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Jack Andraka

Jack Andraka

National Geographic Emerging Explorer Shares His Personal Story, Research, And Ideas For Fostering Innovation And Creativity.

Dr. Jeff Bauer

Dr. Jeff Bauer

Internationally Recognized Health Futurist and Medical Economist

Sam Silverstein

Sam Silverstein

The keynote speaker for creating an accountable workforce, developing committed employees, and retaining great people

Daniel Friedland

Daniel Friedland, MD

Innovative and passionate speaker, trainer and executive coach on conscious leadership and transforming burnout into resilience

Ken Dychtwald

Dr. Ken Dychtwald has emerged as North America’s foremost visionary and original thinker regarding the lifestyle, marketing, health care, and workforce implications of the age wave

Kelsey Tainsh

Kelsey Tainsh, CSP

One of the most fascinating, authentic and entertaining young speakers in America today. She speaks to organizations offering a unique and actionable message on gratitude and perspective.

Warren Macdonald

Warren Macdonald

Warren works with innovative, forward thinking businesses and associations on helping them change the way they see the world.

Robyn O'Brien

Robyn O’Brien

Addressing the economic burden that disease is placing on our families, our companies and our country

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