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Dr. Rebecca Heiss

Stress expert dedicated to transforming our fears into fuel we can use through her T-minus 3 Technique.

Jessica Weiss

The happiness expert that shares the exact tools we need to build powerful, high-performing teams with the essential skills for success in this rapidly changing world of work.

Ryan Day

Head Football Coach, Ohio State University

Dr. José Morey

Hailed as the first Intergalactic Doctor and stands at the forefront of technological advancement

Juan Bendana

Juan Bendana is the author of Confident By Choice and a highly sought after speaker who has spent a decade as a coach to top CEO’s, Olympians, Actors and Fortune 100 Leaders– helping them activate the mindset to lead with confidence, thrive through change, and ignite extraordinary growth.

David Blake

David works with companies that want to leverage people’s passion to increase profits and critical thinking, and who are looking to hardwire Humanness back into their businesses.

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