theatre and Broadcast Journalism, has a Billboard Magazine Award for her time in morning radio, and has represented Kentucky on the Miss America and Miss Teen USA stages. She was a regional freelance writer for publications focusing on women’s health, fashion and philanthropy. She resides in Shelbyville, KY with her husband, Brooks.

Get to know Kristie Crenshaw…

Why do you love the speaking industry?  I love being a part of a good win-win! Being a match-maker for a client’s specific needs and a speaker’s specific skill ensures the audience gets what they came for AND what they needed. I love learning new things and hearing great stories…and the speaking industry is rich with those opportunities every single day.

What’s your favorite drink?  Really good coffee or cappuccino, herbal and spice teas, and sparkling water (San Pellegrino). I used to drink bourbon (I’m from Bardstown,Ky – the Bourbon Capital of the World and my father worked for Jim Beam for 32 years) but gave up alcohol over 15 months ago…I’m reserving the right to break that streak when offered a really good glass of champagne in celebration of a friend or loved one’s big win (whatever that might mean to them) and for my bucket list travel wish of Italy.

What’s your favorite quote? “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” by Eleanor Roosevelt; a reminder that I am in control of my own feelings and can set boundaries, take ownership of my choices and walk boldly into opportunities that are presented to me…like public speaking.

What’s your favorite vacation destination? A quick weekend in Nashville or Chicago is always a fun time with good food and great friends. I want to go back to Paris with my husband and spend a week at the Louvre. A food and wine tour of Italy is on my bucket list of travel…

What kind of music do you like? Pretty eclectic here. I have Pandora create stations for me based on my preferences and listen to 80’s rock, instrumental jazz, contemporary christian, Michael Buble, Annie Lennox, Gregorian Chant, Chopin, Adele, Queen, Beethoven, Billy Joel…you get the picture.

Tell us about your pets:  Currently dog-less. I had a standard poodle for 11 years that I absolutely adored! We’re planning on another Standard Poodle and Cane Corso pups someday.

If you didn’t work at SEA, what would you do?  I’ll always have my hands in some form of speaking, training and life-long learning.

What’s your favorite thing to-do on the weekend? I love being home. I bake bread or cookies, listen to my husband play the piano (and sing – makes me swoon!), read on the front porch swing and watch movies…

What’s your favorite type of candy? Luxury Dark chocolate (like 75%+ seriously dark). I used to love caramels and toffee…but lost a crown twice on those last year alone…I’ve never turned down Gummy Bears.

Do you have any wisdom to share? Showing up with a “How can I help, how can I serve?” mentality will immediately squash any nerves you may have…as it makes things no longer about you.

What’s your favorite movie?  Impossible to pick one…or even one genre. Some faves: Pride & Prejudice (w/Kiera Knightly & Matthew Macfayden), The Hobbit franchise (w/Martin Freeman), the Harry Potter franchise, the Mission Impossible franchise, Gladiator, The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Pie Society, Age of Adeline…I do love movies.

If you could go back to talk to your 13 year-old self, what would you tell yourself? You’re good enough, read the Bible, stop putting it on a Post-It and start putting it into action and “No, thank you” is a full, complete sentence.

What are you grateful for? Jesus, friends all over the country, a husband that cooks and sings to me… and coffee with another glorious sunrise and the chirping birds on my front porch each morning.

What do most people not know about you? When I am speaking publicly in a high stress situation…I will sweat profusely out of my right armpit and my left nostril will run incessantly. Thank God I have a decent sense of humor and manage my stress well.

What is your favorite sports team? I…don’t follow sports. But I will watch sports-themed movies…does that count?

What is your favorite holiday?  CHRISTMAS!!! The tree goes up and Christmas music on November 1st and stays through the entire month of January (and I will not apologize for that). I love the hope of the Christmas season, the possibility of snow, the lights and decor, the baking and slower time spent with family and friends.

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